von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände, Weltkriege

TTCombat: Neuheiten

TTCombat veröffentlicht mehr MDF-Gelände aus der 25mm City Reihe.

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25mm City Rowhouse Terrace – 9,00 GBP

The 25mm City Rowhouse Terrace is a fantastic, multi-purpose piece of terrain! Not only do you get multiple floors to garrison and fight inside, but you also get a full rooftop terrace to snipe enemies from! Post a rocket launcher up there and wait for the tanks to roll down the street.

The Rowhouses look great on their own, but are designed to sit next to each other perfectly, making whole city streets of beautiful French inspired architecture.

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for 25mm historical games. Perfect for a World War setting, it’s also useful for modern or fantasy games too.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

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25mm City Rowhouse Corner – 12,00 GBP

The 25mm City Rowhouse Corner is invaluable if you’re turning your Rowhouses into a street. Nestled away on the corner, this is a pretty impressive piece of MDF engineering!

The Rowhouses look great on their own, but are designed to sit next to each other perfectly, making whole city streets of beautiful French inspired architecture.

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25mm City Rowhouse Arch- 14,00 GBP

The 25mm City Rowhouse Arch has not only the typical high quality design of a French townhouse, but a nifty little arch underneath. Too small for tanks, it’ll fit infantry and smaller vehicles under with ease, making it invaluable for tactical gameplay.

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25mm City Rowhouse – 14,00 GBP

The 25mm City Rowhouse is a great start to a whole French city. Covered in excellent detail, it’ll fit right into your historical games. The floors are removable, so you can get models inside for cover or tense indoor fighting.


25mm City Fountain – 4,00 GBP

The 25mm City Fountain is an excellent accessory for your board. While it isn’t a sprawling network of buildings or bunkers, it provides some good cover and will really help your battlezone to feel grounded and realistic.

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25mm City 2 Storey Terrace – 12,00 GBP

The 25mm City 2 Storey Terrace makes for a great kit in your World War settings. Modelled after French town houses of the era, it’s big enough to garrison with troops, and easy too, thanks to it’s removable roof.

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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