von BK-Thorsten | 07.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Spielmatten

Neu von TTCombat: Spielmatten.

TTCombat DFCCitiesFullBack TTCombat DFCCitiesFullBack2 TTCombat DFCCitiesFullBack3 TTCombat DFCLavaFull TTCombat DFCLavaFull2 TTCombat DFCNightFullBack TTCombat DFCNightFullBack2 TTCombat MatBag 6f98215c 3bb4 4f4e 80af Bf74715ed64e

Dropfleet Commander Gaming Mat – 40,00 GBP

Everything looks so small when your up in orbit. That’s if you ever have time to look with all the fighting going on during the Reconquest!

This Orbital Combat themed Gaming Mat is made from Neoprene and comes with it’s own storage and carry bag. Perfect for Dropfleet Commander and for any game set in orbit.

Available in 4’4 and in 3 styles:

  • Cities
  • Lava
  • Nightime

TTCombat 3x3UrbanMatFullBack TTcombat 4x4UrbanMatFullBack TTCombat 6x4UrbanMatFullBack TTCombat UrbanMatTextureBack TTCombat UrbanMatUndersideBack

TTCombat 3x3CobbleMatFullBack TTCombat 4x4CobbleMatFullBack TTCombat 6x4CobbleMatFullBack TTCombat CobbleMatCloseBack TTCombat CobbleMatUndersideBack

TTCombat 3x3 4x4 6x4Comparison TTCombat MatBag 6f98215c 3bb4 4f4e 80af Bf74715ed64e

Urban Gaming Mat

Cobblestone Gaming Mat

– 30,00/40,00/50,00 GBP

This Gaming Mat is made from Neoprene and comes with it’s own storage and carry bag so it’s easily stored at home.

Avaialble in 3 sizes:

  • 3′ x 3′
  • 4′ x 4′
  • 6′ x 4′

TTCombat KTUnderhiveFullBackground TTCombat 4x4UnderhiveFullBack TTCombat 6x4UnderhiveFullBack TTCombat UnderhiveCloseBack TTCombat UnderhiveUndersideBack

TTCombat KTGraveyardFullBackground TTCombat 4x4GraveyardFullBack TTCombat 6x4GraveyardFullBack TTcombat GraveyardCloseBack TTcombat GraveyardUndersideBack

TTCombat KTDesertFullBackground TTcombat 4x4DesertMatFullBack TTCombat 6x4DesertMatFullBack TTCombat DesertMatCloseBack TTCombat DesertMatUndersideBack

TTCombat KTAshWastelandFullBackground TTCombat 4x4AshWastelandFullBackground TTCombat 6x4AshWastelandFullBackground TTCombat AshWastelandCloseBackground TTCombat AshWastelandUndersideBackground

TTCombat KT 4x4 6x4Comparison 623ca4e9 96c6 47e7 817c 0f78eb869ef2 TTCombat MatBag 6f98215c 3bb4 4f4e 80af Bf74715ed64e

Underhive Gaming Mat

Graveyard Gaming Mat

Desert Gaming Mat

Ash Wasteland Gaming Mat

– 25,00/40,00/50,00 GBP

This Gaming Mat is made from Neoprene and comes with it’s own storage and carry bag so it’s easily stored at home.

Avaialble in 3 sizes:

  • 32″ x 22″
  • 4′ x 4′
  • 6′ x 4′

TTCombat 3x3SpaceFullBack TTCombat SpaceZoomBack TTCombat SpaceUndersideBack TTCombat MatBag 6f98215c 3bb4 4f4e 80af Bf74715ed64e

Outer Space Gaming Mat – 30,00 GBP

Outer Space. All that space, no way of bumping into anyone else, surely we can’t find ways to wage war out here? Of course we can!

This Outer Space Gaming Mat is amde from Neoprene and comes with it’s own carry and storage case, so it doesn’t take up too much room back home.

Available as a 3′ x 3′ mat.

TTCombat 3x3 Green Water Full Back TTCombat 4x4 Green Water Full Back TTCombat GreenWaterZoomBack TTCombat GreenWaterUndersideBack

TTCombat 3x3 Blue Water Full Back TTCombat 4x4 Blue Water Full Back TTCombat BlueWaterZoomBack TTCombat BlueWaterUndersideBack

TTCombat 3x3 4x4Comparison D422d797 7ac2 4165 B277 993d2970e558 TTCombat MatBag 6f98215c 3bb4 4f4e 80af Bf74715ed64e

Green Water Gaming Mat

Blue Water Gaming Mat

– 30,00/40,00 GBP

This Water based Gaming Mat is made of Neoprene and comes with it’s own carry and storage case so it doesn’t take up all your spare room at home.

Perfect for Carnevale or any game based in water.

Available in 2 sizes:

  • 3′ x 3′
  • 4′ x 4′

TTCombat 4x4FantasyFullBack TTCombat 6x4FantasyFullBack TTcombat FantasyZoomBack TTcombat FantasyUndersideBack TTcombat 4x4 6x4Comparison E65a951d 62fe 4fd4 9a8c 7a49d03ee6c6 TTCombat MatBag 6f98215c 3bb4 4f4e 80af Bf74715ed64e

Fantasy Gaming Mat – 40,00/50,00 GBP

In a land of awe and wonder, fantastical armies of legend fight for control of portals, castles and well, anything they feel like really.

This Fantsy based Gaming Mat is made from Neoprene and comes with it’s own storage and carry bag so it doesn’t take up too much space at home. Pefect for games of Fantasy Battles.

Available in 2 sizes:

  • 4′ x 4′
  • 6′ x 4′

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Die Lavamatte und die Outer Space Matte möchten ja schöne Motive sein, aber als Spielmatte wäre es mir wahrscheinlich zu unruhig im Hintergrund

  • Coole Motive. Leider Logo auf der Vorderseite, was ich persönlich immer Schade finde.

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