von BK-Bob | 07.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch, Terrain / Gelände

Black Powder Epic Battle: Waterloo

Das neuste Black Powder Epic Battle zu Waterloo kann vorbestellt werden.

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Starter Set 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Starter Set 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Starter Set 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Starter Set 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Starter Set 5 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Starter Set 6

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Starter Set – 108,00€

Sunday, 18 June 1815; on an unassuming rain-soaked field in Belgium; two great generals of the age finally met in battle. The climactic clash of the Hundred Days campaign wrought the end of around twenty years of continuous warfare on the continent, and with it an end to the reign of Napoleon. The Battle of Waterloo, arguably the most famous battle in all military history, provides more than a fitting subject for our second foray into the ‚Epic‘ scale of wargaming. Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo is here.

This British Army starter set provides a solid core of a British army serving in the Hundred Days campaign – 10 units of line infantry, 3 units of 95th Rifles, units of each type of heavy cavalry (Heavy Dragoons, Scots Greys and Household Cavalry) and light cavalry (Hussars and Light Dragoons), ably supported by 16 pieces of artillery and brigade commanders. Also included is an MDF building of La Belle Alliance Inn and a bespoke A5 softback rulebook with Napoleonic specific content.

Full Contents:

  • 10 Units of Line Infantry
  • 3 Units of 95th Rifles
  • 1 Unit of Heavy Dragoons
  • 1 Unit of Scots Greys
  • 1 Unit of Household Cavalry
  • 1 Unit of Hussars
  • 1 Unit of Light Dragoons
  • 16 Artillery Pieces
  • 9 Brigade Commanders
  • La Belle Alliance MDF Scenery Piece
  • Bespoke A5 Softback Black Powder: Epic Battles Rulebook

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Heavy Cavalry Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Heavy Cavalry Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Heavy Cavalry Brigade 3

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Heavy Cavalry Brigade – 30,00€

Arguably the best shock cavalry of the period, the British heavy cavalry showed great bravery but poor control on the day of Waterloo. These heavy cavalry smashed the French columns to pieces but, due to their poor leadership, they were destroyed by the French in turn. There were two heavy cavalry brigades, the Household division with four regiments and the Union Brigade with three. To give close support the Royal Horse Artillery attached to them field fast-moving, deadly 6-pounder guns. Sound the charge!

This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three British heavy cavalry regiments (two bases of Royal Scots Greys, three bases of Household Cavalry and six bases of Heavy Dragoons) and a 3-gun battery of Royal Horse Artillery 6-pdrs.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Infantry Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Infantry Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Infantry Brigade 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Infantry Brigade 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Infantry Brigade 5

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Infantry Brigade – 30,00€

These are ‚Noseys‘ men – solid battalions of redcoats who would stand firm at Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Disciplined, tough and all volunteers, they had high confidence in themselves and their officers, and held the crucial ridge all day long against a brave and determined enemy. These plastic figures can be painted as British line and Guards regiments or Kings German Legion. With a minor modification these will work as the brave blue-tuniced Belgians. A Colonel on horseback is included for each unit and a 9-pounder Royal Artillery battery to engage the enemy at long range with a hail of shot and shrapnel. To keep the enemy skirmishers at bay, they are accompanied by the famous riflemen, all sharpshooters to a man.

This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three British line infantry regiments of 80 men each, a regiment of 95th Rifles with 60 men, a 3-gun Royal Artillery 9-pdr battery and three mounted brigade commanders.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Light Cavalry Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Light Cavalry Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Light Cavalry Brigade 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Light Cavalry Brigade 4

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Light Cavalry Brigade – 30,00€

British light cavalry had a reputation of ‚galloping at anything‘ and whilst not entirely fair, they certainly were not shy in taking on enemy light cavalry and indeed even the huge armoured heavy French cavalry, as the men were confident in themselves and their horses being as large as the heavy French steeds. The light cavalry were gloriously attired. This boxed set enables you to build brigades of light cavalry with the two types of hussars and the more sombre light dragoons who thought themselves the equal of the foppish hussars. They are accompanied by the ever-reliable Royal Horse Artillery 9-pounder guns. Tally ho!

