von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.10.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Science-Fiction

Black Site Studio: Neuheiten

Black Site Studio veröffentlicht digitale Neuheiten

All Hallows 3 All Hallows 2

Black Site Studio – All Hallows Eve  (digital als STL) 6,99 USD

These STL files are scaled to work with our existing range of 28mm-32mm miniatures.  They are best printed on a resin printer. These files are scaled and designed to fit with our other horror products.

In this product you will receive the following digital stls that include supported and unsupported versions

  • 3 Horror Characters

Lunarstl3 Lunarstl1 Lunarstl2 Lunarstl11

Black Site Studio – Lunar Surface Craters  (digital als STL) 4,99 USD

These STL files are scaled to work with 28mm-32mm miniatures.  They are best printed on a resin or FDM (In the case of the larger items) printer. These files come unsupported. Most sections can be printed without supports but certain sections may need some extra supporting.

These files are scaled and designed to fit with our other Lunar products. They are easily scaled down for easier printing.

In this product you will receive the following digital stls
– 1 set of modular terrain consisting of 5 files

  • 3 Lunar craters
  • 1 crashed rover

Lunarstl9 Lunarstl10 Lunarstl8 Lunarstl7 Lunarstl6 Lunarstl5

Black Site Studio – Zvezda 13  (digital als STL) 6,99 USD

These STL files are scaled to work with 28mm-32mm miniatures.  They are best printed on a resin or FDM (In the case of the larger items) printer. These files come unsupported. Most sections can be printed without supports but certain sections may need some extra supporting.

These files are scaled and designed to fit with our other Lunar products. They are easily scaled down for easier printing.

In this product you will receive the following digital stls
– 1 set of modular terrain consisting of 3 files

  • 1 LOX tank
  • 1 Underground entrance
  • 1 set of crates and containers

Greeblies1 Greeblies2

Black Site Studio – Terrain Greeblies and Details  (digital als STL) 2,99 USD

These STL files are scaled to work with 28mm-32mm miniatures.  They are best printed on a resin printer. These files come unsupported. Most sections can be printed without supports but certain sections may need some extra supporting.

These files are scaled and designed to fit with our other Lunar products. They are easily scaled down for easier printing.

In this product you will receive the following digital stls
– 1 set of modular terrain consisting of multiple files

  • 1 set of printable greeblies and details
Quelle: Black Site Studio FB
BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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