von BK-Christian | 06.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Westfalia: Pride Knights Miniatures Kickstarter

Der neue Kickstarter von Westfalia Miniatures ist online.

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For the Pride Knight in us all! To Glory!

After taking up steel for the last Pride month in 2019, Archer Inventive is donning the armor of the Pride Paladin once again, and hoping to bring the adventure home for all!

We’ve received tons of fantastic and encouraging feedback from this photo-shoot, but one of the big questions we got was whether we planned to make a set of miniatures to bring the Pride Knights to tabletop gaming. The folks over at Westfalia Miniatures were wondering the same thing, and together we have been working to make that a reality.

What do we get?!

We’re offering the Pride Paladin and the Pride Knights (coming in at 32mm scale), based on reference provided by Archer Inventive, with Westfalia Miniatures managing the shift from imagery to mass production.

Das sind die Pledges:

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Backing the „Hey Kid…“ level will allow you to choose your favorite miniature out of all miniatures that are made available during the campaign! Once the project is funded, we’ll send backers of this tier a survey to select which Knight they’d like.  This pledge level will also gain you access to funded stretch goal content.

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 The „One is good, Three is better.“ level will allow you to choose 3 miniatures out of all miniatures that are made available during the campaign. Once the project is funded, we’ll send backers of this tier a survey to select which Knight they’d like.  This pledge level will also gain you access to funded stretch goal content.

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With „Pride Knights the Gathering“ level you will get the full set of 7 miniatures. This pledge level will also gain you access to funded stretch goal content.

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Stretch Goals

Depending on the success of this campaign we’ve also included a variety of stretch goals, ranging from adding baddies like Bigotry from the original photo-shoot to a full-alternate set of minis including helmets and hoods.

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Payment Options

For those of you who do not have the means to pay through Kickstarter we offer PayPal as an alternative options.

Please contact archerinventive@gmail.com for more information.

See the Pride Knights through the eyes of Boris Woloszyn.  

What a talented chap he is!

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Derzeit gibt es noch keine Shipping-Informationen für Europa:

Shipping and Handling

Shipping costs will be calculated based on the tier you select, and the associated items you’ll be receiving. On average, it will be about $12(USD) or $16(CA) for each parcel.

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Die Kampagne läuft noch 12 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: Pride Knights Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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