von BK-Herr Kemper | 24.08.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Asgard Rising: August Previews

Asgard Rising Miniatures teilen weitere Previews der August Veröffentlichungen in ihrem Patreon.

Asgard Rising – August  Previews – Patreon:

Bases 3 X Keythong 40 Keythong Asgard Rising 9 Keythong Asgard Rising 8 Keythong Asgard Rising 7 Keythong Asgard Rising 5 Keythong Asgard Rising 4 Keythong Asgard Rising 3 Keythong Asgard Rising 2 Keythong Asgard Rising 1 Keythong All Asgard Rising

Like the more familiar gryphon, a keythong has the body of a lion and the head and forelegs of an eagle. Instead of wings, it sports spines or from its back and shoulders, often resembling an abstraction of the missing wings. These are often gold, thought to symbolize the sun, although this may also be because of the common use of the color gold to depict gryphons in heraldry. It is also possible for the keythong to have horns on its head. Keythongs are sometimes considered to be  male gryphons, although there is debate within the heraldic community as to whether the term “male gryphon” is a misnomer for the keythong, making it an entirely separate beast.

The keythong originated in the 15th century, sometimes called an alce. When it first appeared, there was no distinction made between the keythong and the proper gryphon, so they share many attributes from medieval lore. Gryphons are known as protective beasts, once considered Zeus’s watch dogs. They are loyal, mating for life and not taking another mate if their partner should die. Also, as a coupling of the eagle, the king of birds, and the lion, the king of beasts, it is thought of as a regal creature. It is fierce in battle, and would rather die than surrender to a foe. It is not clear if the keythong shares the gryphon’s dislike of horses.

Set inludes:

  • 3 x Keythong Body
  • 3 x Round Base 40 mm
  • 3 x Assembled Model
  • 3 x Universal Base 40mm

Griffins Asgard Rising 12 Griffins Asgard Rising 11 Griffins Asgard Rising 10 Griffins Asgard Rising 9 Griffins Asgard Rising 7 Griffins Asgard Rising 6 Griffins Asgard Rising 4 Griffins Asgard Rising 3 Griffins Asgard Rising 2 Griffins Asgard Rising 8 Griffins Asgard Rising 5 Griffins Asgard Rising 1 Griffins Asgard Rising All

A griffin is a legendary beast believed to be the offspring of a lion and an eagle, depicted in various ways by many different human cultures in different places throughout antiquity. It is usually depicted as having the back legs, tail and body of a lion, with the head of an eagle, sometimes having projecting ears. It is usually shown with eagle wings, but sometimes is wingless and sometimes has eagle talons on its forefeet. The eagle part was sometimes covered in feathers while the lion part had fur.

The lion was considered to be the king of the beasts, while an eagle was the king of the birds. The griffin, as a hybrid of these two, inherited the qualities of both, making it very powerful and the king, or ruler, of all creatures. Griffins were also known by a number of other names including ‘griffon,’ ‘griffon,’ or ‘gryphon.’ They were often depicted as having wings, but sometimes found wingless, as in the fine example found in the Palace of Knossos and shown here. The Palace of Knossos was the ancient ceremonial and political centre of the Bronze Age Minoan civilisation on Crete, described as the earliest in Europe, indicating the age and importance of the griffin moti

Set inludes:

  • 3 x Griffin Body
  • 3 x Round Base 50 mm
  • 3 x Wings (pairs)
  • 3 x Universal Base 50mm





 We will release a Monthly Miniatures Pack and MonthlyTerrains Pack at the beginning of each month. The STL files will be deleted at the end of each month (so make sure you download the files in time) and will be purchasable on our online store afterwards. The Chieftain STL files like Skoll Huntmaster will be avalaible to download for next two months.
All files from this Patreon will be for personal use only. Patrons also receive a discount in our online store (-25%), and on MMF shop https://www.myminifactory.com/users/AsgardRising
Discount code and Discord server you can find in „Welcome Note“ when you become our patron.

Asgard Rising is a team of RPG and Wargamming artists & profesional creators.
Tomasz Kalisz – minaitures sculptor, graphic designer, conceptual artist, 3D print specialist
collaborated with Warlord Games, Deadearth Games, Board Legends, GoOnBoard, Board&Dice and many more.
Michal (NT) Zajac – digital painter, media developer, conceptual artist, collaborated with: HeresyLab, Zealot Miniatures, Twisted Games, Matters Miniatures, Eldritch Foundry, Z1 Design and many more.

Ruined Tower Asgard Rising 7 Ruined Tower Asgard Rising 6 Ruined Tower Asgard Rising 8 Ruined Tower Asgard Rising 9

Here’s the first of the August terrains: Ruined Tower with Underground Entrance. The skulls and bones clearly indicate what awaits every daring / stupid who wants to explore this lair.

Set incsludes 5 elements

Assembled total hight: 199 mm


In den Kommentaren zu Patreons, Kickstartern oder anderen digitalen Angeboten finden sich regelmässig ähnliche Fragen und Anmerkungen: z. B. „Gibt es die auch physisch zu kaufen?“ , „Gibt es auch ältere Modelle?“, „Was kostet das?“… 

Deswegen habe ich mich bemüht die meiner Meinung nach wichtigsten Infos zusammen zu sammeln und euch hier zu präsentieren:

  • Preise pro Monat (excl. VAT):  nur Minis 10,00 USD / Minis & Terrain 13,00 USD /  kommerzielle Lizenz zum Verkauf von Drucken  27,00 USD.
  • Pre-Supported
  • 25% Discount auf ältere Modelle im MyMiniFactory-Shop: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/AsgardRising
  • ältere Minis und gedruckte Exemplare sind u. a. auf Plattformen wie Etsy erhältlich.
  • derzeit ca. 700 Patreons

Link: Asgard Rising Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Prinzipiell sehr nette Monster.
    Allerdings stört es mich, dass die Muskulatur stellenweise (z.B. an den Vorderbeine) so deutlich hervortritt.
    Da hätte ich mir gewünscht, dass sie sich nicht so deutlich abzeichnet.

    Und wo sind die erwähnten Stachel des ersten?

  • Mir haben’s natürlich die coolen Geländestücke angetan, allerdings finde ich’s extrem schade, dass manche Steine auffällig oft per Copy&Paste verwendet wurde. Im letzten Bild mit dem Torbogen sieht man es besonders deutlich: Viele Ziegel rund um den Bogen haben extakt dieselben Einkerbungen.

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