von BK-Thorsten | 03.11.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

TTCombat: Mehr untote Halblinge

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Halfling Zombies – 20,00 GBP

Zombies aren’t so much a blight on the grounds of Deathly Pastures, and more of a constant source of entertainment. The skeletons will often herd the zombies into an arena to perform a series of tasks, and bet on their favourites. Randy „No Arms“ Applechewer was a fan favourite, winning the championship of Brains Ball a record 15 times before his head fell off.
This set contains a regiment of 20 Halfling Zombies. There are several different designs of zombies, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Contains 20 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

GhoulsBackground 22205e29 D55c 4cc2 A2b4 3fae41b09322

Halfling Ghouls – 20,00 GBP

The most permanent residents of Deathly Pastures Cemetary State, the Ghouls outlast the rotting zombies and the magically animated skeletons. Through years of cowering in dank holes, the Halfling groundskeepers have turned into feral monsters, spending their lives hungering solely for their next meal and attacking anyone who gets in the way. Oh, but their next meal is likely Halfling flesh and bone – that’s what makes them different to regular Halflings.
This set contains a regiment of 20 Halfling Ghouls. There are several different designs of Ghouls, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Contains 20 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

MummiesBackground 56655de1 57db 4919 9e0b 51e2706bb91d

Halfling Mummies – 20,00 GBP

In the idyllic town of Craggy Bottom, the threat of a deceased relative coming back from the dead as a shambling corpse is pretty common. Living right next door to Deathly Pastures Cemetery State, a shambling zombie walking through town is a Tuesday. So the burial rituals have grown more elaborate as time has gone on. A popular method is mummification. Not that this stops them rising from the grave, it’s just that without their internal organs and wrapped in bandages it’s a lot less messy when they hobble into the tavern.
This set contains a regiment of 20 Halfling Mummies. There are several different designs of Mummies, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Contains 20 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

WraithKnightsBackground 9830bb41 3e2f 4564 9907 4fc461bd0b10

Halfling Wraith Knights – 20,00 GBP

You’d think that the ghostly wail of wraiths riding around all night on their spectral ponies would be annoying, but- well, it kind of is, if you’re not used to it. But down near the entry gate to Deathly Pastures Cemetery State, there’s a little hamlet named Mutton Copse. Anyone visiting is put off by the nightly screams, but the residents of Mutton Copse (known collectively to Craggy Bottom residents as „weirdos“) can ignore the sounds. Then, just as the sun is about to peek up each morning, the ride of the Wraith Knights subsides, and all of Mutton Copse wakes up refreshed, the peaceful sound of silence a better alarm clock than any other.
This set contains a regiment of 10 Halfling Wraith Knights. There are several different designs of knight and pony mount, and you’ll get a random selection to give plenty of variation to your regiments.

Contains 10 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

SpiritsBackground 3b6a806f 6af7 4f63 Bb27 Bbec6d41e3a8

Halfling Spirits – 15,00 GBP

~mooooore piiiiiieeeees~
„What’s their deal?“
„Oh, those are just ghosts. Wailing about their unfinished business.“
~meeeeeeaaaaaad aaaaand aaaaaa goooood sooooouuuup~
„Is all their unfinished business to do with eating?“
„Well, if you died, what do you wish you’d done more of?“
„Fair point. Pass the lamb chops.“
This set contains 4 bases of Halfling Spirits, with 3 different ghosts on each base.

Contains 12 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

VampireLordBackground 9dcf14d0 Acb9 45a5 B743 9aac09719050

Halfling Vampire Lord – 5,00 GBP

Invariably at the head of a shambling army of undead Halflings is a creature of great power, and a Vampire Lord is one such being. Halfling Vampire Lords aren’t mindless killers though, and actually foster an endearment among Halfling villages, as they rarely drink their blood. Human cities are their hunting grounds, and a particularly dangerous specimen will leave a trail of blood-drained bodies, puncture wounds in their calves.
This set contains a Halfling Vampire Lord. Decked out in all the campest finery you would expect from a vampire, he makes a great leader for your army, or a pint-sized enemy for your RPG games!

