von BK-Bob | 28.07.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Halblinge & Cybork

Bei Artel „W“ Miniatures gibt es ein Team an Halbling Scharfschützen und einen Cybork.

Artel W Kiborc 2.0 1 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 2 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 3 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 4 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 5 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 6 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 7 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 8 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 9 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 10 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 11 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 12 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 13 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 14 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 15 Artel W Kiborc 2.0 16

Kiborc 2.0 – 43,99$

Whenever you see this mean machine of destruction stomping through the battlefield with clanging and grinding sounds… you can tell very few will withstand the insane power of this flesh-and-metal doombringer of worlds.

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Mark Ranson, edited and prepared for printing by Alexey Sazhin

Consists of 22 parts

Scale: 28mm.

Size: 56 mm from the feet to the eyes; 74 mm total

Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 1 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 2 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 3 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 4 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 5 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 6 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 7 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 8 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 9 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 10 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 11 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 12 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 13 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 14 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 15 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 16 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 17 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 18 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 19 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 20 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 21 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 22 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 23 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 24 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 25 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 26 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 27 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 28 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 29 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 30 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 31 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 32 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 33 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 34 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 35 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 36 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 37 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 38 Artel W Halflings Sharpshooters 39

Halflings Sharpshooters – 39,99$

Never underestimate these faithful friends and allies of Humankind judging by their height only! You’ll never know when you need an elusive scout who is light on his feet and able to squeeze through a gap no human fits into. And they don’t do it empty-handed! Pinpoint firing is often critical, and that’s what they do best.

  • Sculpted by Sergey Rynkov
  • Miniatures for wargames, role-playing tabletops and collecting.
  • Scale: 28mm
  • Average Size: 25 mm

The kit contains 39 parts for 5 multi-part miniatures, including options (2 different weapons for each Halfling, hooded and bare heads for Halfling#4)

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Wie immer sehr geile Sachen von Artel W. Der alternative Ober Space Ork gefällt mir richtig gut. Er steht dem Vorbild in nichts nach und ich finde ich sogar noch einen Tick besser.

    Auch die Halbling-Scharfschützen im HdR-Look finde ich sehr interessant.

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