von BK-Bob | 02.12.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Voidborn Ancients Neuheiten [NSFW]

Artel „W“ Miniatures veröffentlichen zwei neue Einheiten für die Voidborn Ancients und den Raidmaster in 54mm.

Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 1 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 2 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 3 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 4 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 5 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 6 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 7 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 8 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 9 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 10 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 11 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 12 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 13 Artel W Arena Mistress D'Aggia 14

Arena Mistress D’Aggia – 16,99$

Arena Mistresses impersonate fearful perfection. With senses as sharp and reactions as precise as deadly weapons in their hands, they play lead roles in a literally breathtaking theatre of pain and violence. These elegant killers raise murder and torment to the heights of art. Amid spurts of blood, cracking bones and victims‘ death rattle, their skills and talents shine bright enough to impress their decadent audience…

Mistress D`Aggia is the most renowned of her violent kin, and the most powerful. Her martial skills are unsurpassed by anyone in Tenebris or real world, and even unborn spawns of primal Abyss are no match for her. Over millennia she reaped the harvest of countless souls for Masters of Tenebris, and most exquisite ones. They say that lust for killing the worthy prey is her only goal and passion, and she has no political ambitions at all… but who can know for sure in the endless twighlight web of Tenebris?

Miniature for wargames, collecting and role-playing. Consists of 17 parts, including numerous options.

Sculpted by Evgeniy Nifedov

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 32.5 mm from the feet to the eyes; 48 mm total

Material: high quality resin

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm round base included.

Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 1 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 2 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 3 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 4 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 5 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 6 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 7 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 8 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 9 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 10 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 11 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 12 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 13 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 14 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 15 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 16 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 17 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 18 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 19 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 20 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 21 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 22 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 23 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 24 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 25 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 26 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 27 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 28 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 29 Artel W Flesh Husks Pack Artel W Flesh Husks Pack 22

Flesh Husks Pack – 49,99$

If each of this abominable beings is a living torture device, then a whole pack of Flesh Husks is a versatile toolkit Fleshmasters use to address their gruesome tasks. Whatever involves inflicting pain, intimidating or straightforward carnage can – and will be – executed by these patchwork creatures brought to life by the most twisted minds and inconceivable technologies

Miniatures for wargames, collecting and role-playing. The kit consists of 78 parts for six miniatures, with multiple options. All hands, heads, backpacks and decorations are interchangeable, except for two-handed sword

Sculpted by Sergey Rynkov, Alexey Sidelnikov, Daria Sidelnikova

Scale: 28mm

Average Size: 49 mm

Material: high quality resin.

Miniatures are unpainted, unassembled, 25mm round bases included.

Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 1 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 2 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 3 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 4 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 5 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 6 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 7 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 8 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 9 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 10 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 11 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 12 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 13 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 14 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 15 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 16 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 17 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 18 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 19 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 20 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 21 Artel W Raidmaster 54mm Edition 22

Raidmaster 54mm Edition – 41,00€

Add to your Raidmaster


The race of the Ancients was once the greatest power in the galaxy. Now they are merely a shadow of erstwhile mightiness… but the greatest dangers are lurking in the Shadow! The Ancients called Voidborns wove their gloomy lair in Tenebris, the World-between-Worlds where eternal twilight reigns. Possessing the mystical powers of the everhungry Void, these decadents are paying for power and immortality with eternal unquenchable hunger, endless thirst for blood and souls. Their life is a twisted symphony of pain and pleasure, violence and lust, performed on countless myriads of souls. For Voidborns, everything and everyone but themselves is only a thing, a toy or a food.

Ruthless Raidmasters are the warlords of the Voidborn Ancients, leaders of raiding clans and the main suppliers of fresh meat for the slave markets of Tenebris. They leave the lion’s share of the booty for themselves – not only to satisfy the hunger that always torments them, but also as symbols of their status and greatness. Raidmaster’s „little pets“ may look well-groomed and healthy… but what do you know about the nightmare they live in, perhaps for centuries, until the owner finds a new favorite toy?.

Miniatures kit for wargames, collecting and role-playing. Consists of 38 parts

Sculpted by Kate Gricishina and Sergey Rynkov

Scale: 54mm

Size: 82 mm from the feet to the eyes; 121 mm total (with the scenery)

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled

Artel W Miniatures sind unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Oha, die Raid Mistress brauche ich unverzüglich!
    Endlich der Grund, nun doch mal bei Artel W einzukaufen. Da bin zu lange immer wieder herumgeschlichen.

  • Finde alle Modelle genial.
    Meist ist mir artel w zuviel aber die finde ich allesamt echt super.
    Dark Eldar dürfen auch gerne nackig und ungeniert ihre orcs enthaupten ohne das es zu „billig“ wird.
    Die Homunculus Dinger wirken echt geflickt und bunt gefällt auf jeden.

  • Wie immer sehr geile Sachen von Artel W. Die Arena Mistress brauche ich auch…

    Ich habe erst vor ein paar Tagen was von denen bekommen und bin echt beeindruckt, wie gut die Minis gegossen sind und wie gut die Teile alle zusammen passen. Allerdings haben zwischen Bestellung und Lieferung auch bald zwei Monate gelegen. Das sollte man sich schon klar machen, wenn man bei den Jungs aus Russland bestellt.

  • Sehr schicke Minis. Beim zweiten Bild dachte ich schon dass irgendwas mit den rechten Rippen nicht stimmt, aber im Druck steht es es wohl nicht so krass aus.

    Grinsen musste ich bei der Madame mit den abgetrennten Händen als Brust“panzer“ 🙂

  • SEHR schöne Miniaturen.
    Die Kultisten könnten auch sehr schön eine Bande der Corpse Grinder bei Necromunda ergänzen.

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