von BK-Thorsten | 26.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

TTCombat: Neuheiten

Viele, viele untote Halblinge… und ein paar Werwölfe von TTCombat.


Skeleton Halfling Warriors – 20,00 GBP

The skeletons of Deathly Pastures are a familiar sight to the Halflings of Craggy Bottom. Their long deceased ancestors, risen again from the grave. Of course, the Halflings don’t give much attention to them mostly. More often than not the complaints aren’t about the dead walking in an unholy fashion, but that the wails keep them up at night.
This set contains a regiment of 20 Skeleton Halfling Warriors, including a full command of Champion, Standard Bearer, and Musician. There are several different designs of Warriors, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Contains 20 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Skeleton Halfling Spears – 20,00 GBP

Standing guard around Deathly Pastures Cemetery State, the Spear Guard are a stoic bunch. In fact, it’s believed that only one in ten of them is actually reanimated, and the rest are just used as a spooky decorative fence. After the Hallow’s Eve Feast teenage Halflings wander down to the border and the bravest will take turns running up and poking the skeletons. Regardless of whether they’re animate or not, every year there’s at least one case of spear-poked eye.
This set contains a regiment of 20 Skeleton Halfling Spears, including a full command of Champion, Standard Bearer, and Musician. There are several different designs of skeletons, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Contains 20 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Skeleton Halfling Archers – 20,00 GBP

The Skeleton Archers of Deathly Pastures Cemetery State are infamous. Their accuracy is beyond mortal ability, possibly owing to the necromantic magic keeping them from falling apart. Although they’re also infamous for very often accidentally shooting their own bone arms instead. It’s very off-putting, especially as they keep crawling around once they land!
This set contains a regiment of 20 Skeleton Halfling Archers, including a full command of Champion, Standard Bearer, and Musician. There are several different designs of skeletons, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Contains 20 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Skeleton Halfling Knights – 20,00 GBP

Although some will claim that there’s no such thing as a Dire Ghost Pony, they haven’t fought the fearsome Skeleton Halfling Knights of Deathly Pastures. Those people say that it’s simply a puppet on top of two Halflings with a sheet thrown over them. And while it is a common prank on the Halfling’s Hallow’s Eve Feast to do just that, it doesn’t make the actual thing any less terrifying! Better stock up on ghost carrots.
This set contains a regiment of 10 Skeleton Halfling Knights, including a full command of Champion, Musician, and Standard Bearer. There are several different designs of skeletons and ponies, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Contains 10 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Skeleton Halfling Catapults – 15,00 GBP

If you ever thought that Skeleton Halflings weren’t legitimately terrifying, then look no further than the catapults. They fire reanimated, chattering ogre skulls at their enemies. And they’ve defeated all of those ogres in battle! Makes you think.
This set contains 2 Skeleton Halfling Catapults, including a full crew of 3 each.

Contains 8 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Halfling Wight Lord – 5,00 GBP

Leading the charge from Deathly Pastures Cemetery State are the Halfling Wight Lords. These powerful reanimen (and reaniwomen, it’s hard to tell really) form the magical centre of an army, holding their fellow skellies together through sheer force of will.
This set contains a Halfling Wight Lord. One of the toughest Undead Halflings, they’re hard to kill (again) and put up a heck of a fight!

Contains 1 resin miniature with base. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Halfling Necromancer – 5,00 GBP

Halfling Wizards are a rare and odd bunch. Trained in the colleges of magic along with all the other races, even rarer still are those that don’t enjoy the bustling college life. Considering college is one big party (which for a Halfling = feast), it’s rare. Sometimes those reclusive individuals pursue the art of necromancy. Huddled away in dark rooms they study the ancient practice of raising the dead. Of course, we live in a modern fantasy world where that sort of thing isn’t actually as edgy as it used to be – there’s a whole campus dedicated to the discipline. More often than not though, a Halfling like that will stay in their room, listening to weird music, before running back to Deathly Pastures to practice raising the dead. Doesn’t matter how dark and tortured your soul is, call your mother once in a while, okay? She worries.
This set contains a Halfling Necromancer. This is the wizard you want in charge of your Undead Halfling army.

Contains 1 resin miniature with base. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Halfling Wraith – 5,00 GBP

Is there anything scarier than Death itself? Nope. Although probably half as scary is half- you know what? You know where I’m going with this, I’m going to get a cup of tea.
This set contains a Halfling Wraith. All bones and robes and a scythe, this is perfect if you want a scary hero, or maybe a costume idea for Hallowe’en.

