von BK-Thorsten | 25.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

TTCombat: Sondermodelle und mehr

TTCombat ermöglichen zum Black Friday wieder den Kauf von Sodnermodellen, Bundles und teasern ganz nebenbei ein neues 2-Spieler-Starterset für Carnvale an.

Black Friday Teaser Tuesday

TT Black Friday Cyber Monday

Black Friday is just round the corner!


And oh boy do we have a lot on offer this year!

Black Friday & Cyber Monday FREE MODELS

That’s right! We’re continuing our annual tradition of giving away free models for the whole Black Friday week! That’s Friday 27th November – Friday 4th December.

Every year, for the Black Friday week, we give away a free model for every £75 you spend on the TTCombat webstore! This year we have 2 models celebrating the kind of year we’ve had.

Black Friday Spray Front Background

Black Plague Friday is our first miniature, and she’s looking a bit peaky! Thankfully though she’s avoided the worst of the plague by wearing her mask and using hand sanitiser (or bleach in this case) at every opportunity.

Cyber Monday Laptop Front Background

We also have Cyber Meeting Monday. He’s dressed for working from home, looking the part, but still keeping comfortable. He just has to make sure he switches off the webcam before showing off too much!


That’s right! For every £75 you spend, we’ll include a random one with your order. Or, if you want a specific one, you can ask in your order notes and we’ll make sure you get that one.

However, if you just want the models themselves, they’ll also be up for sale at the same time, along with all our previous Black Friday & Cyber Monday models! The Halfinator said he’d be back!

Halfinator Background Front

White Box Bundles

If you’re wondering what to order to get your free models, well look no further, because this Friday our famous White Box Bundles are back!

This year we have a massive thirteen new White Box Bundles! Something for everyone! I’m not going to show them all today (it’s just Teaser Tuesday after all), but here’s a taste of what’s to come this Friday.

East Side New York BOX

The East Side New York set for Sci-Fi X contains some amazing ways to fill up your Dropzone Commander table! With loads of smaller sets, this is a real good way to get some Linked Garrisons onto your board.

Occupied CIty Station BOX

For Sci-Fi Gothic, one of our THREE sets is the Occupied City Station. There’s loads of destroyed buildings, loads of barricades, and a set of high tech looking resin accessories too. Plenty for even a regular sized game of Battlemallet 50k.

Sector 1 BOX

Speaking of the far future, how about Sector 1 – Manufacturing Floor? This White Box Bundle combines a whole load of Sector 1 kits to make something truly special. You get platforms and walkways and stairs and even a generator! The Industrial Hive kits are fully modular, so this set can be put together in about a million different ways (I didn’t do the math).

Stalingrad Tank Factory BOX

For World War gamers, something a bit special! The Stalingrad Tank Factory is brand new to the TTCombat webstore. We released this a bit earlier this year for our friends at Warlord Games, and now it’s available here for the first time!

Sunken San Canciano BOX

Our final teaser is for Carnevale, the Sunken San Canciano set. This one collects a lot of ruined modular buildings, as well as some brand new sets like the Sunken Tower and lots of half-submerged buildings.

All of the White Box Bundles will be in the webstore this Friday, retailing at £70.

These sets are only available for a limited time over the holiday period, so get them while you can! There will be a big demand for them, so make sure to order early.

Escape From San Canciano

If you’re looking at that Sunken San Canciano set and wondering what’s the deal with the sunken district, well you won’t have to wonder much longer.

Escape From San Canciano Box

The Escape From San Canciano set is almost here!

This new box will be going on pre-order on Friday 4th December but we thought we’d tease you all a little early! As it says, this new set is a 2-Player Intro Box. It’s something a little different to what we’ve seen before, but we’re not telling you anything else about it yet! Next week we’ll have more information, but we just couldn’t wait! 😀


Oh and finally, all the regular event exclusives will also be available this Friday for the whole week!

Osprey Angle Background

So whether you’re after the UCM Osprey, a Clear Black Spectre, The Masked Mayhem, or any other exclusives from both 2019 or 2021 (this year we took a break), they’ll all be available on Friday as well!

Phew! That’s a lot to unpack (and for us to pack ready to ship out). We’ll be back on Friday to show off all the White Box Bundles and everything else you need to know!

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ich hatte auf ein Set für Infinity gehofft, aber die gezeigten Sets sind auch nett.
    Die Black Plague Friday Mini is cool, mit dem Typ ohne Hose kann ich nicht viel anfangen.
    Und zu guter Letzt bin ich auf den Carnevale Starter gespannt.

      • Ach Gottchen, vieleicht sollte ich mal den Text lesen und nicht girig auf die Bilder glotzen. 😀
        Zum Glück hab ich nicht auch noch Spekulationen zum Preis angestellt.

  • Die neue Carnevale Box könnte auch für mich interessant sein. Jenachdem welche Modelle drin sind, kann ich meine Kirche von Dagon erweitern.

  • Die neue Carnevale Box könnte für uns auch sehr interessant sein, 😃 aber wie cool ist denn unser Schwarzenegger😜👍 The Halfinator Said he’d bei Back!🤣🤣

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