von BK-Thorsten | 17.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

TTCombat: Rumbleslam Neuheiten

Und in der linken Ecke… Rumbleslam Nachschub von TTCombat.

HeavyHeadlinersBoardBack TheHeadlinersBoxBackground GroupBackground 65f8ee6c 7dd4 4bbf Be85 846c75bc72c3 ChargingBlockerBackBackground ChargingBlockerFrontBackground HalflingHighFlyerBackBackground HalflingHighFlyerFrontBackground LuckyWinnerBackBackground LuckyWinnerFrontBackground MartialArtistBackBackground MartialArtistFrontBackground OgreFlattenerBackBackground OgreFlattenerFrontBackground Kaiser SPalaceCards Kaiser SPalaceCards2 Kaiser SPalaceCards3 Kaiser SPalaceCards4 Kaiser SPalaceCards5

The Headliners – 22,00 GBP

The specialists have arrived! No more simple brawling or grappling for your golden boys, it’s now all about smashing, pinning, flying, and – wait, is that a kid? Why is he here?

He won a competition? Oh okay, umm… good luck kid!
The Headliners are the best of the best. Almost every Kaiser’s Palace Superstar served in this team before going onto superstardom. Although they’re excellent on their own, the Headliners make an excellent add-on to the Heavy Pounders. With five unique wrestlers, each brings something slightly different to your games of RUMBLESLAM. If you’re looking to expand your Kaiser’s Palace collection, this is the perfect set!

A Halfling High Flyer does exactly what you’d expect: fly high. Pretty useless on the ground, this fellow has a couple of different turnbuckle abilities to choose from, and can boost up each turnbuckle attack with extra AP for extra range and damage! On the less fantastical end of the spectrum is the Lucky Winner. This kid won a competition to appear alongside his heroes, and he’s taking it seriously! Unfortunately, he’s an untrained kid, so is basically just the worst wrestler in the game. But your opponents should be wary to attack him, lest they bring in the ire of the refs. You can’t punch a kid!

In the medium-weight category you have a Charging Blocker and Martial Artist. The Charging Blocker is excellent at rope attacks, using his momentum to send the target flying. The less distance he moves, the more stored momentum gets turned into Shove power! Meanwhile the Martial Artist is a bit more sedentary, preferring to showcase his pure skill. With +1s all over the place, he’s excellent at knocking enemies down with superior wrestling moves.

If you want heavy weights, few come heavier than the Ogre Flattener. Although not quite as fast as his Heavy Pounder counter-part, this big guy can boost up his WEIGHT to 4, and re-rolls dice when Pinning opponents. He really likes flattening (the clue is in the name)!

Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

GreenBruisersBoardBack MightyMadcapsBoxBackground MightyMadcapsGroupBack SporingGobloomFrontBackground CannonballerBackBackground CannonballerFrontBackground HenchroomAngleBackground HenchroomBackBackground HenchroomFrontBackground JuicerBackBackground JuicerFrontBackground PeddlerAngleBackground PeddlerBackBackground PeddlerFrontBackground SporingGobloomBackBackground RollingBonesCards RollingBonesCards2 RollingBonesCards3 RollingBonesCards4 RollingBonesCards5

The Mighty Madcaps – 22,00 GBP

What happens when a bunch of orcs and goblins live in the deepest, dankest depths of Rolling Bones? Mushrooms!

The Mighty Madcaps add some weird and wonderful new plays. We advise against sitting in the front row if you don’t want to get spored!
A great team in themselves, the Mighty Madcaps make an excellent companion to the Green Bruisers. With five unique wrestlers, each brings something slightly different to your games of RUMBLESLAM. If you’re looking to expand your greenskin collection, this is the perfect set!

The lightweight category is represented by the Cannonballer, who is excellent at being thrown as live ammunition; and the Sporing Gobloom, who dishes out negative counters all over the place with Debilitating Spores.

