von BK-Christian | 01.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Throne Down Games: High Fantasy Kickstarter

Bei Kickstarter gibt es wieder schicke Fantasymodelle.

TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 1

Hello guys, firstly thank you for taking the time to check out my project; High Fantasy Miniature Collection.

The aim of the project is to expand my miniature line into well, an actual line rather than my current 3 offerings. My first 2 projects have been critical in deciding whether the business would be a viable venture, I am very pleased to say that I will continue to chip away at my own tiny little corner of the miniature market.

Success with this project will set me up to continue to produce more and more fine scale miniatures for gamers and collectors, as a quite new small business I am heavily dependent on your support to continue forward, I am not a long established business with financial backing, when you back me on Kickstarter you are literally the life blood of Throne Down Games and I cannot express in words what it means to me as a small business, as an artist, as an individual, that you offer me your support.

In this project you will find a selection of miniatures for your tabletop gaming, painting and collecting. The miniatures are 32mm fine scale resin with the option to pick them up in the larger scales of 54mm and a select few in 75mm, perfect for those who collect to paint and/or diorama build!

Going forward a select few will be available in 54mm and 75mm for retail along side the 32mm range.

I have a huge passion not only for miniatures but high fantasy, I hope you find something you like and perhaps a little bit different in my work than what you typically find in the miniature market! Thank you for taking the time to check out my project and I whole heartedly thank you in advance for any and all support you can offer me.

Early Bird

For this project I will be running an Early Bird for the £40.00, 10-4 pledge, the Early Bird will run until midnight the day following successful funding. The Early Bird grants the exclusive Story Teller miniature in 32mm absolutely FREE as a massive thank you for pledging early at this level.

EB end Example; If the project funds at 20:00 on a Monday, the Early Bird will close at 23:59 Tuesday.

Exclusive miniature – The Story Teller

For this project I have designed an exclusive miniature that will only be available as part of this campaign, this miniature will not be available anywhere else once the campaign has ended.

This exclusive miniature is FREE in 32mm scale for the 10-4 Early Bird pledge and does not count toward one of your 10 miniature selections as a massive thank you for supporting me at this level.

This miniature is available as an add-on or one of your miniature selections for the Build Your Own, 5 for 5 and the standard 10-4 pledge.

TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 2


I have tried to build the pledges to give maximum scope for customization, from 1 or 2 mini’s to complete sets, you choose how you pledge **this can always be changed during the pledge manager phase**

Build Your Own pledge is subject to a small price reduction from the future RRP, the 5 for 5 and 10-4 pledges are subject to further discount against the RRP and when pledging for stand alone miniatures, on top of the set discounts you can also add additional copies and the larger 54mm and 75mm scale miniatures at a reduced price depending on the initial pledge level.

All miniatures will be supplied with a simple 25mm flagstone scenic resin base, NPC miniatures will additionally be supplied with a 25mm wooden flooring scenic resin base, all 54mm miniatures will be supplied with the above in 50mm and likewise for the 75mm miniatures.

Pledge: Build Your Own

The perfect starting point to pickup a few miniatures you like the look of without the larger financial commitment of set pledges. To build your pledge please add £6.00 per 32mm miniature you would like, and/or £12.00 per 54mm miniature, and/or £26.00 per 75mm miniature. Miniature choice can be selected after the campaign ends through the pledge manager.

Pledge: KS1 Return Backers

This pledge is only for returning backers from my first project.

Pledge: 5 for 5

The 5 for 5 pledge offers you the choice of any 5 32mm miniatures at the reduced price of £5.00 each. Reduced price add-ons are available for this pledge. Miniature choices can be selected after the campaign ends through the pledge manager.


  • 32mm miniature: £5.00 each
  • 54mm miniature: £10.00 each
  • 75mm miniature: £25.00 each

n.b. During the pledge manager phase you will be able to select which miniatures you would like, this can be distributed over all scales for example you could select 5x 32mm miniatures totalling £25.00, you could also select 3x 32mm miniatures and 1x 54mm miniature again totalling £25.00 (3 @ £5.00 = £15.00 + 1 @ £10.00 = £25.00)

Pledge: 10-4

The 10-4 pledge offers you the choice of any 10 32mm miniatures at the reduced price of £4.00 each. Reduced price add-ons are available for this pledge. Miniature choices can be selected after the campaign ends through the pledge manager.


  • 32mm miniature: £4.00 each
  • 54mm miniature: £8.00 each
  • 75mm miniature: £24.00 each

n.b. During the pledge manager phase you will be able to select which miniatures you would like, this can be distributed over all scales for example you could select 10x 32mm miniatures totalling £40.00, you could also select 8x 32mm miniatures and 1x 54mm miniature again totalling £40.00 (8 @ £4.00 = £32.00 + 1 @ £8.00 = £40.00)

The miniatures

TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 3 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 4 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 5 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 6 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 7 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 8 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 9 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 10 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 11 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 12 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 13 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 14 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 15 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 16 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 17 TDG High Fantasy Miniature Collection 18

Stretch Goals

I have not planned any stretch goals for this project, depending on how the project progresses this may change over the campaign period.


Fulfilment for this project will be on a rolling basis determined by your backer number, the April 2021 estimate is the target end date for fulfilling all pledges based on a good campaign result, fulfilment is estimated to begin in September of 2020.


Shipping will be charged after the campaign has ended via the pledge manager (backerkit) here you will be able to select your miniatures, add additional miniatures and pay for shipping.

Please note; Backers are responsible for any import/customs and other associated fees when shipping internationally.

Example maximum shipping charges for tracked parcels;

  • Domestic (UK) £ 4 – 5
  • Europe £ 9 – 10
  • RoW £ 10 – 14

Die Kampagne läuft noch 29 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: High fantasy miniature collection


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Nun ja, einige gute Designs sind dabei, aber der Rest ist mir zu statisch. Insgesamt aber nichts, wo ich zum Kauf gereizt werde.

    Ich wünsche den Machern trotzdem viel Erfolg bei ihrem KS.

  • Hab auch mal gebackt, mir gefallen die nämlich sehr, gerade weil nicht alle durch die gegend hüpfen 🙂

  • Die männlichen Figuren finde ich ein bischen sehr statisch.

    Auch hier wieder: nur Render ist immer ein bischen „Katze im Sack kaufen“.
    Gerade bei den Gesichtern und dann in 32mm vermute ich, wird so einiges auf der Strecke bleiben (z.B. die feinen Pupillen).

    • Ja….?
      Du kannst auch nur eine einzelne nehmen und Deine Wahl gibt es auch in dem von Dir gewünschten Maßstab- sehe das Problem nicht.

  • Aus dem Text finde ich das nicht ersichtlich oder mein Englisch ist zu sehr eingerostet. 😉 Im Bild sieht man die Maßstäbe, das ist richtig, im Text aber ersehe ich nur, das ich immer aus dem Bundle auswählen darf, und die Storytellerin ist der early bird Bonus.
    Aber wenn es geht, schaue ich mir das gerne noch mal in Ruhe an… Danke für den Tipp..

    • Wenn du auf Belohnungen gehst, siehst du das 1 Pfund pledge mit Einzelpreise je mini und Maßstab.

    • Das habe ich generell nicht so interpretiert. Die Beispielrechnungen, die in den Bundles genannt werden, laufen ja explizit nicht auf die Anzahl der Figuren raus, die im Titel stehen. So kann man beim „5 for 5“ auch nur 4 Figuren der entsprechenden Größe nehmen.

      Ich zitiere:

      „3x 32mm miniatures and 1x 54mm miniature again totalling £25.00 (3 @ £5.00 = £15.00 + 1 @ £10.00 = £25.00)“

      Ich bin derzeit auch beim 5 for 5… plane aber nur die Storyteller-Figur in 75 mm zu wählen…

      • Den konnte man übersehen, aber er ist vorhanden…
        Pledge: Build Your Own

        The perfect starting point to pickup a few miniatures you like the look of without the larger financial commitment of set pledges. To build your pledge please add £6.00 per 32mm miniature you would like, and/or £12.00 per 54mm miniature, and/or £26.00 per 75mm miniature. Miniature choice can be selected after the campaign ends through the pledge manager.

  • Okay okay, habe es verstanden. 🤕 Ich muss Englisch pauken und vor allem den Kram nicht während der Arbeit auf den Handy überfliegen…
    Dank Euch!

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