This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three British light cavalry regiments (3 bases of Hussars in shako, 3 bases of Hussars in busby and 5 bases of Light Dragoons) and a 3-gun battery of Royal Horse Artillery 9-pdrs.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG British Napoleonic Paint Set (8)

British Napoleonic paint set (8) – 24,00€

With a reputation for their fantastic quality, we have worked with Vallejo to produce this great value set to help get you started painting your British Napoleonic forces.

This paint set includes:

  • 70.976 – Buff
  • 70.836 – London Grey
  • 70.957 – Flat Red
  • 70.899 – Dark Prussian Blue
  • 70.896 – G.C. Extra Dark Green
  • 70.865 – Oily Steel
  • 70.820 – Offwhite
  • 70.801 – Brass

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Starter Set 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Starter Set 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Starter Set 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Starter Set 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Starter Set 5

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Starter Set – 108,00€

Sunday, 18 June 1815; on an unassuming rain-soaked field in Belgium; two great generals of the age finally met in battle; ending fifteen years of continuous warfare on the continent, and bringing to an end the reign of Napoleon. The Battle of Waterloo, arguable the most famous battle in all military history, provides more than a fitting subject for our second foray into the ‚Epic‘ scale of wargaming. Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo is upon us.

This French Army starter set provides a solid core of a French army fighting in the Hundred Days campaign – 10 units of line/light infantry, 3 units of skirmishing voltigeurs, units of each type of heavy cavalry (Cuirassiers, Dragoons and Carabiniers) and light cavalry (Hussars, Chasseurs a Cheval and Lancers), supported by 16 pieces of artillery and brigade commanders. Also included is an MDF building of the Dacoster House and a bespoke A5 softback rulebook with Napoleonic specific content.

Full Contents:

  • 10 Units of Line Infantry (80 men per Unit)
  • 3 Units of Skirmishing Voltigeurs (13 Bases of 6 men each)
  • 1 Unit of Cuirassiers
  • 1 Unit of Dragoons
  • 1 Unit of Carabiniers
  • 1 Unit of Hussars
  • 1 Unit of Chasseurs a Cheval
  • 1 Unit of Lancers
  • 16 Artillery Pieces
  • 9 Brigade Commanders
  • Dacoster House MDF Scenery Piece
  • Bespoke A5 Softback Black Powder: Epic Battles Rulebook

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Heavy Cavalry Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Heavy Cavalry Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Heavy Cavalry Brigade 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Heavy Cavalry Brigade 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Heavy Cavalry Brigade 5

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Heavy Cavalry Brigade 30,00€

Cuirassiers, Carabiniers and Dragoons were France’s heavy strike force and had proven themselves throughout Europe on every battlefield and against a host of enemies. Well-armed and armoured, and intelligently led, these are big men on big horses – two thirds of them in shining steel and copper armour bright in the Belgian sunlight.

Some regiments may have taken their beloved eagle standards on the field of battle as rallying points – we have included this option for those wishing to field them in all their glory. This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three French heavy cavalry regiments (four bases of Cuirassiers, three bases of Carabiniers and three bases of Dragoons) and a 3-gun horse artillery 6-pdr battery.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Infantry Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Infantry Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Infantry Brigade 3

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Infantry Brigade – 30,00€

‚Vive L’empereur!‘ A cry shouted from thousands of proud Frenchmen as ‚Les bleus‘ stormed forward in tight, disciplined columns on the 18th June 1815 at the small Belgian town of Waterloo. Many of these veterans had served for years with Napoleon and his hard-hitting armies. They fully intended to see off Wellington’s Allied army and march to Brussels in glory. The infantry columns were screened by hundreds of voltigeurs, light infantry in loose order whilst overhead fire by massed foot batteries of 6-pounders hammered the allied lines. Who can stand in their way?

This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three French line or light infantry regiments of 80 men each, 24 voltigeurs skirmishing, a 3-gun Foot Artillery 6-pdr battery and a mounted brigade commander.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Light Cavalry Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Light Cavalry Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Light Cavalry Brigade 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Light Cavalry Brigade 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Light Cavalry Brigade 5

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Light Cavalry Brigade – 30,00€

There are few more impressive sights to see than massed French light cavalry in full array. Green-clad Chasseurs and the colourfully dressed Hussars did most of the outpost and scouting duties before battle commenced. Perhaps the most impressive of the light cavalry units are the splendidly dressed and equipped lancers of the line wielding wicked 9 foot long ash lances that used to deadly effect. Accompanying them is a battery of 6-pounder horse artillery served by skilled veteran gunners who can advance with their cavalry brigade.

