von BK-Herr Kemper | 27.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Asgard Rising: Neuheiten

Asgard Rising Miniatures veröffentlichten noch im April im Rahmen ihres Patreons u.a. modulare Wikingerschiffen – danach sind die Modelle natürlich separat erhältlich.

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Asgard Rising – April  Terrain Neuheiten – Patreon

We proudly present April Terrains. They are called: Longboats Modular Set

Our plan was to make nice ships like: „Drakkar“ and smaller „Snekkar „, of course it is already the norm that we made the whole fleet :). All elements designed to be printed on  Standard Resin printers 🙂

What you can build from that set:

  • Drakkars (full hull and cut to Waterline)
  • Snekkar (full hull and cut to Waterline)
  • Drakkars can be long as you like
  • Drakkars have 8 different bows
  • Small Masts, Big Masts (all in two kinds)
  • Sails – Full and Rolled up options
  • Deck Tent
  • Longboats have 6 kinds of deck sitting chests
  • Anchor, Stere, Oar and  more
  • Special extra bit: Stand to Full models display


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Asgard Rising – März  Miniaturen Neuheiten – Patreon

All FIles from Current month are on your MMF librarys

First: We are very sorry for the delay !!

March Minis: Goblins Minions Riders Modular Army 

What can you expect on April: 

As you know, next month is the anniversary of our patron. We’ve been together for a year now. In the first month we gave Midgard Shiledmans warband. For anniversaries, next month, we will deliver Midgard Norsemens with Range wepons modular warband. One year ago we gave Snekkar wreck next month we will give Multi Pack Drakkad and Snekkar set (perfect for create full ships and also to create a game terrains) also fit to all resin printers.

*Midgard Normens with Range Weapons modular Warband

*Multi Pack Drakkar and Snekkar Set

– We also decided that we was so late with our last warband: Goblins Minions RIDERS Modular Army this warband will stay with us next month to let everyone get to know these models.

INPORTANT: Set is Compatible with sets: Goblins Minions Modular Army Part 1 and Part 2 (please use „mirror“ option to archive even more unique models)

Last  month we gaved the  Mountain King and First part of his minions, few days ago arived Infanrty Second Part. Today we are giving the one of the Elite troops  of his army Trollhound Riders. Only the best of the infantry are honored to sit on the Troll Hounds. But is it wise to have a mount that is more dangerous than a rider? These little sneaky minions equipped with a close range and polearms weapons and will be the decoration of many tables.

Army set incudes:

  • Body x 3;
  • Arms/weapon x 6 (sets);
  • Head x 3;
  • Univeral Round 30mm base x 3;

*All parts from that set are compatible and can be mixed and combined, and ball joints giving you nearly endless possibilities to create unique model.

Asgard Rising April  Neuheiten Patreon 34 Asgard Rising April  Neuheiten Patreon 33

Asgard Rising – Welcome Pack – Patreon

GREETINGS TRAVELER! SET: (this package will be systematically-monthly enlarged):
For all Patreons:

  • Hofgothi – Pagan Priest/Seer (standard miniature with alternative head);
  • Mountain King (big miniature)
  • Notice/Quest Board;
  • Smoked Sturgeon;
  • Rune Rock with Crow;
  • Modular Barrel Set;
  • Forest Skull Totem/Marker;
  • Wolf Trap/Hole;
  • Huge Weapons/Shields Set (55 elements);
  • Sleeping Swiatowid The WorldSeeker – Massive Terrain. 



 We will release a Monthly Miniatures Pack and MonthlyTerrains Pack at the beginning of each month. The STL files will be deleted at the end of each month (so make sure you download the files in time) and will be purchasable on our online store afterwards. The Chieftain STL files like Skoll Huntmaster will be avalaible to download for next two months.
All files from this Patreon will be for personal use only. Patrons also receive a discount in our online store (-25%), and on MMF shop https://www.myminifactory.com/users/AsgardRising
Discount code and Discord server you can find in „Welcome Note“ when you become our patron.

Asgard Rising is a team of RPG and Wargamming artists & profesional creators.
Tomasz Kalisz – minaitures sculptor, graphic designer, conceptual artist, 3D print specialist
collaborated with Warlord Games, Deadearth Games, Board Legends, GoOnBoard, Board&Dice and many more.
Michal (NT) Zajac – digital painter, media developer, conceptual artist, collaborated with: HeresyLab, Zealot Miniatures, Twisted Games, Matters Miniatures, Eldritch Foundry, Z1 Design and many more.



In den Kommentaren zu Patreons, Kickstartern oder anderen digitalen Angeboten finden sich regelmässig ähnliche Fragen und Anmerkungen: z. B. „Gibt es die auch physisch zu kaufen?“ , „Gibt es auch ältere Modelle?“, „Was kostet das?“… 

Deswegen habe ich mich bemüht die meiner Meinung nach wichtigsten Infos zusammen zu sammeln und euch hier zu präsentieren:

  • Preise pro Monat (excl. VAT):  nur Minis 10,00 USD / Minis & Terrain 13,00 USD /  kommerzielle Lizenz zum Verkauf von Drucken  27,00 USD.
  • Pre-Supported
  • 25% Discount auf ältere Modelle im MyMiniFactory-Shop: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/AsgardRising
  • ältere Minis und gedruckte Exemplare sind u. a. auf Plattformen wie Etsy erhältlich.
  • derzeit 700+ Patreons

Link: Asgard Rising Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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