Contains 1 resin miniature with base. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

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Werewolves – 20,00 GBP

Deathly Pastures is home to all manner of creatures that some consider to be unnatural. The Werewolves of the Cemetery State are actually Halflings bitten by another Halfling Werewolf. Weirdly though, the bite is only infectious if bitten by them while in Halfling form. When in Werewolf form they’re ravenous beasts, consumed by the desire to tear apart food with their bare teeth, consuming many more pounds than you’d expect them to. So, pretty much the same as normal tbh.
This set contains a regiment of 6 Werewolves. There are several different designs of Werewolf, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Halfling Witch Hunter – 5,00 GBP

Usually this is the part where I write something silly about Halflings eating their weight in snacks each morning or something. But you know what? This guy actually looks really cool. I’m going to spend the time I usually spend writing this stuff coming up with some ideas for a Halfling Witch Hunter for my next RPG campaign.
This set contains a Halfling Witch Hunter. With a tall hat and a crossbow, he’s got everything you’d expect, right down to the holy water.

Contains 1 resin miniature with base. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

HalflingArmyBoard BSBExclusiveBackground

Skeleton Halfling Army – 100,00 GBP

„Rise forth my shambling horde!“
„You feel the ground shake and rumble. What did you get?“
„Uhh I rolled a 12.“
„Okay, and your Halfling Wight Lord is magic level 3, right?“
„Yeah, and she gets a +5 Intelligence bonus because of that amulet.“
„Oh yeah okay. Umm hang on…“
„Can you pass the sweets?“
„Yeah here you go. Okay. *ahem* The ground shakes and rumbles, splitting apart! The gravestones shatter as skeletal hands push up from beneath the dirt. A vast army of ancient warriors rises up, with a magical glow coming from their eye sockets. What do you do next?“
„Now that’s a good Halfling roleplay right there.“
This set contains a whole army of Skeleton Halflings! Mostly all bones, these are the spookiest, cutiest skellies you’ve ever seen.

This set contains:

  • 3 heroes: a Halfling Wight Lord to command your infantry, a Halfling Wraith for maximum spooks, and Skeleton Halfling Battle Standard Bearer that is unique to this box!
  • 3 infantry regiments: 20 Skeleton Halfling Warriors, 20 Skeleton Halfling Spears, and 20 Skeleton Halfling Archers. Each with a full command of Champion, Standard Bearer, and Musician.
  • A regiment of 10 Skeleton Halfling Knights (on ghost ponies) with a full command of Champion, Musician, and Standard Bearer.
  • 2 Halfling Skeleton Catapults (with full crew).
  • 6 Werewolves.

There are loads of different Skeleton Halfling designs, and you’ll get a random selection in each regiment to give plenty of variation in your army.

Contains 87 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ich wollte immer mal ne Halbling Armee für KoW aufbauen. Die Jungs hier sind speziell, aber gefallen mir sehr gut. Ich kaufe auch einfach gern bei TTC.

  • Die erinnern mich ziemlich an die Untoten fetische aus Diablo 2, leider passt die Ausrüstung nicht 🤗

  • Damit haben sie mich.😻 Nach so langer Zeit im Hobby, wird das wohl meine erste Untoten Armee werden.⚔️⚰️☠️

  • Witzig, das positive Feedback zu sehen. Ich finde die leider völlig misslungen. Hatte auf ein bisschen ernstere Designs gehofft und warum reiten die Untoten Halbline auf ponies, wenn die lebendigen Ziegen nutzen? Unklar. Aber gut, schön für alle, denen sie gefallen, mehr Abwechslung ist ja zu begrüßen

  • Schöne Minis, wenn auch ein bisschen krude modelliert, aber ist für mich absolute im Rahmen und passen sie auch besser zu meinen älteren Minis. Vertragen sich denke ich auch gut mit den untoten Zwergen und Goblins von Macrocosm. Wahrscheinlich könnte man die einfach alle zusammenwerfen und würde es auf dem Tisch nicht mal merken.

  • Die Werwölfe und der Hexenjäger Halbling sind wirklich wunderbar!
    Letzteres werde ich mir sicher auch irgendwann zulegen.

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