This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three French light cavalry regiments (21 Lancers, 18 Hussars and 21 Chasseurs a Cheval) and a 3-gun horse artillery 6-pdr battery.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG French Napoleonic Paint Set (8)

French Napoleonic paint set (8) – 24,00€

With a reputation for their fantastic quality, we have worked with Vallejo to produce this great value set to help get you started painting your French Napoleonic forces.

This paint set includes:

  • 70.947 – Dark Vermillion
  • 70.953 – Flat Yellow
  • 70.899 – Dark Prussian Blue
  • 70.820 – Offwhite
  • 70.878 – Old Gold
  • 70.865 – Oily Steel
  • 70.836 – London Grey
  • 70.891 – Intermediate Green

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo Battle Bundle 1

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo Battle Bundle – 216,00€

This pre-order bundle qualifies for free courier shipping! We will also provide a Delivery Duties Paid (DDP) service on all orders to the EU – that means no customs fees!

Sunday, 18 June 1815; on an unassuming rain-soaked field in Belgium; two great generals of the age finally met in battle. The climactic clash of the Hundred Days campaign wrought the end of around twenty years of continuous warfare on the continent, and with it an end to the reign of Napoleon. The Battle of Waterloo, arguably the most famous battle in all military history, provides more than a fitting subject for our second foray into the ‚Epic‘ scale of wargaming. Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo is here.

This bundle contains one of each of the British and French starter sets, giving you two sizeable and evenly matched forces with which to match wits on a Black Powder battlefield.

By pre-ordering this bundle, you’ll also receive promotional miniatures will not be available after the game’s release.

These are:

  • Sous-lieutenant Legros – nicknamed ‚Le Enforceur‘ as he takes an axe to the gates at Hougoumont. He is accompanied by an infantryman and a drummer boy (the only Frenchman left alive by the British at Hougoumont).
  • Sergeant Ewart of the Scots Greys snatching the eagle from an ensign of the 45th line Infantry regiment.

Full Bundle Contents:

  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Starter Set
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Starter Set
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – Ewart’s Eagle (exclusive to Waterloo pre-order bundles)
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – L’Enforceur’s Hougoumont Assault (exclusive to Waterloo pre-order bundles)

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Paint Set & Scenery Starter Bundle

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo British Paint Set & Scenery Starter Bundle – 184,80€

Sunday, 18 June 1815; on an unassuming rain-soaked field in Belgium; two great generals of the age finally met in battle. The climactic clash of the Hundred Days campaign wrought the end of around twenty years of continuous warfare on the continent, and with it an end to the reign of Napoleon. The Battle of Waterloo, arguably the most famous battle in all military history, provides more than a fitting subject for our second foray into the ‚Epic‘ scale of wargaming. Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo is here.

This bundle contains a British starter set as well as a scenery pack depicting the farmhouse at La Haye Sainte. An anchor to the Allied army’s left flank and vital communication line to his Prussian allies, the epic struggle at La Haye Sainte is now the stuff of legend, with its garrison of the King’s German Legion and their allies clinging on grimly against massed French infantry assaults. Additionally resin pieces representing the sandpit and barricade are included as well as some highly detailed apple trees to populate the orchards that stood near to the farmhouse. You’ll also receive a paint set to get your troops battle ready.

By pre-ordering this bundle, you’ll also receive the special edition promotional miniature Sergeant Ewart of the Scots Greys – presented snatching the eagle from an ensign of the 45th line Infantry regiment. This miniature will not be available after the game’s release.

Bundle Contains:

  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Starter Set
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – La Haye Sainte Scenery Pack
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – La Haye Sainte sandpit & barricade
  • Black Powder – British Infantry Napoleonic Paint Set
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – Apple Trees
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – Ewart’s Eagle (exclusive to Waterloo pre-order bundles)

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo British Starter Bundle

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo British Starter Bundle – 198,00€

Sunday, 18 June 1815; on an unassuming rain-soaked field in Belgium; two great generals of the age finally met in battle. The climactic clash of the Hundred Days campaign wrought the end of around twenty years of continuous warfare on the continent, and with it an end to the reign of Napoleon. The Battle of Waterloo, arguably the most famous battle in all military history, provides more than a fitting subject for our second foray into the ‚Epic‘ scale of wargaming. Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo is here.

