von BK-Herr Kemper | 19.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

BigMrTong: Rat Rider

BigMrTong ist eher klein auf Patreon – die Nachdreck Rat Rider Cavalry ist die neuste Kreation mit starken Brian-Froud-Vibes.

BigMrTong Nachdreck Rat Rider 1 BigMrTong Nachdreck Rat Rider 6 BigMrTong Nachdreck Rat Rider 5 BigMrTong Nachdreck Rat Rider 4 BigMrTong Nachdreck Rat Rider 3 BigMrTong Nachdreck Rat Rider 2

BigMrTong – Nachdreck Rat Rider – STL via Patreon

I have uploaded the Nachdreck cavalry with their rat steeds. They are modular for easier print and mix and match possibility’s.

„The Nachdreck’s are often known in the tavern chat as a bad or evil race, but this is not necessarily the case. Their culture is very different to that of man, and this combined with their bird derived heritage leads to a different culture, values and outlook on life to that of man. They live in a barren scrubland and have been flightless since their gods blessed them with the intelligence. Living on the ground, their main environmental partner is the giant rats that roam the area. A prize food for an adult Natchdreck is finding a dead rat carcass to feed on to supplement the roots and grubs they forage on throughout the day. However; the rats’ favourite food is the baby Nachdreck’s they can pluck from their nests. Due to this relationship, the Natchdreck rat riding cavalry are revered in the community as skilled warriors and rat beastmasters.“

BigMrTong ist ein ambitionierter Hobbyist, der hier per Patreon für 5,00 USD/Monat seine ganzen Modelle teilt:

It’s all about the coffee when I’m 3D modeling, $5 will buy me a large Latte.  I drink 4 or 5 a day .. keep me going.
This Tier will get early views on my work in progress (WIP) on my new models and will also be granted access to all my model sets not on Thingiverse. (No sales of any of my models)
$5 a month support will get you access to all my model sets. (via a Google Drive link)

Link: BigMrTong Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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