von BK-Thorsten | 10.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

TTCombat: Halbling Schildmaiden Preview

TTCombat haben etwas ganz besonderes in der Mache. Mit Halblingen. Und Bären. Und… was ist die Mehrzahl von Walross? Walrosse? Walrösser?

Teaser Tuesday Two – Halflings

Seal Spears THUMB

Tiny Teaser Tuesday! Actually BIG teaser, tiny warriors!

That’s right, we have 2 Teaser Tuesdays today! Not only are there new RUMBLESLAM Superstars launching this week, but some of our Halflings are also going up for pre-order!

Hand Weapon Halflings Background

Those wanting Halflings have been patient, and now we’re rewarding you!

We’re releasing our first wave of Halfling Fantasy Heroes miniatures, starting with the incredibly popular Shield Maidens!

There are several regiments coming this week, along with cavalry and warmachines.

Seal Spears Back

The Walrus Riders are particularly aggressive (at least the walruses are), and they come in two forms – spears or hand weapons.

Each of the regiments will be available separately, as will the heroes. We’ll also have an army deal as well.

Bears Back

Oh and did I mention bears? Oh yes!

These are currently only going to be available in the TTCombat webstore, with a full retail release to go to your FLGS shortly after. And this is just the first batch of Halflings! Trust us, there are lots more on the way too.


Teaser Tuesday – 3 NEW CHALLENGERS

Sapphire THUMB

It’s Tuesday, and we’re slowly resuming some kind of normal release schedule so….

It’s Teaser Tuesday again!

This week we’re picking up right where we left off, and introducing the first* 3 Superstars into the brand new casino Moote Carlo!

SrJr Front Background

Junior Jr Señor Jr is our first new contender. We actually saw his (their?) artwork last year, with a vital part removed – that part is Señor Jr’s ghost!

Junior Jr is an extremely powerful wrestler, flipping around all over the ring. A seasoned veteran, he takes in his father’s footsteps – sometimes a little literally, as the deceased Señor Jr from time to time possesses the helpless wrestler, guiding his actions in death just as he inspired him in life.

Atoq Angle Background

Next we have the Fabulous Atoq! This elven wrestler was last seen being painted just before lock-down, and now he’s all done and ready for the ring!

The Fabulous Atoq is a mysterious elf who lives south of south of the border Moote Carlo. He travels to the casino town frequently, always dazzling crowds with his acrobatic charm and impressing men and women alike with his steely gaze. Fast beyond measure, a whoosh of his cape signals his use of speed to overcome any foe!

Sapphire Front Background

Our final new Superstar today is the one, the only, legend that he is – the Sapphire Fiend! *crowd goes wild*

One of the most famous Superstars of all time, the Sapphire Fiend is powerful beyond measure. Outrageously strong, this furry hulk will give even Trihorn a run for his dosh! Not just a wrestling legend, the Sapphire Fiend is also a veteran moviestar, and sometimes that thirst for the attention gets the better of him. When the spotlight is on him, don’t expect much more than cheers, waves and roars from this absolute icon of the sport.

All three of these new Superstars are out THIS FRIDAY! If you’ve run out of wrestlers to paint, it’s not long to wait before you get to add these to your roster. And don’t forget, there’s already some Moote Carlo waiting for you in the webstore. It’s an up and coming casino with plenty more on offer in the future.

Later this week we’ll be having a look at what these three (four?) bring to the ring and into your games of RUMBLESLAM!

*Don’t forget Mushcles!

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ich liebe Halblinge! 🙂
    Der kleinwüchsige Ringer ist auch klasse! Ich mag kleine Dinge!

  • irgendwie finde ich die Köpfe schockierend, ich weiss nicht was es ist, aber die scheinen mir nicht zu stimmen. zu gross? zu flache details? zu grosse augen? irgendwie wirken die wie puppen… gruselig (im sinn des wortes, nicht als qualitätseinschätzung) wie ich finde, wie mörderpuppen. die männlichen köpfe, die sie früher rausgebracht haben, haben bei mir nicht diese reaktion hervorgerufen.

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