von BK-Thorsten | 11.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

THMiniatures: Neuheiten

Bei THMiniatures gibt es neues Gelände.

THMInatures Goddess Moon 01 THMInatures Goddess Moon 02 THMInatures Goddess Moon 03

Goddess Moon –  25,00 CAD

“The proud warrior who lay on the ground, defeated by the pack leader he had challenged, knew all too well that he would be banished by his Clan. He had come to terms with his pending exile. From this point forward, he could no longer enter the sacred places of his people and the rest of their territory. He will be welcome nowhere. A few years later, at the edge of a thick forest, he remains prudently kneeling as the sun rises. Slowly appearing on the sleepy plain he faces is the shadow of a crescent sculpted from a golden stone more than ten generations ago.  The sublime spectacle reminds him of the ancestral customs of his people. He may choose the path of repentance to return home by shaving his head and wearing a mask to symbolize his defeat and his status as a pariah!”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32mm tabletop miniatures games.
Sold Unpainted

THMiniatures Stone Fangs.jpg

Stone Fangs – 17,00 CAD

“The Guardian calmly chanted a strange formula and suddenly there was a great roaring and a cloud of dust billowed up. From the heart of the Earth sprang  gigantic Stone Fangs, interposed between him and the group of Barbarians which were charging towards him, shouting like possessed madmen! Also present were half a dozen pairs of bright eyes hidden in the underbush, observing these humans brandishing their axes. The moment of the uprising was near, the assaillants would soon become fragile prey… A gloomy howl was heard, which stopped the cohort short, surprised to find themselves surrounded by six immense wolves standing on their hind legs, nearly a dozen feet in height! It’s at that moment that the fury of the Barbarians turned into terror…”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32mm tabletop miniatures games.
Sold Unpainted

THMiniatures Sacred Stump.jpg

Sacred Stump – 18,00 CAD

“In the hollow of the enormous moss and dew-covered stump, the Predator placed the still-warm body of an old stag as an offering to his divinity! The still-fresh blood flowing from the throat of the animal slowly began to fill the glyph carved into the long-petrified wood … When the seal was saturated with the sticky liquid, a white pulsating light suddenly appeared! The rhythm of its pulsations reminded the Predator of the beating of his prey’s heart just before he had killed it. But, most importantly, they let him to understand that the sacrifice of the offered stag had pleased his goddess, and that he would be under her benevolent protection for some time …”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32mm tabletop miniatures games.
Sold Unpainted

THMiniatures Altar Of Souls.jpg

Altar of Souls – 15,00 CAD

“That night, the cloud cover was thick, making the darkness seem even darker and more mysterious than usual… On the plain, a damp breeze made the high grass ripple like a vegetal sea and five furrows formed, converging on a specific point! The old Lonewolves rose slowly and saluted the strange raised stone, all chanting as a single voice, a rough and thrumming melody, cut with plaintive howls… At the very instant when they knelt in deference, the sky silently tore itself open, letting the night star appear. The small Monolith was caressed by the star’s silver beams … Soon, all of the Packs would answer the call and would come in great numbers to render homage to the Moon and her Altar, the Stone fallen from the stars, during their sacred rite!”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32mm tabletop miniatures games.
Sold Unpainted

THMiniatures Wolf Sanctuary 01 THMiniatures Wolf Sanctuary 02

Wolf Sanctuary – 20,00 CAD

“The Rifleman leaned his weapon against the dolmen in order to more closely study the runes carved into it, when suddenly an enormous crossbow bolt tore through his shoulder, pinning him to the monument he was examining a few seconds earlier … Instantly, the rest of the group began to look for the spot where the ambushing shooter could be hidden … Their Commander saw a large dark mass stand up, partially concealed behind an uprooted tree trunk. He had never before seen a beast of that size able to use a ballista as a crossbow so skillfully! Behind him, another bolt whistled by, which instantly skewered two unfortunate Conscripts, he had to admit the obvious, he and his men were surrounded by an unknown and powerful foe. It would be a real miracle if they didn’t all die here in the middle of this clearing!”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32mm tabletop miniatures games.
Sold Unpainted

THMiniatures Ragnarok Wolf 01 THMiniatures Ragnarok Wolf 02

Ragnarok – Wolf – 99,00 CAD

“The path of the Wolf is that of the Animal, of Water and Earth, but especially that of the Moon! Its destiny, however, is written beyond the stars; freed by a primal Howl, the Wolves prowl the plains, fearlessly hunting  their prey in woods and forests… This ultimate predator is the king of tracking, a being naturally filled with courage and nobility!”

Resin scenery for your 25 to 32 mm tabletop miniatures games.
Sold Unpainted

Quelle: THMiniatures


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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