von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Weltkriege

Bad Squiddo: Women of WW2 Soviet Russia

Bad Squiddo zeigen Previews des nächsten Kickstarters: Women of WW2 Soviet Russia.

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Bad Squiddo – Women of WW2 Soviet Russia

We are DELIGHTED to be bringing to YOUR tabletop some brand new figures to increase our Women of the Red Army range of 28mm metal figures.
Introducing winter variants in the ever so snuggly ushankas and great coats, as well as new additions to the summer uniform range.
NOTE: This was due to launch 31st March, but KS have delayed it’s verification for WHO KNOWS so we’ve set her back a week. This has it’s upsides though as we have longer to promote, everything has been pretty wild lately as a one-Annie business, so breathing space is a blessing in disguise. All shares and bumps and tings of this will be many appreciate! There will of course be a landing page up when….they let me.
It’s only a week so don’t blink! No blinking allowed!
Runs 7-14th April.
With Salute moving to later in the year, it’s a nice tradition to carry on, being rushed off my feet in April!
Cheers all, who’s excited?
Bad Squiddo Boss Lady
Who is excited for the Kickstarter on Wednesday? We finally have our approval from KS so we have a link now! You can add yourself to the „interested“ list which means you won’t miss the launch, and you help us with those Al Gore Rhythms.
Please share around groups and places you think might appreciate it so we can get a nice build up and really get this rocking!
We have two packs of pilots, this set we’ve designated as Night Witches but you can of use use them as pilots of any Soviet aircraft (to be fair they’re pretty versatile for other uses too around pulp!)
The night witches are some of the most famous Soviet women of WW2, flying old, rickety bombers quietly at night. Due to the weight and low flying nature of the planes they didn’t have parachutes (they were added later) so that is represented here. They have their pistols out as they’ve managed to jump out of the wreckages and now have to navigate the German occupied woodland….!

Quelle: Bad Squiddo Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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