von BK-Bob | 07.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

THMiniatures: Ragnarok Gelände

THMiniatures haben neues Gelände mit dem Thema Ragnarök in ihrem Shop.

THM Arched Entrance 1 THM Arched Entrance 2 THM Arched Entrance 3 THM Arched Entrance 4 THM Arched Entrance 5 THM Arched Entrance 6 THM Arched Entrance 7

Arched Entrance – 65,00$

The sacred hall had lost nothing of its former majesty, or of its splendor, despite the lichen-spotted rock falls; even the young apprentice, accompanying his Master in these mysterious ruins could clearly feel the ancient Magic which still inhabited these aged stones! Here, as if outside of Time, enchantments seemed eternal…”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Broken Ornamented Pillar

Broken Ornamented Pillar – 10,00$

The proud Archer thought he was safe behind this large chunk of pillar, but that woefully underestimated the piercing eyesight and the legendary belligerence of the elementals which had guarded this place for so many Eons… The protection of the unfortunate warrior was no more than a mere illusion and his catastrophic Destiny suddenly seemed quite clear and well-defined, like an arrow flying true!”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Cathedrall Hall 1 THM Cathedrall Hall 2 THM Cathedrall Hall 3

Cathedral Hall – 25,00$

The Altar, once resplendent, couldn’t be much further now. ‘How do I find my way,’ thought the Shaman, ‘in this maze of cathedral columns slain by the ages?’ Despite it all, he had to reach this place, still so deeply imbued with a strange and ancient power, as quickly as he could, lest his tribe might perish…”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Copy Of Ornamented Pillar

Copy of Ornamented Pillar – 11,00$

The magic Runes carved into the Circle of the Ancient Gods still sometimes glowed under the light of the full Moon, even after successive waves of the millennia; the Elves knew well that, hidden by the twisted shadows of the columns buried in these sacred ruins, lurked untold horrors, relics of another Age, which they must eradicate with all due speed, no matter the cost…”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Fountain

Fountain – 12,00$

The three Dwarves had taken shelter behind this short wall for a moment, to wait out the storm of projectiles from the damned greenskins! The twenty or so goblins were compensating for their inaccuracy with volume; anything that could be thrown was smashing into the ruined wall… spears, arrows, rocks, even an old bottle and a shoe! As for the Dwarves, they were quietly getting their counter-attack ready; hand-to-hand combat would be over quickly…”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Large Wall 2 THM Large Wall 1

Large Wall – 17,00$

Mad with rage, the troll, bleeding from numerous wounds, easily knocked down the large wall which separated it from the few Orcs still standing… Its regenerative power was extraordinary and the Clan’s warriors, though experienced, had trouble containing the unceasing counter-attacks of the warbeast! Combat, however, had to end soon, as night would soon fall over these strange ruins, and who knows what other surprises they have in store?”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Ornamented Pillar

Ornamented Pillar -15,00$

The Templar was trying to translate the inscriptions carved on this tall pillar as best he could under the flickering light of his torch. Whether it was a warning, a curse, or simply a form of greeting, he couldn’t tell yet… But the people who had left the traces of their passage here had certainly done so for a good reason! Dawn would arrive soon, as would reinforcements, he quietly hoped…”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Round Plaza 1 THM Round Plaza 2 THM Round Plaza 3

Round Plaza – 22,00$

The group of looters had gathered in the middle of the small round plaza to more effectively face the Lich and its tide of zombies, which crashed like unceasing waves on careless visitors to these places long-forgotten by man! The promise of easy treasure melted away at each renewed assault from the undead, now it was a question of keeping their most treasured possession for as long as possible… their lives!”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Shattered Column

Shattered Column – 11,00$

The giant’s axe fell in a shower of sparks against the column which had been hidden in the tall grass for centuries, just missing the head of his undead opponent. This spawn of evil was revealing itself to be much more agile than it first appeared… The colossus would have to try again if he intended to strike his target!”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Wall

Wall – 12,00$

The three Dwarves had taken shelter behind this short wall for a moment, to wait out the storm of projectiles from the damned greenskins! The twenty or so goblins were compensating for their inaccuracy with volume; anything that could be thrown was smashing into the ruined wall… spears, arrows, rocks, even an old bottle and a shoe! As for the Dwarves, they were quietly getting their counter-attack ready; hand-to-hand combat would be over quickly…”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

THM Ragnarok Set 1

Ragnarok – Set1 – 190,00$

In the oldest legends, a golden age, ended millennia ago, recalls a pinnacle of civilization by beings who have become nearly divine in the retelling! However, a series of natural catastrophes signalled the end of this resplendent empire; storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions ensued. Finally a deluge fell upon those who had until then believed themselves to be untouchable and eternal! This was their Ragnarök, a true Twilight of the Gods… Of their former grandeur only vestiges and sparse ruins remain, but the privileged few who later bravely explored the ruins could still feel the power and majesty radiating from these places which the world had nearly forgotten!”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.

Sold Unpainted

All our pieces are cast in the best resin available on the market, making them shock resistant as well as easy to paint and to carry around. They feature an impressive amount of details and are also modular so that you can create varied and awesome looking battlefields.

Alle angegebenen Preise sind im kanadischen Dollar.

Quelle: THMiniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    • Was ist denn da passiert? Hatte damals lange überlegt bei dem Confrontation Kickstarter einzusteigen…jetzt aber nicht mehr weiter verfolgt.

    • Naja, er (ist ja quasi ein Einmannbetrieb) war ja nicht direkt involviert, sondern bekam von Sans Detour nur den Auftrag. Für ihn ist es, laut FB-Gruppe, wohl nur ärgerlich, dass SD das Gelände nun nicht freigibt, damit er seine Designs selbst vertreiben kann.

    • Ich umso mehr … genau sowas hab ich für meinen Wüstentisch gesucht … schlicht massiv und robust sowie neutral genug. Erinnert mich an diverse Torchlight Szenerien

  • Ich finde das Gelände wunderschön (und bringt dank der Optik sofort den Confro-Aspekt, wunderbar!).
    Aber preislich finde ich es etwas viel.

    Hoffe aber für den Guten, dass er es ohne Sans Detour machen kann, das mit Confro wird aus meiner Sicht eh nix. War abzusehen und tut mir einerseits leid für die Menschen, die da die 300 Taler gelassen haben, andererseits war schon Mitte der Kampagne klar, dass da nichts zu erwarten ist, da die Info über die Insolvenz anderer Firmen rumgegangen ist, nie Modelle gezeigt wurden und die Kommunikation generell grauenhaft war.
    Oder anders: Bei den Menschen, die weiter investiert hatten, wahr wohl der Wunsch so groß, dass alle finanziellen Risiken in den Wind geschossen wurden…

  • Schön ist es tatsächlich, bei dem Preis verzichte ich aber. Da ich beim TWS Geländebaubuch-Kickstarter mitgemacht habe, nehme ich das hier gezeigte lieber als Inspiration für ein kommendes Styrodur-Projekt 🙂

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