von BK-Thorsten | 15.12.2021 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Antenociti’s Workshop: Neuheiten

Antenociti’s Workshop haben einen ganzen Schwung an Neuheiten zur Vorbestellung.

Antenociti Duke 01 Antenociti Duke 03 Antenociti Duke 04 Antenociti Duke 05 Antenociti Duke 06 Antenociti Duke 07 Antenociti Duke 08 Antenociti Duke 09 Antenociti Duke 10 Antenociti Duke 11 Antenociti Duke 12 Antenociti Duke 13 Antenociti Duke 14 Antenociti Duke 16 Antenociti Duke 17 Antenociti Duke 18 Antenociti Duke 19 Antenociti Duke 20 Antenociti Duke 21 Antenociti Duke 22 Antenociti Duke 23 Antenociti UKGarden 01 Antenociti UKGarden 02 Antenociti UKGarden 03 Antenociti UKGarden 04 Antenociti UKGarden 05 Antenociti UKGarden 06 Antenociti UKGarden 07 Antenociti UKGarden 08 Antenociti Weston 01 Antenociti Weston 02 Antenociti Weston 03 Antenociti Weston 04 Antenociti Weston 05 Antenociti Weston 06 Antenociti Weston 07 Antenociti Weston 08 Antenociti Weston 09 Antenociti Weston 10 Antenociti Weston2 01 Antenociti Weston2 02

New, available for Pre-Order.
We are finishing off the backlog from the Black Friday sales but in the meantime, we have some exciting new buildings for those of you who fancy a bit of British Zombie action, now available for pre-order.
The Duke of Albany Pub – £40.00 inc VAT (£33.33p ex VAT)
Duke of Albany Upgrade Pack – £12.50p inc VAT (£10.42p ex VAT)
Weston Park House – £30.00 inc VAT (£25.00 ex VAT)
UK Garden Fencing – £15.00 inc VAT (£12.50 ex VAT)
All buildings will fit 28mm-35mm figures and are ideal for anybody who wants to create some classic British Zombie action.
We’re back from our Xmas shutdown on the 4th January and we will start production of these items then, shipping expected within 1-2 weeks of that date. Due to shortages in quality MDF availability t the moment we are having to put restrictions on the number of buildings available atm and so these are only available in limited numbers at the moment.

Quelle: Antenociti’s Workshop auf Facebook



Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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    • Jetzt hab ich nen Ohrwurm: Don’t stop me nooow!

      Das Haus ist auch die Bude der Shaun-WG und bei der Reihe von Leuten vor dem Zaun musste ich schmunzeln 🤭

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  • Tja, Dank Brexit außerhalb meiner Reichweite. Allerdings passt das Britische auch nicht so gut zu meiner bisherigen, eher amerikanischen Sammlung.

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