von BK-Herr Kemper | 10.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Yar’kassy – Sci-Fi Desert City and Stronghold Kickstarter

Yar’kassy – Sci-Fi Desert City and Stronghold – ist ein weiterer Kickstarter zum Thema Star Wars / Sci-Fi Gelände.

Yar'kassy Sci Fi Desert City And Stronghold

As our caravan arrives back from the Desert Trading Post, we enter the Capital City. Amidst the lively streets where merchants advertise their goods and citizens roam the city plazas a band of smugglers and mercanaries hide in the shadows. They are preparing to attack the heavily fortified Governor’s Stronghold!

Towering above the Sandstone Houses and Shops is this sinister Fortress, inhabited by a cruel Governor whose life the hunters swore to take. Welcome to Yar’Kassy!

Spreading the word and sharing the Campaign’s Web-Link will result in more content for each of you, but more about that in the Stretchgoal section down below.

 ALL STL files are available in 37 mm and 28 mm scale!

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Pledge Level:

Standard Pledge – 45,00 EUR

-> All Models
-> All reached Stretchgoals

Complete Pledge – 84,00 EUR

-> This Kickstarter
+ Sci-Fi Desert Trading Post Kickstarter

Yar'kassy Sci Fi Desert City And Stronghold35

Bundle Pledge 1 – 90,00 EUR

-> This Kickstarter (Standard Pledge)
+ Apocalypse Fortress Kickstarter

Bundle Pledge 2 – 91,00 EUR

-> This Kickstarter (Standard Pledge)
+ Sci-Fi Gothic Sanctuary Kickstarter

Ultimate Pledge – 189,00 EUR

-> This Kickstarter
+ Sci-Fi Desert Trading Post Kickstarter
+ Apocalypse Fortress Kickstarter
+ Sci-Fi Gothic Sanctuary


We have prepared a wide range of additional models for you. Once the goals are reached we will unlock more content to all backers no matter their Pledge Level. We are working hard to create you even more content for you! A lot more is in the works and will be revealed in the process of the Kickstarter, so stay tuned and up to date!

Yar'kassy Sci Fi Desert City And Strongholda Yar'kassy Sci Fi Desert City And Strongholdc Yar'kassy Sci Fi Desert City And Strongholdd Yar'kassy Sci Fi Desert City And Strongholde Yar'kassy Sci Fi Desert City And Strongholdf


Das Ziel (420 EUR) ist erreicht – derzeit backen ca. 50 Unterstützer das Projekt und tragen 3000,00 + EUR bei. Die Kampagne endet am 3. Juli 2020 13:07 CEST.

Link: Yar’kassy – Sci-Fi Desert City and Stronghold Kickstarter


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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