TTCombat: Neuheiten
Bei TTCombat gibt es neue Gebäude.
Elven City Gateway – 30,49 Euro
Imagine the swelling score as you walk through the Gateway. Light dappling down through the trees, and a faint autumnal glow over everything, even though it’s summer. Ahhhh, so peaceful!
With a large gateway, two towers *cough*, two platforms, four archways, two staircases and a few small accessories, the Elven City Gateway makes an excellent start to any Elf board.
The set is completely modular, able to be set up in any order. Whether you want to make an open wall across your board or maybe an enclosed courtyard, these finely detailed scenery kits will be perfect.
The kit is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm Greyboard. It is a great scenery kit to use in fantasy skirmish games as well as roleplaying games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.
Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.
WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT City Gateway 12cm 11cm 19cm Wall Hub 6.5cm 6.5cm 7.5cm Arched Walkway 9.5cm 5.7cm 7.5cm Watchtower 6.5cm 9cm 26.5cm
Elven Pavilion – 10,49 Euro
Listen to the gentle strumming of some weird lute or something. The band is playing again in the pavilion. It’s the same song, the song of our people. There is no beginning and no end. It just carries on like a stream. *yawn*
The Elven Pavilion is an excellent decorative piece of scenery. Supported by eight columns, this finely detailed kit adds a great centrepiece for an area of your board.
The kit is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm Greyboard. It is a great scenery kit to use in fantasy skirmish games as well as roleplaying games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.
Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.
WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT Dimensions 160mm 160mm 130mm
Elven Docks – 25,49 Euro
It’s time for our people to leave. We’re sailing West and leaving everything in the mortal world behind. Take a good look around, because it’s the last time you’ll see- hey! Watch it with that crate! I don’t care if you’re loading up the boat, I’m trying to be pensive here!
There’s no better way to leave the world of life than in a cool boat, and the Elven Docks has one of those! It also has a long pier and two smaller canoes (in case you’re not fully committed to ending your mortal existence). For a dock in an Elven city, look no further!
The kit is made from 3mm MDF. It is easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop with other 28-35mm scenery.
Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.
WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT Dimensions (boat) 150mm 340mm 290mm
Elven Castle – 25,49 Euro
There’s no better way to protect your city than behind a big wall. Well, maybe a bunch of magical water horses, but we can’t make those in MDF. Or could we…?
This massive piece comes with a large central keep with elaborate platform (what else would you expect from Elves?), a large gate, two large walls, two small walls, and four platforms! With all of these bits, it’s easy to make a fully fortified Elven board.
The kit is entirely modular, using a simple hook mechanism on the walls and gate to attach to the platforms and keep in many different combinations. The platforms are eight-sided, so there’s loads of variations you can make!
The kit is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in fantasy skirmish games as well as roleplaying games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.
Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.
WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT Dimensions 150mm 340mm 290mm
Elven Pagoda – 12,99 Euro
I can think of no finer place to propose to your loved one. Wait, what do you mean love is meaningless when you live for millennia? Wow, Elves really are mopey, aren’t they?
With an upper storey supported by twin staircases, the Elven Pagoda is a finely detailed masterclass in Elf architecture. Sturdy yet exquisitely fashioned, it makes a perfect vantage point for archers, or a spot of tea.
The kit is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard. It is a great scenery kit to use in fantasy skirmish games as well as roleplaying games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.
Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.
WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT Dimensions 180mm 230mm 215mm
Elven Bridge – 8,99 Euro
Is there anything more iconic than a pretty Elven bridge? Maybe autumn leaves falling off trees, but it would have to be a lot of them.
The Elven Bridge has everything you need to cross water. It has steps, it has railings, and it has elaborately designed arches for plants to grow on. If you don’t think that last one is a necessity, then you need to tart up your life a bit more! The Elven Bridge is a perfect place to start. 😉
The kit is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in fantasy skirmish games as well as roleplaying games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.
Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.
WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT Dimensions 100mm 180mm 160mm
TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.
Quelle: TTCombat
Es sieht schon irgendwie sehr schön aus, aber wirkt das ganze dann auch bemalt oder ist es zu glatt? Ich werde daraus nicht schlau 🙁
Ansonsten passt alles. Guter Preis, gutes Zeug.
Man sollte vor dem Zusammenkleben grundieren und bemalen, möglichst mit Sprühdose o. Airbrush; die Farbe trocknet auf Stellen mit Kleber deutlich anders. Das Material saugt ordentlich Farbe auf, ein wirklich „satter/opaquer“ Farbton benötigt eine versiegelnde Grundierung (zB Klarlack seidenmatt).
Bei meinen Modellen von TTCombat sind durchweg die Tore/Türen überdimensioniert
Wow, sieht das alles hübsch und verschnörkelt aus! 🙂
Ich war ja neulich schon am überlegen bei dem Tor Azur-Kickstarter mitzumachen (allein 100eur für die stl-files!). Aber das hier gefällt mir alles um Längen besser bei ähnlichem Preis – UND ist bereits „ausgedruckt“. 😉
Muss ich haben! 🙂
Mann! Schickt jetzt mal, hier! Langsamer! Mer kommt ja mit em Malen gar nemmer nach!
TTC haut zur Zeit echt viel Raus, aber solange sie dafür alte Sachen nicht aus dem Programm nehmen und Qualität und Preise nicht darunter leiden ist das ok.
Das meiste ist on demand fertigung.
Geht ja bei den einfachen Sachen auch relativ schnell.
Und Dateien verbrauchen wenig Regalfläche
Sehr gut, ich liebäugle nämlich noch mit den ehr alten Necron Sachen und bestelle erst wenn andere Projekte fertig sind.
SEHR schönes Zeug!!
Der Link zu verlag-martin-ellermeier endet immer noch fatal.
Das liegt nur an der DZC-Weiterleitung, bei der es ein PHP-Problem gibt: