von BK-Herr Kemper | 12.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

4Ground: Falt-Gelände Preview

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4Ground – Falt-Gelände Preview

Folding Terrain Coming Soon!
Mad Bob Miniatures Incredible Folding Terrain is coming to the 4Ground website soon! This range is based in a 19th-20th Century Brick theme which is ideal for World War era gaming and onward in 28mm scale.
Every kit folds flat and to store away easily and save space and has working doors and removable roof for game-play. Keep your eyes peeled for when these amazing kits come out!
Quelle: 4Ground auf Facebook
BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • OK, zugegebener Maßen finde ich die Idee extrem gut. Gab es ja schon in anderen, meist Papp basierten, Ausführungen, aber das hier sieht echt gut und funktional aus.

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