von BK-Herr Kemper | 28.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Terrain / Gelände

Wizkids: The Tower

Ab jetzt bei Wizkids vorbestellbar aus der Reihe D&D – Icons of the Realm – The Tower.

D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower1 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower2 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower3 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower4 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower5 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower6 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower7 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower8 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower9 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower10 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower11 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower12 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower13 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower14 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower15 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower16 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower17 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower18 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower19 D&D Icons Of The Realm The Tower20

D&D – Icons of the Realm – The Tower – 249,99 USD

Reach New Heights!

Towers are the archetypical location for adventure, and WizKids new tower set piece is an awesome way to add more depth to your game. Whether you are exploring the ruins of a long-forgotten tower along the Sword Coast or stumbling into the domain of an eccentric wizard, The Tower can help you elevate your game to the next level and bring a sense of immersion to every player at the table. With its modular design and easily removable layers, you can customize its appearance to meet whatever goals you have for your play experience!

The Tower features removable windows, buttresses, stairs, and floors, and can be split into three levels for ease of play. Additionally, the tower also features three double-sided floor tiles, with a gridded and non-gridded version, so you can further customize your play experience. Each floor of the tower is balanced so that it can sit on the table on its own, allowing you to set up each floor ahead of time and reveal them to the table when the time is right. The buttresses on the ground floor can be removed or rearranged to suit your needs, as can the windows and skylight on the upper floors and roof of the tower. Your players can rappel through the broken glass atop the tower or climb through a destroyed window in order to stealthily enter a decrepit ruin. They can even march right up to the iron doors of a fastidiously maintained tower. The roleplaying opportunities afforded by the modular tower allow you to craft any number of unique encounters for your adventuring party!

Key Features

  • Boasts a large eight-inch diameter! Enough to fit your entire adventuring party, with room to spare for any foes!
  • Each section of the tower is 100 mm tall!
  • The staircases between floors are also one inch wide and are slotted at the base of the stair!
  • The 1-inch walkways leading to and surrounding the skylight accommodate your miniatures
  • There is also 1-inch of space around the perimeter for your miniatures to stand!
  • Removeable skylight and walkways!
  • Modular door and buttresses for customization and easy future expansion!
  • Double-sided floor tiles (gridded and non-gridded options)!

This Set Includes*:

  • 1x – Bottom Floor
  • 1x – Middle Floor
  • 1x – Top Floor (Includes removeable ring of statues for customization)
  • 1x – Top Floor Landing
  • 1x – Top Floor Skylight
  • 7x – Butresses
  • 1x -Door
  • 8x -Windows
  • 3x -Staircases
  • 3x -Double-sided Floor Tiles

*Contents Subject to Change


  • This is a Pre-Order item and will not ship until the product release date.
  • If you include a Pre-Order item in your order, the whole order will be held until the pre-order is available.
  • You may have your non pre-order items shipped separately for an additional cost. Please select the shipping option with (Multiple Shipments) in the title at checkout to enable this option.

Link: D&D Minis

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Stolzer Preis für Pappböden. Und wieso sind die Maße des Kartons wichtig? Aber ansonsten sieht er ganz gut aus, will ja nicht nur meckern.

  • Ich hab hier den Magierturm von GW rumstehen und damals 50 Euro dafür bezahlt…

    GW würde heute bestimmt das Doppelte nehmen, aber der Preis hier ist wirklich lächerlich.

  • Hätte ich nicht erst vor einem Jahr einen ähnlich hohen und runden Würfelturm gebaut, hätte ich große Lust, den Turm nachzubasteln. Einfach, weil mir der Preis auch recht hoch erscheint und ich die Idee mit Statuen als Zinnen extrem cool finde.

  • Der ist aber doch Prepainted oder? Und wohl eher für die Rollenspiel Fraktion die ggf. weder zusammenbauen noch bemalen kann…

    …dafür finde ich es OK.

    Die hatten doch auch schon Mal so ein Prepainted Schiff, das sah Recht beeindruckend aus.

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