von BK-Herr Kemper | 24.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Mittelalter

1066: Kickstarter von Pulp Figures

Pulp Figures hat mit 1066 einen Kickstarter für 28mm Metallminiaturen am Start – wenig überraschend geht es um die Epoche der normannischen Invasion Englands.


Das Projekt:

This Kickstarter is the launch of the new 1066 Miniatures that I have been obsessively working on for several years now. It will help to pay for moulding costs and production.  

It introduces a new production concept that maximises the variety of heads on most of the figure sets in order to give your armies enormous numbers of individual characters within your ranks. I’ve achieved this by working directly on the figure masters before they are production moulded. While this has been fun for me it has also been huge work! I hope the attention to detail shows!

The line comes initially in two factions: Saxons and Normans. Each faction has a Skirmish pledge level and a full on, ‚I want all the figures Army Pledge‘. Look over the options provided carefully and help me and Crucible Crush put these figures into production. This is your chance to get these new figures at a special Kickstarter exclusive pricing.

Remember, these prices are in Canadian dollars! The Loonie is currently worth roughly .80 $U.S. and .60 £GBP.

Also, whichever pledge amount you make, you will be able to add more  regular SKU (stock keeping unit code) 1066 packs to your reward as add-ons. ie. If you chose the Norman Raiders pledge, you can still add 2, 3, or however many more packs to your reward at the favorable ‚backer‘ price of $18 Cdn.

However, if you chose any pledge besides the Destiny of Kings-Pick Your Own, you cannot make substitutes. Our packer would go mad and he has a wife and kids. You can add packs but the core reward must stay consistent.

Please note, this Kickstarter cannot, by its nature, be offered as UK friendly. I’m sorry about that but there is no way for me to prepare the masters again in time. That would be impossible within our fulfilment time. However, North Star Military Figures will eventually have this range at the regular retail price.

    This project is available to UK and EU backers but your customs may charge duty at the border.

1066 Kickstarter2

Visit The 1066 Catalog Page


  • 10501 King Harold Godwinson-Mtd & disMtd & in Courtly Garb
  • 10502 Saxon Foot Command (5 unique figs)
  • 10503 Saxons w/Dane Axes (5 unique figs)
  • 10504 Saxon Unarmoured Warriors (5 poses, 15 unique head variants)
  • 10505 Mtd Armoured Saxon Warriors (2 unique figs)
  • 10506 Saxon Archers (5 poses. 15 unique head variants)
  • 10507 Saxon Slingers (5 poses. 15 unique head variants)
  • 10508 Saxon Peasant Levy (5 poses. 15 unique head variants)
  • 10509 Armoured Saxon Spears Unit Builder(1 tight formation pose, 14 head variants)
  • 10510 Unarmoured Saxon Spears Unit Builder(1 tight formation pose, 14 head variants)
  • 10511 Mtd Unarmoured Saxons #2 (2 Unique figs)

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  • 10601 Duke William of Normandy-Mtd & disMtd & in Courtly Garb
  • 10602 Bishop Odo of Bayeux-Mtd & disMtd and in Clerical Garb
  • 10603 Norman Commanders on Foot (5 unique figs)
  • 10604 Norman Armoured Crossbows (5 unique figs)
  • 10605 Mtd Armoured Normans #1 (2 unique figs)
  • 10606 Mtd Armoured Normans #2 (2 unique figs)
  • 10607 Mtd Armoured Normans #3 (2 unique figs)
  • 10608 Norman Archers (5 poses. 15 unique head variants)
  • 10609 Armoured Norman Spears Unit Builder(1 tight formation pose, 14 head variants)
  • 10610 Unarmoured Norman Spears Unit Builder(1 tight formation pose, 14 head variants)
  • 10611 Mtd Armoured Normans#4 (2 Unique figs)

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Stretch Goals:

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Stand 7.000+ EUR (Ziel waren 6.400 EUR)

Ende: Sat, May 22 2021 9:00 PM CEST.

Link: 1066 KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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