von BK-Herr Kemper | 13.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Black Site Studio: Lunar

Black Site Studio kündigt ein neues Projekt an: Lunar. Ein Skirmisher auf dem Mond der 70er und 80er…. der Vorteil: man muss keine Gesichter bemalen.

Black Site Studio Lunar 2 Black Site Studio Lunar 3 Black Site Studio Lunar 1


Black Site Studio – Lunar Ankündigung (ca. Juli)


Humanity has colonized the Moon. Various countries and corporations vie for control of territory and resources. What was once a scientific journey has become a new terrifying theatre of war.

Created by Black Site Studios, Lunar is a 32mm skirmish game set during humanity’s battle for lunar superiority. Choose from a variety of different factions (USA, USSR, Republic of China and more) as you can pit your forces against your opponent on a 2’x2′ playing surface.

Lunar is currently in development, and we are committed to making this an interactive project so check back here for information about early access to the rules or playtesting livestreams!

Imagine yourself as the commander of a unit of astronauts on the moon. You’re thousands of miles from earth with orders to protect the vital assets of the homeland. You and other astronauts like you seek to defend your territory and resources from rival factions and countries. Choose from various ranks, classes, and even some named characters, and muster your forces!

The Lunar core box will include (Prototype shown, details may change)
– 70 Page rulebook
– Color token sheet (double sided print)
-USSR & USA unit cards
-Core weapon and item cards
-5 Multipart USA Astronauts
-5 Multipart USSR Astronauts
-6 Mining and Supply Nodes

The Game

Lunar consists of 3-5 miniatures per side and is played on a 2’×2′ area. Gameplay is based on a simple D6 mechanic that is familiar to many tabletop gamers. You’ll set about building your teams with character, item and equipment cards and battling other players for control of mining and supply nodes. At the heart of Lunar is a fast paced and BRUTAL system of low gravity combat with a focus on melee and minimal ranged combat. The unforgiving and dangerous nature of engaging the enemy on the moon is directly translated onto the tabletop!

Each unit (a single miniature) has its own card with its full range of stats such as movement, mass and resiliency. After choosing your unit you may add item and weapon cards

The concept of “mass” is central to the mechanics of Lunar, each unit and item has a mass value that affect combat, movement and damage.

Lunar has a variety of astronauts, unmanned and heroic units. Each are displayed on the tabletop with highly detailed resin miniatures. A full range of  miniatures and (in the future) vehicles are planned for the various factions so those who are more hobby focused will be rewarded with a ton of great minis to paint!

Lunar is designed for narrative campaign play and features a fun, simple framework for playing linked games.  Players can upgrade their crews with new members and better equipment by purchasing shuttle resupplies, as well as upgrading their settlement with additional enchantments.

Multipart Resin Astronauts!

Lunar will feature a range of multipart resin astronauts. Each faction will receive a multipart set of legs and bodies that can use a universal sprue of weapons and items.  Based on a mix of historical designs from the 60’s 70’s and 80’s we’ve strived hard for a blend of historical accuracy and “what if” scifi fun.

The kits are designed to be completely interchangeable  with each other for modelers to create truly unique looking crews.

Link: Black Site Studio

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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