von BK-Christian | 18.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Westfalia: Heroes of Aventuria 2 Kickstarter

Westfalia sind wieder mit Fantasymodellen auf Kickstarter.

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Welcome to Aventuria!

Following the success of our first TDE/DSA campaign HEROES OF AVENTURIA, we’re back to bring you the familiar baddies and evil-do’ers that you encounter while questing in Aventuria. In addition, we have also been busy rewriting our StrongSword rules to allow you to fight warband-sized battles in Aventuria. This will be included for free for all backers.

The Miniatures

The main feedback from the last campaign was to include enemies, so here they are! They come along with soldier types to support our heroes.

There will be a Necromancer.

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And a group of undead warriors that he’s controlling.

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Then there are soldiers, to fight as a warband, or to support Aventurian heroes in battle.

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And what would be Aventuria without the coal pelts! DSA/TDE Orks are special in many regards: we have a good variety of leaders and warrior-types to cover all eventualities of Ork-ish small-scale warfare!

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And for the cherry on top of the cake, we’ve included a set of Thorwalian raiders, to go with THAT viking-ship!

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And there’s even more!

Pledge Levels

There are 3 ways to get miniatures from this Kickstarter.

1. All In: You can pledge on the „All In“ level to receive one of each of the miniatures that are made available within this pledge level. (Former backers – you know the ropes!). You can see all the unlocked miniatures in the first panel below. This pledge level is $200 Canadian Dollars which is approximately $150 US Dollars, €130 Euro, and £117 Pounds. The exact amount in non-Canadian currency will be calculated at the exchange rate on the last day of the Kickstarter.

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2. CUSTOM PLEDGE: Alternatively you can pledge on the ‚Custom Pledge‘ level, which will allow you to pick from the list of the miniatures and sets that are being made available during the course of the campaign: choose as many or as few as you like. We have included a panel with instructions that will guide you through the process of changing your pledge value. You can of course also add extra miniatures to any other pledge level.

Es gibt auch die Möglichkeit einen eigenen Charakter modellieren zu lassen, weitere Details dazu auf der Kickstarterseite.

3. BESPOKE FIGURINES: They’re back, but we will do a max of 4 this time, unless you choose to get a Blessed One done. We’re seriously short of these! Please see the below panel for instructions. And please note – they need to be DSA approved!

Und dann geht es weiter:

Add-On’s / Unit builder

We have some Add-On’s for the wargamers amongst you. These are units of 10 or 20 models. These are reduced in price to make playing a game more affordable! You can choose from units of:

  • Skeletons with bows (3 different models)
  • Skeletons with halberds (3 different models)
  • Skeletons with hand weapons (3 different models)
  • Orks with bows (3 different models)
  • Orks with mix of hand weapons (2 different models)
  • Human Soldiers with bows (2 different models)
  • Human Soldiers with halberds (2 different models)
  • Human Soldiers with crossbows (2 different models)
  • Thorwalian Warriors (3 different models)


Every unit of 10 miniatures is $60 CDN instead of $80 CDN, and every unit of 20 is $80 CDN instead of $160 CDN. These offers wil be exclusive to this campaign.

We also offer painted minis. They come in a wargaming quality for C$10 a piece, or collectors quality for C$40. Please contact us at info@westfaliaminiatures.com about that, as the slots are very limited. Please note: that the prices do NOT include the actual miniatures.

Please follow the steps explained in ‚2. Custom Pledge‘, to find out how to modify your pledge amount.

After the campaign is funded and locked, you will receive an invitation to our pledge manager, where you’ll  be able to add units of warriors and single miniatures from both DSA/TDE campaigns to your pledge.

Free Skirmish Rules!

Please note that this is as unofficial as it gets!

And sorry, but this is German language only for now, but I am happy to send a copy of our original StrongSword rules to any English speaking backer. This will allow you to use the warband lists from Siebenstreich. The rules are still in a Beta version, and we need to dig through magic and hero stats, but were getting there!

Siebenstreich Ist ein leicht spleeniges aber dafür einfach zu erlernendes Regelwerk, das weiterentwickelt wurde um kleine und mittelgrosse Schlachten mit DSA Miniaturen zu spielen. Die Herausforderung besteht weniger darin einen Berg Regeln zu kennen, als die bestehenden Regeln so anzuwenden das man das Maximum aus seiner Kriegerbande heraushohlt.

Anm.: Palinai hat sich bereit erklart das Dokument auf Fehler durchzukammen, darum wird es noch ein paart Tage dauern bis die – fehlerfreien – Regeln zum Download bereitstehen. In der Zwischenzeit konnt ihr euch allerdings schonmal die ersten 10 Seiten runterladen um einen EIndruck davon zu bekommen ob das uUstd. etwas fur euch ist.

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Hier geht es zum Download

Fulfillment Schedule

We’re playing safe, which is especially important in times of a pandemic! We have international production and fulfilment capabilities, which allows us to move our production should serious problems arise in a certain country.  We will also make regular updates and you can reach us any time at info@westfaliaminiatures.com if you have questions.

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Packing & Postage

Reward prices do not include packing and postage fees. Please note that postage rates depend on your location. International postage will be CA$14.

Parcels are being shipped with Canada Post, a reliable carrier. If you wish to add tracking, then please contact us at info@westfaliaminiatures.com, as the rates can be steep and vary from country to country.

In the event that a parcel to: Brazil, Greece, Italy or Spain goes missing, it will only be replaced if it was initially sent with tracking.

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Quelle: Heroes of Aventuria 2 – Siebenstreich


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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