von BK-Bob | 23.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy, Historisch

Tiny Furniture: Harvest of War Kickstarter

Für alle die ihre Schlachtfelder ein wenig aufschmücken wollen gibt es zurzeit einen Kickstarter.

Harvest Of War 1

Only a few short hours ago this field was the scene of a fierce battle. Soldiers fought and fell valiantly in their struggle with the enemy. Now, with the victors departed and the remnants of the vanquished fled, the field is left to the crows, looters and wild dogs. Only the dead remain as silent witnesses to what took place here.

Players gaming battles large and small often need to show that a miniature has been killed or incapacitated in their games. Usually, they’ll do this by simply flipping the miniature on its side or maybe using a generic casualty marker of some sort.  This approach can detract from the look and feel of an otherwise carefully crafted dungeon or battlefield.

This campaign aims to fix this by providing a great variety of battle casualties for a fantasy high medieval setting. We are beginning our range with ordinary soldiers, archers, and knights and supporting this range with a variety of heroes, demi-humans, animals, and monsters – including a dead dragon!

The Harvest of War casualty miniatures are ideal for use in sword and sorcery roleplaying games, skirmish gaming and even and larger fully-fledged miniature battles and can be customized to suit your own individual gaming needs.

All Harvest of War resin miniatures made by Tiny Furniture will be in the popular 28-32mm scale but in this campaign .STL files are also on offer which can be easily resized and printed in the scale you need.

We thank you for your support – happy gaming!

What do you get?

Harvest Of War 2

 In „Harvest of War“ campaign we have three types of rewards on offer:

  1.  Unpainted Resin Sets – You will get unpainted casualty markers cast in high-quality resin.
  2.  Pre-painted Resin Sets – You will get fully painted casualty markers cast in high-quality resin.  All painting is done with acrylic paints by professional artists (check the quality of their work below). Pre-painted sets will be delivered 6-7 months after the campaign over. Great art takes time!
  3.  STL files for printer owners – You will get a link to download STL’s fully adapted for printing on SLA printers. Almost all of our miniatures here can be printed without supports and you can scale it easily.

Harvest Of War 3

  Download the test model for free.

Harvest Of War 4

Here is an example of an unpainted casualty marker

Harvest Of War 5 Harvest Of War 6

And the painted Dead Soldiers Set #1

Und das sind die Core Sets:

Harvest Of War 7 Harvest Of War 8 Harvest Of War 9 Harvest Of War 10 Harvest Of War 11 Harvest Of War 12 Harvest Of War 13 Harvest Of War 14 Harvest Of War 15 Harvest Of War 16 Harvest Of War 17 Harvest Of War 18 Harvest Of War 19 Harvest Of War 20 Harvest Of War 21 Harvest Of War 22 Harvest Of War 23 Harvest Of War 24 Harvest Of War 25 Harvest Of War 26 Harvest Of War 27 Harvest Of War 28 Harvest Of War 29 Harvest Of War 30

Add-Ons gibt es auch:

Harvest Of War 31

If you want add-ons, simply increase the amount of your pledge by the amount of the add-ons you would like. Please note that the price for a painted set is higher.

Harvest Of War 32 Harvest Of War 33 Harvest Of War 34

Rewards types can be combined so you can, for example, get an unpainted set of infantry casualties, a painted set of fallen elves and a STL file of skeletons for printing – just add the cost of each reward to your pledge and we’ll sort it all out in our pledge manager.

Die Stretch Goals:

Harvest Of War 35

The more successful the campaign is, the more stretch goals we unlock. Stretch goals are available for everyone who pledges for the „Skirmish“ level and above. These models are absolutely free if they are „unlocked“.

*Free if you elect to take them unpainted, we will, unfortunately, have to charge you for painting services if you desire them in full color!

Harvest Of War 36 Harvest Of War 37 Harvest Of War 38


Harvest Of War 39

The estimated delivery for all physical (i.e. resin) unpainted pledges is October 2020 – November 2020. There may be minor delays caused by factors that are not under our control, such as personal illness, external shipping issues, or an extremely successful campaign. However, we will regularly update backers on progress to ensure they are not left wondering – no backer will be forgotten!

The estimated delivery of all painted pledges is January 2021 – February 2021.

We ship with the regular post from Russia. And rarely if ever have had any problems with delivery in the last five years. Tracking numbers will be provided and the delivery time is about 20-25 days to most destinations.

All digital rewards will be available faster – between July 2020 – August 2020.

Please note the above estimate is based on estimations from our previous crowdfunding campaigns, if the KS becomes more successful than we anticipate and we have to make and paint more miniature than we expect this will cause the delivery date to shift. Whatever happens, we’ll keep in touch regularly and let you know how things are going.

We will ship your physical rewards to wherever you ask. Please note that the backer alone is responsible for compliance with the postal laws and regulations of their nominated reward destination. We’ll help where we can but if, for example, any rewards are returned to us due to failure to pay such taxes/customs duties or are rejected by the recipient for any reason, we will happily ship them to you again, but you will have to pay the shipping costs again.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 32 Tage.

Quelle: Harvest of War


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich weis Timing kann mitunter eine böse Braut sein, aber bin ich der einzige der in Hinblick der aktuellen Situation einen Kickstarter der sich explizit nur mit toten Menschen beschäftigt etwas…. nun ja als etwas unangebracht empfindet?

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  • Schade das es keine ‚Dead Ratmen‘ gibt. Ich hätte gerne massig toter Skaven bei meinen AoS spielen um zu zeigen wo die Nobelen Klanratten ihr Leben für die gute Sache geopfert hätten. Würde sicher richtig viel atmosphere bringen wenn der tisch am ende wirklich wie ein schlachtfeld aussieht.

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