von BK-Christian | 07.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Arcworlde: Tales from the Journal Kickstarter

Warploque Miniatures sind wieder auf Kickstarter.

WM Arcworlde Tales From The Journal Kickstarter 2

An all-new stand-alone ArcWorlde adventure.

Campaign running from 8pm (UK time) on the 31st of August to 8pm (UK time) on the 14th of September 2021.

A story full of monsters, magic and mayhem set within Warploque Miniatures‘ incredible ArcWorlde.  A chance encounter between a man and a magical journal sends him, and an unlikely group of Swords for Hire, on a quest deep into the middle of the mysterious ArcWorlde. With danger around every corner, this group of intrepid adventurers need to band together, if they are to survive the trials and tribulations that lie in wait for them.

WM Arcworlde Tales From The Journal Kickstarter 3

A 30 page adventure comic with miniatures of the characters for the tabletop game!

In our first adventure we follow The Explorer, a plucky failed Wizard, on his quest to help a mysterious sentient journal. With the help of a rag-tag band of mercenaries, they delve into the depths of the dreaded Mildaark Forest and encounter many dangerous beasts along the way.

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The Explorer and his band head into the depths of the Mildaark Forest…

This exciting project is a collaboration between some incredible creatives working in the comics community: Mike Garley (Adventure Time, Samurai Slasher, Our Final Halloween) Russell Mark Olson (Gateway City, SKRAWL magazine, Lady Hollywood) Lou Ashworth (Killtopia, 32 Kills, Samurai Slasher) and Mike Stock (Image, Dark Horse, ComiXology Originals) have done an amazing job bringing ArcWorlde to life on the page.

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This 30 page comic has been lovingly written, hand drawn, coloured and lettered and is finished and ready to read. With your help, we can get it printed and shipped to you all around the world – how exciting is that?!

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ArcWorlde is a narrative battle game set in a whimsical fantasy world, where you play exciting story-driven scenarios on the tabletop.

Players use their wits, tactical skill and outside-of-the-box creative thinking to play fun and memorable clashes between heroes, warbands and monsters in a game that is quick, engaging and easy to learn, with quirky and characterful miniatures.

The Miniatures

To compliment the comic, I have also sculpted a set of miniatures of the main characters. These will be cast in white metal, fine resin and also available as STL files for those with 3D printers at home.

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The miniatures of the main cast – playable Characters in ArcWorlde, the tabletop fantasy battle game

For those who enjoy collecting old-school metal, or high-quality resin cast miniatures, the models for this campaign will be available in both. To see more of my cast work, and the rest of the ArcWorlde range, please visit us at www.warploqueminiatures.com.

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If you own a 3D printer and enjoy printing your own miniatures, for the first time we are able to offer STLs of the campaign models for you! If you’d like to check out my previous work, check out my MyMiniFactory store or my Patreon page!

In addition to the miniatures, each of the main cast of the comic will have their own stats for ArcWorlde, so you can play them as Characters in your games! In addition, Nick Bourgade, a long term player of ArcWorlde, is working on a fan-made campaign to play with the heroes.

Das sind die Pledges:

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Und das sind die Stretch Goals:

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Die Kampagne läuft noch 7 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: ArcWorlde: Tales from the Journal – The Journey Begins


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Arcworlde… ein Rätsel.
    Kennt das Spiel jemand und kann was dazu sagen? Die Miniaturen sehen sehr interessant aus.

    • Ich habe erst eine Runde gespielt. Die Regeln sind ordentlich und auf Spaß ausgelegt. Es steckt wirklich viel Mühe und Liebe in dem Spiel. Ich bin damals wegen der genialen Miniaturen eingestiegen und kann von den vorherigen Kickstartern nur Gutes berichten.
      Da ich nicht so der Comicfan bin, bin ich diesmal nur mit der PDF dabei. Wenn allerdings wirklich noch die Gremlins freigeschaltet werden, dann muss ich doch noch tiefer in die Tasche greifen!

  • Habe auch beim letzten Kickstarter mitgemacht, aber da der Preis durch den Brexit (Versand, Mehrwertsteuer, DHL Zollhandlingpauschale) von knapp unter 60 Euro auf über 85 Euro explodiert ist, bin ich in Zukunft leider draußen.

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