von BK-Herr Kemper | 30.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Asgard Rising: Previews

Asgard Rising Miniatures teilen weitere Previews der Veröffentlichungen in ihrem Patreon:

Asgard Rising –  Previews – Patreon:

Asgard Bandits 1 Asgard Bandits 2 Asgard Bandits 3 Asgard Bandits 4 Asgard Bandits 5 Asgard Bandits 6 Asgard Bandits 7 Asgard Bandits 8 Asgard Bandits 9 Asgard Bandits 10 Asgard Bandits 11 Asgard Bandits 12 Asgard Bandits 13 Asgard Bandits 14 Asgard Bandits 15 Asgard Bandits 16 Asgard Bandits 17 Asgard Bandits 18 Asgard Bandits 19 Asgard Bandits 20 Asgard Bandits 21 Asgard Bandits 22 Asgard Bandits 23 Asgard Bandits 24 Asgard Bandits 25 Asgard Bandits 26 Asgard Bandits 27 Asgard Bandits 28 Asgard Bandits 29 Asgard Bandits 30 Asgard Bandits 31 Asgard Bandits 32

November minis – BANDITS: Rogues and BANDITS:Outcasts.

                 At the end of the road, all you could hear was the rustling of leaves, blown by a gentle breeze. The caravan went on slowly, and the guards, bored with the road, lazily looked at the forest on the right side of the road. The danger, however, did not come from the forest, where it was easy to set a trap. The meadows on the left side of the road were flat and the visibility was very good, so the guards did not pay much attention to them, focusing entirely on the forest. They only realized their mistake when they heard dozens of screaming bandits digging out of the pits on the left side of the road. Unfortunately, it was too late for an appropriate response ……

The robbers were engaged in robbery and human trafficking in the old days. Stories about highwaymen occur in both Western and Eastern cultures. Very often, evil is not clearly presented in them, and robbers can be very charismatic and over time they gain the sympathy of those around them.  We proudly present to you the November two packs of Bandits.

ROGUES AND OUTCASTS are 100% compatible and will be compatible with December Bandits.

BANDITS: Rogues pack:

  • 6 x Body
  • 6 x Arm/weapon sets

BANDITS: Outcasts pack:

  • 6 x Body
  • 6 x Arm/weapon sets

BANDIT: Chieftain

  • 1 x Body
  • 1 x Arm/weapon sets


  • 20mm Square  STONE FLOOR
  • 25mm Round STONE ROAD
  • 28mm Round STONE ROAD
  • 30mm Round STONE ROAD
  • 32mm Round STONE ROAD


In den Kommentaren zu Patreons, Kickstartern oder anderen digitalen Angeboten finden sich regelmässig ähnliche Fragen und Anmerkungen: z. B. „Gibt es die auch physisch zu kaufen?“ , „Gibt es auch ältere Modelle?“, „Was kostet das?“… 

Deswegen habe ich mich bemüht die meiner Meinung nach wichtigsten Infos zusammen zu sammeln und euch hier zu präsentieren:

  • Preise pro Monat (excl. VAT):  nur Minis 10,00 USD / Minis & Terrain 13,00 USD /  kommerzielle Lizenz zum Verkauf von Drucken  27,00 USD.
  • Pre-Supported
  • 25% Discount auf ältere Modelle im MyMiniFactory-Shop: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/AsgardRising
  • ältere Minis und gedruckte Exemplare sind u. a. auf Plattformen wie Etsy erhältlich.
  • derzeit ca. 800 Patreons

Link: Asgard Rising Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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