The Toadstool Peddlar is a bad Orc who loves nothing more than selling performance enhancing mushrooms to boost friendly wrestlers – mushrooms are pretty tricky though, so don’t be surprised if something goes wrong! A Juicer is an orc who has taken one too many mushrooms and now the mushroom has taken complete control! It’s an angry little mushy who is all about fighting and doesn’t care much to defend itself.

Finally the set is rounded out with the massive Henchroom (seriously, pictures don’t quite capture just how massive this monster is). Excellent at attacking, not so hot at defending, and excellent at shaking spores loose to give bonuses or penalties, depending on the situation. Plus, look at the tiny mushroom finger! WHAT!

Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

ScrapheapandPuggyBoardBack ScrapheapandPuggyBackBackground ScrapheapandPuggyFrontBackground Kaiser SPalaceCards6

Scrapheap & Puggy – 12,00 GBP

The original dynamic duo, Scrapheap & Puggy take no prisoners!
Scrapheap loves nothing more than getting in the ring and spinning round and round in circles until everyone else is KO’d. And Puggy loves nothing more than the adrenaline rush of grabbing onto the wrecking ball and enjoying the ride!
Puggy is Scrapheap’s manager, and claims most of his KO’s in the ring as her own (she touched the opponents after all), but as best friends, neither really keeps score over the other.
You might be thinking that having a ball and chain isn’t necessarily in the spirit of RUMBLESLAM. But need I remind you that the sport was created when a bunch of drunks started beating each other up in a car park? I think we’ll allow it.

In game, Scrapheap & Puggy do what you’d expect: wreck people with a wrecking ball. With 3S+1 ATT, this pair can deal a lot of pain, especially combined with their great abilities. Whirling Dervish is incredibly damaging and has a massive Shove 6, which means you’ll probably get another Rope Attack afterwards! And Fore! uses the momentum of the wrecking ball to smash opponents waaaay out of the ring. It’s not super reliable, but if it works, so long opposing wrestlers!

Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

PorcelynnBoardBackground PorcelynnBackBackground PorcelynnFrontBackground RollingBonesCards6

Porcelynn – 8,00 GBP

„Introoooduuuucing the niiiineteeeeeeeenth wooooooondeeeeeer of the wooooooorld-“

„Why do you always do it like that?“
„Liiiiiiiike whaaaaaaaat?“
„You take ages with each word. It gets very annoying to listen to each time. We sit up on this desk every day, and every time it takes five minutes to introduce them. Just do „introducing the nineteenth wonder of the world, the one the only Porcelynn. Everyone knows who she is, why do you elongate every word?“
„Beeeeeecauuuuuse I’m aaaaaaa ghooooooost. Thaaaaaaat’s juuuuust hoooooow weeeee taaaaaaalk. Cheeeeeeck yoooour preeeejuuuudiiiiices aaaaaat the dooooooooor!“
Is Porcelynn the most famous Orc in all of RUMBLESLAM? No. That’s Gun, obviously. But when Gun himself recruits you, you know you’re in for a lifetime of fame. But Porcelynn is one of the most competent Orc wrestlers in the world, so that fame is richly deserved!

Porcelynn is an all out grappler! But that doesn’t stop her enjoying the finer things in life, like punching people’s faces, and getting punched in the face (Orcs are weird). She’s got a broad and great statline, and enough special abilities that you’ll always wonder what to do next! Her signature Handspring Back Elbow is a particular favourite – Porcelynn moves 3 squares before elbowing her opponent. And if they’re next to a turnbuckle, it does a grand total of FIVE DAMAGE!

Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Den großen Pilz kann ich mir als Baummensch für BB vorstellen und der Pilz Dealer passt auch gut an den Spielfeldrand.

  • Habe ich auch gehört, das das total witzig für Zwischendurch sein soll.. Muss ich mir vielleicht auch mal ansehen, die Minis sehen ja schon schräg aus.

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