von BK-Thorsten | 10.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Victrix: Neue Previews

Victrix zeigen auf Facebook neue Previews.

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Here are the renders for the 3rd Dark Age archer figure.
He wears a padded jacket which roots him to Vikings, Saxons, Normans and early Medieval. He has the option of bearing a flag pole so you can make a command stand with the horn blower shown previously.
The Persian Unarmoured Archers were due to be released at the end of September but due to covid-19 related supply issues this is more likely to be mid to late October now.
Social distancing rules have meant that our factory cannot operate at full capacity. This has meant that all our scheduled releases have been pushed back. We apologise for this and are looking at alternative production solutions for 2021, assuming that lockdowns are going to continue.
Finally, the Norman Infantry are still at the tooling stage. We are doing everything we can to get these released before Christmas. However, we just kind commit to any sort of date in these uncertain times. As soon as we have a better idea of a release date, we will let you know.
Stay safe out there.

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The new 12mm/1:144 scale WWII US infantry frame is now at the tooling stage. We hope to show our followers the US heavy weapons frame in the near future.
We hope to have test shots of the 12mm/1:144 scales Sd 251/D Hanomag with crew plus test shots of the British infantry and heavy weapons this week. All being well we will release the Hanomag, British infantry and German infantry next week. Watch this space.

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Here are the renders for the 4th Dark Age Archer figure. He has the option of holding arrows in his bow and draw hand. Expert archers can hold arrows in their fingers whilst firing so they can have a more rapid rate of fire.
The two slinger poses are being worked on at present which should be about 2 weeks and then they are off to tooling. For those who have no use for slingers, the bodies are being designed in such a way as to create extra archers or they can have shield arms and weapon arms added from the Viking, Saxon or Germanic sets to create more fighting warrior poses.
This is going to be a very useful and versatile set.

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This week we have received test shots of the 12mm/1:144 scale Sdkfz 251/D Hanomag and the British rifle company.
We will receive test shots of the British heavy weapons towards the end of next week. All being well we plan to release next weekend:
VG12012 Sd 251/ Hanomag and crew (including decals). £22.00
VG12013 German infantry and heavy weapons. (184 figures). £27.00
VG12014 British infantry and heavy weapons. (184 figures). £27.00
We will initially release the Hanomag without any packaging. We are waiting for our vehicle painter to send us painted images required for the packaging. Therefore we will reduce the price from £22.00 to £20.00 and this vehicle will only be available direct from Victrix. Once the artwork and packaging are completed we will then supply our trade customers and the price will revert to £22.00.
Currently being cut in our tool room are the M3 Halftrack, M10 Wolverine, M5 Stuart, Tiger 1E and 6pdr Churchill.
At the CAD stage we are working on 2 Sherman variants and 2 Pz IV variants. Next stage will be various guns and crews including a Pak 40, 88, 6pdr and 57mm. All guns will come with prime movers.

Quelle: Victrix Limited auf Facebook


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Wunderbar dynamische Pose bei dem Normannen. Habe zwar mehr als genug Normannen und Bogenschützen in Plastik und Metall, aber vielleicht hole ich mir ja trotzdem einen Beutel(…).

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