Contains 1 resin miniature with base. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

GhoulLordBackground C3b41015 C196 4b31 8a7d 4e42ab5aef65

Halfling Ghoul Lord – 5,00 GBP

Lord Viscount Fletchington Honourary Knight of Fletchington, Guardian of the Realm, High Bounder, Master of Ceremonies, Duke of All Fletchington, and His Excellency Earl of Fancy is the current leader of the Kingdom of Ghouls. He became leader after winning the annual „Smells Like Something Died, Even Though Genuinely They’re Still Alive, No Seriously“ competition, and has won the title for the 10th year in a row.
This set contains a Halfling Ghoul Lord. This is a super scary half-sized sort of undead bad guy! Or good guy, if you’re on the side of eating your fellow Halflings. Up to you really.

Contains 1 resin miniature with base. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


Skeleton Halfling Battle Standard Bearer – 5,00 GBP

Toting a banner in the hordes of a Halfling Skeleton army is less about honour, and more about practicality. You see, skeletons don’t see particularly well. Their eyes long ago fell out, and although they now have magical ones, they’re not super good at perception. So it is that a banner bearer isn’t just a matter or pride, but necessity. Getting brightly coloured sheets is a must for these Undead Halflings, as it gives them a good reference point to follow into battle. Provided the bearer knows where they’re going that is.
This set contains a Skeleton Halfling Battle Standard Bearer. With probably the biggest banner such a tiny skellie could carry, this model is perfect for directing your army in battle.

Contains 1 resin miniature with base. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

BansheeBackground 56378fa9 Bf9c 4c57 B36a 4faddd1f3869

Halfling Banshee – 5,00 GBP

It is said that the wail of a banshee can turn a man’s heart to ice. Halflings are a practical bunch though, and – provided their offerings are plentiful enough – many can actually benefit from having a Banshee around. These ethereal horrors are often brought in for the largest feasts. If a Halfling eats Too Much (a state that many traditionalists believe is just made up nonsense), they can call on the wail of a Banshee to alleviate heartburn. All it costs is their immortal soul. But who needs that? Clear out the room for more food!
This set contains a Halfling Banshee. Clad in spooky flowing robes, you can recruit her to help at feasts, or to aid your armies, or even to be a pretty awesome enemy in your RPG campaign.

Contains 1 resin miniature with base. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

UndeadBoardBackground BurstingZombiesBackground

Undead Halfling Army – 100,00 GBP

On each All Hallow’s Day, the shambling hordes will march forth from their home at Deathly Pastures Cemetery State. Invariably led by a creature of great necromantic power, the magic binding them to the cemetery lifts for just one night. The march of tiny, sometimes hairy feet is deafening to nearby Halflings, who choose to hide away, lest they become part of the horde.
Any undead beast that leaves the cemetery on this day cannot return until the following year, doomed to wander the world or be killed all over again. The heads of the armies march for war, or food, or sometimes both. But all search out victory, their rotting half-sized warriors behind them.
This set contains a whole army of Undead Halflings! If you want a massive army of corpses and beasts, look no further!

This set contains:

  • 3 heroes: a Halfling Vampire Lord to command your infantry, a Halfling Banshee for scaring your foes, and Halfling Ghoul Lord for commanding your cannibals.
  • 4 infantry regiments: 2 regiments of 20 Halfling Zombies, 20 Halfling Ghouls, and 20 Halfling Mummies.
  • A regiment of 10 Halfling Wraith Knights (on ghost ponies).
  • 4 bases of Halfling Spirits.

There are even 10 Halfling Zombie Bursters for free! These corpses are rising up from the grave. Use them to bolster your Zombie regiments, or as neat counters or objective markers.
There are loads of different Undead Halfling designs, and you’ll get a random selection in each regiment to give plenty of variation in your army.

Contains 115 resin miniatures with bases. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Also ich fand und finde Halblinge ja schon immer kacke , aber das hier als Armeekonzept hat einfach charme.

  • Baaah, jetzt hab ich doch wieder Bock Fantasy oder ein ähnliches System zu spielen, nur um diese Halblinge zu kaufen…

  • Ist vieleicht alles nicht die höchste Modelierkunst (außer dem Ghoul Lord, den will man direkt in einen Mixer stecken ♥), aber in sich eine super stimmige Truppe wie ich finde.

  • Die sollten vielleicht endlich Mal meine Tokio gießen statt mit immer mehr Zeug um die Ecke zu kommen!

  • Sie haben es wieder getan. 😃👍Erst vor ein paar Tagen war die gezeigte Untoten Armee schon richtig klasse ,das hier ist eine super Ergänzung.😃 Einfach genial.

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