von BK-Bob | 03.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Battle Squares: Kickstarter für Eckbases

Magnetisierte Eckbases mit Trays sind auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

BATTLE SQUARES: Trays and Bases

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Magnetic resin bases and movement trays for fantasy „rank and flank“ wargames.

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Hi, my name is Sebastian Cybulski, and collecting and painting minis is my one true hobby. I have fond and vivid memories of my first Warhammer Fantasy Battle army book and battles. I got the book from my fantastic friends in the late 1990s and I fell in love instantly with colorful minis and epic armies. Orcs and goblins caught my eyes immediately, but small funds did not allow me to collect much, so I ended up with few painted models.

However, the passion for the game and minis has never stopped flowing through my veins. Since 2004, I have been fulfilling my dream and I have designed and manufactured terrains for all kinds of wargames. I have created StudioLevel brand, which can boast of 5 successfully funded Kickstarter campaigns. Yet the real breakthrough has come when I have decided to start my painting and collecting adventure for real.

Today, my collection includes the armies of Space Wolves, Death Guard, customized Orks with Star Wars models, Khorne Bloodbound, and, recently, Orcs and Goblins army of a truly WAAAGH! proportion. “Old love dies hard”, so that is how I have fulfilled my childhood dream. I started my work immediately, I cut and glued the parts together, wash old paint and then I asked myself one question:

Where Will I Get Classic Trays and Bases?

After long searching, digging the internet three times over and browsing through wargaming forums, I noticed the same question asked time and time again. That is why I have decided to manufacture classic trays and bases: for myself and for you! 

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The experience I have gained throughout the years and StudioLevel workshop allow me to professionally prepare the trays and bases. And, additionally, our favorite wargaming company from the United Kingdom has announced that The Old World-that-was will be back, so, here we are! Feel free to learn more about and thanks for supporting my project.

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Make Your Fantasy Gaming Easier!

Tumbled tombstones, broken bones and scary skulls will add the epic feel of a gruesome battleground. Also, this solution will save you time of customizing your bases – I know that not everyone likes doing this. Trays make your gaming experience smoother and you can move your units quickly and safely.

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If you need to choose the same product 2-3 times in your pledge (standard and champion option), of course you will do that in Pledge Manager! No problem!

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Epic Graveyard Details

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Other Themes For Trays and Bases ?

Before the campaign, we got a lot of questions whether the project would include themes for sets of trays and bases other than a cemetery. As of now, I don’t have such plans. First and foremost, I need your feedback and support for this project 🙂 I believe that together we’ll see if it’s worth our joint effort to develop such projects and invest more in them. Let’s remember that rank-and-flank games are not the most popular ones these days.

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However, I want to satisfy my brave backers, so I’d like to show you the potential of Battle Squares with 4 painting schemes. We have a winter-theme and a desert one, a jungle and hot-like-hell. Additionally, I made a sample with a classic green edge in a version 2.0. I hope we can unlock each tutorial in the stretch goals, so everyone has easier time when preparing their trays and bases. So, let’s get to work!

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Final Product

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Stretch Goals:

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Almost every company and customer has experienced the negative effects of this year’s lockdown on international shipping. Particular services were put on hold or canceled, which caused huge delays in the delivery of the products bought online. Currently, the majority of delivery companies work normally but due to the pandemic, the prices for international shipping have significantly increased. Nobody likes to pay for the delivery, but unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do about this. Your models need to be safely packaged for the whole, usually long, trip.

Also note that the shipping price covers not only the delivery itself but also sorting and packing, invoicing, insurance, replacement, etc.

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Because each “BATTLE SQUARES: Trays and Bases” set contains different products, the final shipping cost will be added in the Pledge Manager once the campaign ends. The system calculates the total weight of your order. Details about the weight of trays and bases can be found in the ADD-ONS section. The table above presents only estimated shipping costs to particular countries and regions. The shipping cost for your order may slightly differ.

Ash Barker hat ein Review zu den Battle Squares veröffentlicht:

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 8 Tage.

Quelle: Battle Squares


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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