von BK-Christian | 09.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Pulp

This Quar’s War: Second Edition Kickstarter 15mm

Es gibt mal wieder einen ziemlich knuffigen Kickstarter.

This Quar's War Second Edition Kickstarter 1

Welcome to the launch of the second edition of This Quar’s War and Quar miniatures in 15mm! Ok, technically it is a relaunch. We sold Quar in 15mm for a number of years. We liked them, but they could have been better. Now they are! We have completely redone the line from scratch. We have 6 factions with dozens of unique poses and 3-4 vehicles in each and a brand new rulebook and theatre book!

All figures are pewter or resin and all vehicles are resin with metal bits. The books will be full color and, in our typical style, will be clean and easy to read with loads of art and fluff.

The production of the two books and cards is why we need your help! We will get a much better deal on printing these items if we can buy them as one mass instead of our usual print on demand!

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Entire companies of brave Quar rhyflers, squadrons of steel-armored tractors, and wedges of calvary thunder across the fields in This Quar’s War: Second Edition, ZombieSmith’s all-new miniature wargaming ruleset. Redesigned from the ground up for quick play and tactical depth, This Quar’s War allows for dynamic company-scale engagements to unfold across the battlefronts of Alwyd between its many warlike nations, from the Coftyran Crymuster to the Iron Caravans of Western Arnyaran.

At once whimsical and strategic, This Quar’s War, features interactive gameplay, quick combat resolution, and an ‚Army Life‘ mechanic that infuses play with the rich and grimsical world of the Quar. Players will be able to quickly muster historically-accurate forces from the major Quar nations, from entire infantry companies fifty quar strong, to iron-hulled tractor squadrons, to snyper teams of lone specialists, and then lead their chosen nation into battle with our expansive line of new 15mm miniatures launching with this Kickstarter.

This Quar’s War will include all of the core rules needed to conduct a battle, while the upcoming Theatre book expansions will provide era and region-specific army lists, special rules, and extensive amounts of background material, art, and historical scenarios. Our best estimate is that this book will be 80-90 full-color pages.

This Quar’s War: Second Edition is currently in Beta and available for playtesting by Kickstarter participants. Your feedback will help us in the final refinement before shipping soon after the Kickstarter’s completion. We’ve provided links to the playtest rules and sample army lists below:

Playtest Rules link


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Theatre Book

War rages across all the lands of Alwyd! From the East to the South, from North to the West, the armies of the Quar clash over borders, ideologies, resources, and centuries-old slights. It seems the future of a continent embroiled in a 700-year war is no closer to ending peacefully than in any century past.

Every front of the Long War will be explored through a series of a half-dozen forthcoming Theatre books, richly illustrated and illuminated guides to the nations, armies, histories, and conflicts of the many regions of the Quar’s war-torn world. Following this Kickstarter we will release further Theatre books that explore the events in the East, and the rising powers emerging from the South and North, partisans and civilians and many others. But first…

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Accompanying the launch of our new range of 15mm models and the new edition of rules is This Quar’s War: Western Iron. The inaugural theatre book will focus on the new conflicts unfolding in the West:  the surprise invasion of the Arnyaran Iron Caravan and its inexorable trespasses into the Creevish trench-plains; the siege and defeat of the Coftyran Wall, once thought invulnerable, but now twice breached; the swift and opportunistic intrusions of the enigmatic Easkovite G’dogolwyr; the filibustering of the Fidwog Expeditionary Force, at last emerging from their mountain strongholds to take the offensive to the Crusade; and Alykinder’s maneuvering anew to finally break the royalist resistance in the Western states, despite the stalling of his revolution of ideology and industry.

This Quar’s War: Western Iron focuses on the western nations of Alywd and will feature extensive illustrations, histories, and military backgrounds of the forces in the western regions, as well as all the unit listings, force organizations, and scenarios of the national armies fighting in the West in the year 1781 AC. We estimate this book will be 140-160 full-color pages.

The Western Iron theatre book will ship in the second wave with This Quar’s War: Second Edition rulebook, allowing us to put as much time and creativity as we can into this resource of worldbuilding.

Play test theatre book coming very shortly!

Cards and Accessories

Accompanying This Quar’s War will be many useful and fun game aids, including unit cards for every squad, squadron, and company, each that will feature the attributes and special rules in one place, to make force building and gameplay quick and easy.

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Das sind die Fraktionen:

On Alwyd, it is 1781 AC, After Cythwyn, and while this year the storms are quiet, on the Continent things are anything but calm. Invasions, insurrections, and indecision plague the Crusader states as an endless wave of Iron Houses pour forth to fill the void. Will a lifetime of sacrifice and the lives of millions be washed away by the Arnyaran tide, or will Alykinder and his loyal quar rise to the challenge?

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Maer Braech, long a puppet state of Coftyr, now swarms with Crusaders instead. Hundreds of thousands of foreign quar, all gathered to fight tyranny and greed, all united in the belief that every quar can set his own destiny, regardless of birth, station, or privilege. Even with whole armies at their disposal, central Alwyd is a wide, vast space, and the Crusaders are stretched too thin. The frontier with Coftyr is a thousand miles long, and destabilized Creevin and the threat of marauding Arnyarans to the north and west have the Croesgadwyr at a disadvantage. Worst of all, a puzzling lack of communication from Bul Maren has the caernerols concerned, with persistent rumors of a brewing power struggle dominating their attention…

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Fidwog flexes her muscle, heartened by the seeming paralysis of the Crusade. The mighty Fraedarl, completely reinvigorated in the years since the Tokish blockade collapsed, has sent expeditionary forces the length and breadth of Alwyd, bolstering Royalist freedom fighters wherever they may be found.