This bundle contains one of each of the British releases for the game, ensuring you’ll have plenty of troops to attain victory on the field of Waterloo.

By pre-ordering this bundle, you’ll also receive the special edition promotional miniature Sergeant Ewart of the Scots Greys – presented snatching the eagle from an ensign of the 45th line Infantry regiment. This miniature will not be available after the game’s release.

Bundle Contains:

  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Starter Set
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Infantry Brigade
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Light Cavalry Brigade
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – British Heavy Cavalry Brigade
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – Ewart’s Eagle (exclusive to Waterloo pre-order bundles)

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Paint Set & Scenery Starter Bundle

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo French Paint Set & Scenery Starter Bundle – 204,00€

Sunday, 18 June 1815; on an unassuming rain-soaked field in Belgium; two great generals of the age finally met in battle. The climactic clash of the Hundred Days campaign wrought the end of around twenty years of continuous warfare on the continent, and with it an end to the reign of Napoleon. The Battle of Waterloo, arguably the most famous battle in all military history, provides more than a fitting subject for our second foray into the ‚Epic‘ scale of wargaming. Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo is here.

This bundle contains a French starter set and a scenery pack depicting the strategically vital farmhouse at Hougoumont. The importance of the walled chateau at Hougoumont was underlined by the elite troops the Duke of Wellington placed in its defence. These troops were garrisoned just before their French enemy also sought to occupy the buildings, such was its significance and the bloody struggle for its control raged for hours. You’ll also receive a paint set to get your troops battle ready.

By pre-ordering this bundle, you’ll also receive the special edition promotional miniature Sous-lieutenant Legros – nicknamed ‚Le Enforceur‘ as he takes an axe to the gates at Hougoumont. He is accompanied by an infantryman and a drummer boy (the only Frenchman left alive by the British at Hougoumont). This miniature will not be available after the game’s release.

Bundle Contains:

  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Starter Set
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – Hougoumont Scenery Pack
  • Black Powder – French Infantry Napoleonic Paint Set
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – L’Enforceur’s Hougoumont Assault (exclusive to Waterloo pre-order bundles)

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo French Starter Bundle

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo French Starter Bundle – 198,00€

Sunday, 18 June 1815; on an unassuming rain-soaked field in Belgium; two great generals of the age finally met in battle. The climactic clash of the Hundred Days campaign wrought the end of around twenty years of continuous warfare on the continent, and with it an end to the reign of Napoleon. The Battle of Waterloo, arguably the most famous battle in all military history, provides more than a fitting subject for our second foray into the ‚Epic‘ scale of wargaming. Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo is here.

This bundle contains one of each of the French releases for the game, ensuring you’ll have plenty of troops with which to try and circumvent history on the tabletop and strive for victory for Napoleon.

By pre-ordering this bundle, you’ll also receive the special edition promotional miniature Sous-lieutenant Legros – nicknamed ‚Le Enforceur‘ as he takes an axe to the gates at Hougoumont. He is accompanied by an infantryman and a drummer boy (the only Frenchman left alive by the British at Hougoumont). This miniature will not be available after the game’s release.

Bundle Contains:

  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Starter Set
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Infantry Brigade
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Light Cavalry Brigade
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – French Heavy Cavalry Brigade
  • Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – L’Enforceur’s Hougoumont Assault (exclusive to Waterloo pre-order bundles)

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo Hougoumont Scenery Pack 1

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – Hougoumont Scenery Pack – 72,00€

This scenery pack contains the strategically vital farmhouse at Hougoumont. The importance of the walled chateau at Hougoumont was underlined by the elite troops the Duke of Wellington placed in its defence. These troops were garrisoned just before their French enemy also sought to occupy the buildings, such was its significance and the bloody struggle for its control raged for hours.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo La Haye Sainte Scenery Pack 1

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – La Haye Sainte Scenery Pack – 36,00€

This scenery pack provides one of the most famous buildings in military history – the farmhouse at La Haye Sainte. An anchor to the Allied army’s left flank and vital communication line to his Prussian allies, the epic struggle at La Haye Sainte is now the stuff of legend, with its garrison of the King’s German Legion and their allies clinging on grimly against massed French infantry assaults.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo La Haye Sainte Sandpit & Barricade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles Waterloo La Haye Sainte Sandpit & Barricade 2

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – La Haye Sainte sandpit & barricade – 9,60€

