von BK-Thorsten | 12.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

TTCombat: Rumbleslam Previews

TTCombat zeigen einige neue Previews für Rumbleslam.


TT Rumbleslam




Ok, I’ll stop shouting a little. That’s hard on the eyes.

It’s a MASSIVE week for RUMBLESLAM this week. We’re unveiling two new boxes and two new Superstars and also laying out some long running plans for the game! :O

So what’s coming to the TTCombat webstore this Friday? BOOSTER BOXES!

This is a brand new type of release, giving existing RUMBLEFANS something to get excited about, and a new way to expand their teams. If you’re getting a little fed up of the Heavy Pounders or finding the Green Bruisers a bit samey, then this release is for you!

These new booster boxes (as we refer to them in TTTowers) give a new way to expand your favourite teams. Each box contains five brand new Rookies, each adding something completely different to your games. What do we mean? Well, let’s have a look!


First of all, a brand new expansion box for the Heavy Pounders!

Headliners Group Background

The Headliners are the best of the best in Kaiser’s Palace. While most are good at brawling and grappling, the Headliners bring a unique set of skills to the ring!

  • There’s a Halfling High Flyer who excels at aerial acrobatics
  • The Charging Blocker is most dangerous when bouncing off the ropes, knocking people aside
  • A Martial Artist brings a balanced approach, excellent at knocking wrestlers to the mat
  • The massive Ogre Flattener is extremely heavy – all the better for pinning you
  • And of course there’s… a kid? Oh yeah, that’s the Lucky Winner! He’s won a contest to appear in the ring with his heroes. He’s… not very good, but you can’t hit a kid, right?

This new set gives loads of new plays for your team, and look at those miniatures! They’re beautiful!


But what about Green Bruisers players?

Mighty Madcaps Group Back

The Mighty Madcaps are Rolling Bones answer to “specialist”. These are Orcs and Goblins that live in the deepest depths of the casino, and have gotten a bit… well, mushroomy!

  • A Goblin Cannonballer likes to run and jump on people. He can get some fantastic momentum going from a height!
  • Sporing Gobloom is a wonderful mix of Goblin and fungus, and is just… well it’s super weird.
  • Hiding in the corner there’s a Toadstool Peddlar – an Orc who can get what you need, if what you need is to trip on magical toadstools.
  • The Juicer is a mean, scary mushroom who loves fighting and just happens to have an Orc zombie attached to him.
  • And that big one is a Henchroom! He’s hench and a mushroom! And has a little baby friend as well!

As with the Headliners, the Mighty Madcaps offer some truly unique ways to wrestle, and are fantastic additions to your team!

But what about Superstars? We have those too!

Scrapheap & Puggy

This duo is spinning into the ring!

Scrapheap And Puggy Front Background

Scrapheap just loves swinging that ball and chain. The refs want to stop him, but can’t decide on who has to attempt to get close enough!

Scrapheap is a real beast of a wrestler, combining raw strength with a whirling dervish.

He’s also accompanied by his best friend and manager, Puggy the Halfling. When he starts swinging, she can’t resist jumping onto the ball and going for a ride!


Rolling Bones also get one of the mightiest Orcs around!

Porcelynn Front Background

Meet Porcelynn!

She’s big, she’s green, and she’s… well actually quite well-tempered for an Orc!

Porcelynn is one of Rolling Bones’ biggest crowd-drawers, and for good reason! She’s one of the best grapplers in the whole casino – if not the world. As the self-proclaimed 19th Wonder of the world, her star power really has no equals!

Community Board Shot Background

These new sets are all coming to you this Friday!

The “booster boxes” are designed to complement your existing collections, adding something very new for every team. You don’t need to play them as a team in themselves, adding a few wrestlers here or there if you want. But they’re complete teams on their own too. And – as always in RUMBLESLAM – any wrestlers can be used in any team, regardless of casino affiliation!

These new sets are just the beginning too. We’ll be expanding every single existing team as time goes on. That means tons of Twisted Shadows, and reinforcing Raging Beasts. Even Moote Carlo will get the treatment (although not until every other casino has had theirs – you south-of-the-border wrestlers have plenty of new toys already).

So if you’ve been on the fence about picking up a new (old) team, now’s the time! Head over to the TTCombat webstore to see what we have!

We’ll be having a look all week at what these new teams bring to the ring, so stop by for all the RUMBLESLAM info!

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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