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Arnyara, emboldened by the success of her surprise attack, continues to reclaim her ancestral lands across middle Alwyd. Columns of Iron Houses filled with the soldiers of the Foskyldae roll through Creevin, Leitrom and Maer Braech; Coftyr herself lies within the sights of the Arnyaran guns. Far beyond the battlefields, the Arnyaran caravansaries are still hard at work, gathering intelligence and sowing rumor, innuendo and outright lies from the backs of their wagons, all in service of their ancestors’ demands for vengeance.

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Four hundred years ago, Creevin’s king began the construction of one of the engineering marvels of Alwyd, the Suddigffyrdd – the trench highways. He also commissioned a special branch of their esteemed military tradition to guard and maintain these new thoroughfares. The Gwyldyfin of 1781 are a pale shadow of their former selves, but like all quar, still serve their ancestors and their monumental accomplishment as best they can. Striving to deny the Arnyaran invaders access to the Suddigffyrdd, the trench watch find themselves fighting beside Creevish patriots on one day, Crusaders the next, and Royalists another. Creevin is a land washed in blood, today moreso even than at the height of the Crusade.

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Easky, too, has sent troops to the Creevish front. Catrawds of the Easkovite G’dogolwyr have begun escorting returning Arnyaran caravans from their ports of call, gleaning all the useful intelligence they can in anticipation of their own ambitions in Kryst and deeper into the west. Though the caravansaries traditionally required no escort through Creevin, or any quar nation or kingdom, their shocking assault to retake their ancestral lands and the changing political landscape and seeming ambivalence of the Crusaders means the Arnyarans are glad to be allied to the Easkovites… however temporary that alliance may prove to be.

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Coftyr works feverishly to recover from the long fight against Alykinder and his Crusaders, but progress is slow. Too many of the Crymuster were lost when the Wall was breached and in the years before, but volunteers true to the Royalist cause have flooded to Coftyr to assist her. The damaged sections of the Wall are being reconstructed, the lost krates and tractors are being rebuilt, and all wait for the brave kits to be be ready to take up arms again.

Das sind die zentralen Pledges:

Starter ($76)- High Quality PDFs of the This Quar’s War: Second Edition rulebook and the This Quar’s War: Western Iron Theatre book. Plus models from the faction of your choice:

  •  Crusader – Rhyfler Company with Command(58 Figures), two Ailthean light tractors and one Baeliog heavy tractor plus unit cards
  •  Coftyran – Rhyfler Company with Command(48 figures), HMG Section(18 Figures), Cavalry Squad(6 figures) and two Chyweethl light tractors plus unit cards
  •  Easky – Rhyfler Section with Command(26 figures), Gun Squad(10 figures), three Autopeds, Gyflaem patrol tractor, Pygaed light tractor and a Ghrykyn transport tractor plus unit cards
  •  Fidwog – Rhyfler Section with Command (26 figures), Gwylon Squad(6 figures), Morfyd Transport and 3 Fynrydhad small tractors plus unit cards
  •  Creevin – Trench Watch Company with Command(26 foot figures, 12 cavalry figures), HMG Section(18 figures), an Anfyr heavy tractor and a Mogyn light tractor plus unit cards
  •  Arnyara – Iron House A, Iron House C, Autocycle Squad(6 figures) and two squads of Rhyflers (20 figures) plus unit cards

Two Player Starter ($150) – Two starters!
Pick which two when we send surveys. Includes High Quality PDFs of the new Rulebook and Theatre book.

Army ($151)- printed This Quar’s War: Second Edition Rulebook and This Quar’s War: Western Iron Theatre book, both in full-color, plus unit cards for the faction of your choice and, of course, many models!

  •  Crusader – Syrnol, Rhyfler Company with Command(58 Figures), Cavalry Squad(6 figures), HMG Section(18 Figures), two Ailthean light tractors and one Baeliog heavy tractor plus unit cards
  •  Coftyran – Syrnol, Rhyfler Company with Command(48 figures), RCO Team(6 figures), Cavalry Squad(6 figures), HMG Section(18 Figures), a Paerydyn fighting tractor and two Chyweethl light tractors plus unit cards
  •  Easky – Syrnol, two Rhyfler Sections with Command(26 figures each section), two Gun Squads (10 figures each), Gyflaem scout tractor, a Ikyth gun tractor and two Ghrykyn transport tractors plus unit cards
  •  Fidwog – Rhyfler Section with Command(26), Gwylon Squad(6 figures), HMG Cadre(3 figures), Morfyd transport tractor and 6 Fynrydhad escort tractors plus unit cards
  •  Creevin – Trench Watch Company with Command (26 foot figures, 12 cavalry figures), Shotgunners (6 figures), HMG Section(18 figures), an Anfyr heavy tractor and a three Mogyn light tractors plus unit cards
  •  Arnyara – Iron House A, Iron House B, Autocycle Squad(6 figures) and four squads of Rhyflers (40 figures) plus unit cards

Die Kampagne läuft noch 14 Tage und ist finanziert.

Quelle: This Quar’s War – Second Edition!


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Bin dabei…ich mag die Quar. Und außerdem wird das meine nächste 15mm 40k Armee (als Imperial Guard Proxies).

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