Men of the 95th Rifles stationed themselves in a sandpit across the chausee in stoic defence of the vital (and itself highly defensible) position of La Haye Sainte. Their position resulted in deadly crossfires being perpetrated against the assaulting French. Meanwhile a makeshift barricade was thrown up against the main gate – the British using anything available to make their defensive positions more favourable. This scenery pack contains 2 resin pieces.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder & Epic Battles Rivers Scenery Pack 1 WG Black Powder & Epic Battles Rivers Scenery Pack 2

Black Powder & Epic Battles – Rivers Scenery Pack – 24,00€

These great-looking and easy to store river sections will provide your games with natural obstacles to overcome or maybe the scenario relies on you taking control of the crossing point? This scenery pack contains one of the most used terrain types seen on wargames tables – rivers. These laser-cut MDF sections are supplied with hard-wearing, photo-realistic self adhesive artworks allowing you to have fantastic looking water features on your tabletop no matter the scale!

Great for a number of rules systems & miniature scales, these are as equally suited to represent rivers in Black Powder Epic Battles as they are streams in Bolt Action or other 28mm wargames.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG Black Powder & Epic Battles Roads Scenery Pack 1 WG Black Powder & Epic Battles Roads Scenery Pack 2

Black Powder & Epic Battles – Roads Scenery pack – 24,00€

This scenery pack contains one of the most used terrain types seen on wargames tables – roads. These laser-cut MDF sections are supplied with hard-wearing, photo-realistic self adhesive artworks allowing you to have fantastic looking tracks, trails or roads on your tabletop no matter the scale!

Great for a number of rules systems & miniature scales, these are as equally suited to represent roads in Black Powder Epic Battles as they are for narrower tracks in Bolt Action or other 28mm wargames.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

WG French Napoleonic Paint Set (8) 1 WG French Napoleonic Paint Set (8) 2

Black Powder Epic Battles: Waterloo – Apple Trees – 7,20€

Prior to the desolation wrought by the fierce combat, the area of Waterloo was lush with apple trees, with orchards both present at the key positions of Hougoumont and adjacent to La Haye Sainte farmhouse. Alas, being situated on the site of the most famous of historical battles, many a tree bore the broken branches and brunt of cannon and gunpowder – the orchard at Hougoumont, the site of several assaults, has yet to be replanted to this day.

Populate your Black Powder Epic Battles battlefields with this pack of four highly detailed (and pre-battle-ravaged) apple trees.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich hoffe ja, dass die Epic Reihe so erfolgreich wird, dass auch ein antikes Setting kommt. Damit hätten sie mich sofort. Aber auch hier juckt es mich einzusteigen.

    • Das war mein erster Gedanke als damals die ACW Box rausgekommen ist. Für einen römischen Bürgerkrieg oder Hopliten gegen Hopliten könnten auch beide Seiten die selben Miniaturen verwenden.

      • Gut, hier zeigen sie ja auch, dass sie Boxen mit unterschiedlichen Einheiten produzieren können. Auf die Art könnten sie für mich einmal durch die gesamte Antike durch gehen. Ich würde einfach alles nehmen.

  • Wie auch schon bei ACW-Epic:
    Ein kurzer Schockmoment – mehr als 200 Minis in 28mm bemalt, trotzdem nicht wirklich spielbereit; jetzt dieser billige 12mm (?) Epic-Kram, der große spielbare und akzeptabel aussehende Black Powder Armeen realistisch macht…waren die vielen hundert Euro für Perry, Calpe, Frontrank in 28mm rausgeschmissenes Geld, die Malzeit vergeudet?
    Nö; wenn mir Uniformen-Details nicht egal sind, dann sind diese Minis m.E. zu „gesichtslos“ und uniform; will ich auf Korps-Ebene spielen, dann wäre es eine echte Alternative zu den 6mm-„Klumpen“. Gut aussehen tut es aber in meinen Augen nicht.

    • Es sind ja nicht nur die Details, auch die Zusammenstellung der Gußrahmen ist seltsam, da hat von manchen Einheiten recht schnell viel zu viel und von anderen imme noch zu wenig. Da ist die preisliche Ersparnis gegenüber 28mm einzig bei den Kanonen die man hier quasi „gratis“ bekommt.

