von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Antike

TooFatLardies: Infamy,Infamy! Preorder

Das neue historische Spiel „Infamy, Infamy!“ ist ab jetzt von TooFatLardies vorbestellbar.

TooFatLardies Infamy,Infamy! Preorder

TooFatLardies – Infamy,Infamy! Preorder

Great News and much excitement on Lard Island as we are able to announce that Infamy, Infamy! will be released in just two weeks time on Monday the 29th of June,  That’s great news for everyone who has been following the development of these groundbreaking large skirmish rules, but especially so for our customers in the United States where the prompt release means that we will. just beat the new considerable rise in postal charges to the USA for all advanced order.

So, what is available?

Infamy, Infamy! has four component options, as follows:

The main rules:  Infamy, Infamy! is a game that will, ultimately, be divided into three parts.  This is the first rule book which covers Rome’s conflicts with the western barbarian between 60 BC and AD 100.  Covered in the rules are lists for Late Republican forces that can be used for Caesar and his campaigns in Gaul and Britannia and against the German tribes raiding across the Rhine.  The Early Imperial Roman lists are perfect for the conquest of Britannia under Claudius and the continuing campaigns through to Agricola’s conquest of the North and beyond.  The British lists cover the period from Caesar’s invasions through to Mons Graupius, including lists for Boudicca’s revolt.  Gallic lists cover the classic period of conquest of the Gallic Wars with the Belgea and Aquitani represented and make every effort to reflect the more advanced culture of the Gauls. The Germans, on the other hand, are the ultimate Barbarians, with lists for the tribes of the Rhineland and those of the dark forests of Germania Magna and for the Batavian Revolt.

TooFatLardies Infamy,Infamy! Preorder2

The Infamy Cards:  The Infamy Cards are actually two card decks in one.  Firstly the Game Deck which is used t determine the run of play in each turn.  It includes Leader Cards to indicate which of your forces main characters is activated and also the Signa Cards which determine what reservoir of command is available.  Then we have the Infamy Deck.  These are the cards that control the political machinations of the period.  How will your cause be affected by treachery or by unexpected friends?  The Infamy Deck adds much of the period character that makes Infamy, Infamy! feel like an account from the ancient histories.

TooFatLardies Infamy,Infamy! Preorder3

The Poker Chips:  Some (heretical?) players prefer poker chips to Cards, so we have produced a set of MDF poker chips that replace the Game Deck.  These are provided in two ‘sprues’ for easy painting. Spray one set red and the other blue and you’re ready to go, or take a bit more time and turn these into a piece of art in their own right.  Either way they come shrink wrapped.  Please note, these DO NOT replace the Infamy Deck.

TooFatLardies Infamy,Infamy! Preorder4

Infamy Token Set:  The perfect token set to accompany the rules.  This provides tokens to show when your Romans are in close order, when they have shields braced or when they are defending against missiles or in Testudo.  It shows when the Barbarians are in shieldwall and tracks ammunition usage for those troops who don’t have an unlimited supply. Essentially, it’s the complete kit for tracking what your troops are doing.

TooFatLardies Infamy,Infamy! Preorder5

For Advanced Order we are offering three bundles.  These are as follows:

The ‘They’ve Got it ALL Infamy’ Bundle!  This is the Rule Book, free PDF of the rules, Infamy Cards, Poker Chips and Token Set.  This is available for £42.00

The ‘The Big Infamy’ Bundle.  This is the Rule Book, free PDF of the rules, Infamy Cards and Token Set.  This set is available for £38.50

The ‘The Basic Infamy’ Bundle.  This is the Rule Book, free PDF of the rules and Infamy Cards.  This set is available for £34.00

PLEASE BE AWARE.  The PDF will be emailed to you on the day the rules are released.

Why can’t you buy the rule book on its own or additional token sets?  The rule book on its own is not the complete game.  You do need the minimum of the Infamy Cards to play, so whilst we will be selling the rules separately after the 1st of July, we are focussing at this stage on the advanced order bundles.  The processing of thousands of orders is a laborious one that is much simplified if we keep it to the key bundles that are available. What’s more, these bundles offer superb value for money and are prices that we cannot maintain after the release day.

As for additional token sets and Poker Chips, we honestly don’t think you need them.  The number of tokens in the set is pretty much double what we used in ANY game at playtest stage, and we played plenty of them.  Again with Poker Chips.  We never used anywhere near all of the Chips in the set.  So the bundles have been designed to provide all that we think is required.

But these great deals aren’t all.  We will be entering everyone who places an order for the Advanced Order Bundles into a raffle for a high quality print of the original cover artwork, a superb oil painting entitled “Breaking the Line AD 73”  by internationally renowned military artist Chris Collingwood.  It represents a battle as Pettilius Cerialis campaigned in northern Britain against the Brigantes, Parisi or Carveti and was spotted by one of our playtesters who instantly said that it summed up the game completely. We agreed and talks with Chris secured us the image for the rule cover.  Valued at over £100, this print is one of a series of TEN commissioned by the artist and signed by him.  A truly superb prize to be won.  But that’s not all.  We will be announcing some more great prizes in the run up to toe launch, so keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter as well as here for announcements.

Link: TooFatLardies

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Clash of Spears ist großartig, aber das hier von den Lardies kommt sicher mit in die Sammlung… 🙂

  • Also da die Jungs bisher eigentlich nur extrem gute Spiele gemacht haben, werd ich mir das wohl auch zulegen…

    Kann deren Zeug wirklich empfehlen.

  • Ich bleibe erst einmal bei Clash of Spears. Die Lardies machen klasse Regeln, aber das ist mal eben der Part der römischen Zeit, der mich gar nicht reizt.
    Aber ich wollte mir bei Gelegenheit mal Pickett’s Charge zulegen. 😁

  • Reizt mich von der Epoche her eher weniger, aber als krasser Lardies Fanboy muss das einfach in die Sammlung

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