von BK-Bob | 18.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Pulp

Anvil Digital Forge: Juni Patreon

Für ihren Patreon diesen Monat haben sich Anvil Industry von den D-Day Truppen der Amerikaner inspirieren lassen.

Everything you get with Junes D-DAY US Marines

This month it’s D-DAY! Storm up the beach and capture the enemies fortifications!

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Our existing catalogue includes plenty of early 20th century Russian, British French and German themed parts, and we are pleased to be finally adding some American inspired Uniforms and Weaponry.

Our US Marines are loosely based on the weapons and equipment used during the D-Day Landings, with the addition of some slightly heavier armour plating – historical accuracy is not our priority.

Here are all the separate components you get! Fully Modular and compatible with all our prior month’s releases.

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Leading the charge is The Captain, an imposing patriot equipped with a choice of optional shields and supplied with either the Star Studded Baseball bat, or a Thompson, in hand.

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The M1919 „Stinger“ Machine gun, shown on the right, was actually a field modification used in limited numbers in the pacific theatre.

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A male and female M2 Flame Thrower are supplied with the torso as a one-component print, but the torsos are separate shells if you wanted to combine the flame thrower with a different torso using Blender.

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The Winchester 1912 shotgun is supplied as a posed pair of female arms, a separate gun, and a cut „rifle stock“ version compatible with any of the male or female rifle stock arms in our prior releases (not included in this one).

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M1 helmets are included both with and without camo netting.

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As well as the standard Thompson SMG arms, we have included a range of combat engineer upgrade parts that can be used to make a variety of more characterful models.

Above middle, you can see an engineer with a flare gun (separate shell if you want to swap in a different pistol), welding mask and wire cutters.

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Above, an engineer with raised welding mask carries a Bangalore, an explosive charge on the end of a series of metal poles. These were screwed together to allow the precise placement of explosives to remove wire or destroy fortifications.

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A Bazooka is a somewhat less precise way to place an explosive…

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We’ve included our take on General Patton, complete with a choice of right arm (binoculars or salute) and various optional Multi Shell components on the body.

Here are some more renders showing off the figures advancing through the fully modular bunker terrain – which has been hollowed and optimised for resin printing with no supports. We have also tested the terrain on a filament printer and got good results.

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Here is a break down of the separate parts supplied :

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We have our standard set of infantry figures including both male and female sculpts

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A set of torsos is supplied with the M3 Gasmask, as well as torsos without the gasmask, which are compatible with any of our heads.

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New for this release – separate M1 helmets in a variety of fully poseable configurations.

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The Thompson SMG’s are attached to the right arm, while the left arm prints separately and attaches at the wrist.

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Above you can see the huge array of separate special weapons and upgrade components, including :

  • A Bazooka with missile launcher arms and separate missiles
  • M2 Flame Thrower for both male and female models – note that because of the straps/backpack/hose, the M2 for print is supplied with a torso already in place. It is possible to swap this torso for a different one if desired, using Blender to split the STL to shells, and overlay a different torso.
  •  Winchester 1912 shotgun with female arms, plus a separate cut version compatible with our fatigue rifle arms included in prior months content.
  • Separate Thompson SMG for conversions.
  • M1919 Stinger – including a multishell weapon so you can separate and remove the arm and/or box mag if desired.
  • Sapper/Engineer parts including Bangalores, Flare Gun, Explosive Charge, Wire Cutters in hand and folder, welding mask up and down.
  • A selection of pre supported and pre-assembled pouches with Thompson mags, flasks and Grenades, plus the separate elements for digital kit bashing.
  • Separate Star Studded Baseball bat and alternative shields for the Captain (also compatible with some the regular infantry poses)

Finally, our Character models are supplied with a range of customisation options. 

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The Captain is supplied as two complete ready to print STL’s with either the Thompson or Bat in hand.

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Anything labelled ‚(Multishell)‘ can be imported into Blender (or other similar software) and split to create more customisation options. Below you can see the Captain with separate shells coloured, including our single piece low res pre supports. Any of these elements can be removed or combined with other models. Note that removing or swapping certain elements will require you to create new supports.

Simple instructions for making these edits are included at the end of our Light Mech Video.


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General Patton is also a Multishell model – with the sash and medals removable to make a field uniform version.

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Finally, the large and complex fully modular bunker system is designed as separate elements which are all „one click print“ on any standard resin printer, including pre hollowing to minimise material use.

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A bunker roof is separate and push fit, and most regular models on standard bases should fit inside.

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Here are some actual test prints! Grey is resin, white is filament from a Prusa Mk3

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Pre hollowed concrete walls are optimised for resin printing with minimal material and low release force on the FEP.

That’s all for this months release, we hope you like it and cant wait to see what you do with the parts!

You’ll find the download link, after signing up to our Vanguard Pledge Level, in a patron only post.

As usual please let us know asap if you find any issues or have any queries and we will be happy to help.


Anvil Industry

Quelle: Anvil Digital Forge


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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