      Und da nicht zu erwarten ist das außer Preußen noch andere Nationen kommen (weil eben Waterloo) ist es damit außerhalb dieses Szenarios eh keine echte Alternative zu 28mm, 1/72 oder 6mm

  • Die Figuren gefallen mir wirklich gut, wenn da dann noch ein paar Alternative Truppen kommen, wäre das Klasse! So ist es mir noch ein bisschen zu sehr Clone Wars.

    Ich habe überhaupt keine Vorstellungen zur Bemaldauer in keinen Maßstäben, hat jemand einen Anhaltspunkt zu 28mm?

    • Ich habe nur sehr eingeschränkte erfahrung, weil ich gerade eine wortwörtliche Handvoll 6/8 mm Minis als Basedeko für Titanicus gemalt habe.
      Die Antwort ist aber: Schnell!
      Zumindest solange man nicht versucht Pupillen reinzumalen. 😉

      Aber Spaß beiseite, letztenendes pinselt man ja Fläche an. Und so eine 6mm hat wirklich wenig Fläche. In dem Maßstab will man es eh sehr kontrastreich haben, sodass ich denke dass man mit Grundfarbe+Wash+Brush+Helmhighlight wirklich zu Ergebnissen kommen kann die gut aussehen, wenn da 200 Typen stehen.

    • Die Sachen erscheinen aber erst Ende Januar 2022.

      Aktuell kann man das nur vorbestellen, Boxen unter dem Weihnachtsbaum wird es davon aber noch nicht geben.

  • Das Thema finde ich auch ziemlich interessant. Bei der Antike wäre ich auch sofort dabei😃. Was das Bemalen betrifft…. Oha ich glaube da wird man sich ein Wolf malen🖌️😅

  • Haben die doch tatsächlich die Zahl der Speichen bei den Lafetten der Artillerie auf ein realistisches Maß erhöht. Das hat mich bei den ACW Sets so genervt, die 8 Speichen waren mir selbst in diesem Maßstab zu primitiv und simpel! Geht doch also, warum nicht gleich so.

    Die Napoleonische Epoche interessiert mich jetzt nicht so sehr, aber wenn die eine Range für den 30-jährigen Krieg raus bringen, würde ich wohl schwach werden.

  • Ich freue mich auf diese Boxen und werde mir das ein oder andere holen.

    Auf die normale Spielentfernung vom Tisch aus gesehen sind Details eh nur noch Nebensache und eher unter dem Aspekt „ich persönlich weiß, dass XY fehlt/falsch ist“.

  • Toll… Also wäre Kunststoff-Kavallerie doch beim ACW auch möglich gewesen. Aber da hatten sie es noch in überteuerten Gummi produziert.
    Tja, Waterloo holt mich gar nicht ab. MMn der langweilige Teil der Napo-Kriege. Auf beiden Seiten fehlen viel zu viele Nationen und das Ergebnis stand im Grunde vorher schon fest.

  • Da wird mein Geld hingehen für die großen Boxen… da kann ich endlich meine 3d Druck Dateien drucken und sinnvoll nutzen – 12mm sagt ihr ist der Maßstab?.

    • Du musst aufpassen. 12mm geistert irgendwie durchs Netz, aber genauso wie 28mm nicht wirklich 28mm sind, sind die 12mm hier wohl eher 13,5-14mm.
      Es gab zu dem Vorgänger viele Vergleiche im Netz und der funktionierte wohl auch mit „kleinen“ (d.h. Nicht heroischen) 15mm.
      Es gibt aktuell einen Typ in USA der liefert die noch fehlenden ACW Einheiten und spricht von 14mm.

      Ansonsten viel Spaß beim drcuken. Müßte eigentlich hervorragend klappen.

  • Super danke! Dann muss ich wohl warten bis ich die Figuren in den Händen habe und dann die Gebäude skalieren

  • Also
    1. Dieser Alleinstellungsmerkmal 12.5 mm ist doof. Nicht mischbar.
    2. Die komische Zusammenstellung der Box.
    3. Zentrierung auf Briten und Franzosen. Wo sind die Preußen? Belgier? Holländer?
    4. Die Erweiterungen finde ich teuer
    5. Lieblos Modelle.
    6. Viele haben es schon in 28mm oder 15mm.

    7. Alles aus einer Hand. Leicht zu besorgen.

    Aber mich holt es aus den Gründen 1 bis 6 nicht ab.

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