von BK-Herr Kemper | 14.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

The Walking Dead: Anthology und Neuheiten

Mantic Games zeigt Neuheiten ihr „The Walking Dead“-Spiel.

The Walking Dead Anthology Preview

The Walking Dead Anthology – Preview

This August we’ve got some awesome new releases for Walking Dead fans. First up there’s a new faction, as the Whisperers make their presence known and we’ll have a preview of those later in the week. Alongside the Whisperers, we’ll also be releasing the eagerly anticipated Walking Dead Anthology.

However, just in case you haven’t heard of the Anthology, today’s blog will guide you through this exciting supplement, which includes content for All Out War, Call to Arms and Here’s Negan.


Since The Walking Dead: All Out War was released in 2016 there have been numerous expansions (Days Gone Bye, Miles Behind Us, Safety Behind Bars, Made to Suffer and Fear the Hunters). With each of these expansions came new scenarios, new scenery, new equipment, new characters and, most importantly, new rules.

Each expansion came with their own campaign book that explained all the new stuff so that as you were playing through, you knew exactly how to deal with all the new content. From a gameplay point of view, this was fantastic because each expansion added loads of great new content.

However, the slight issue is that with all the new stuff being added, it became a little unwieldy when you needed to find a specific rule. Tournaments, in particular, suffered from the fact you might need to bring all the rulebooks with you, in case there was a rules question.


For a long time we knew we wanted to consolidate the rules from the different expansions into one place… and thus the Anthology was born. Huzzah!

The Walking Dead Anthology Preview3

Not only does the Anthology contain all the core rules, it also includes every single expansion released since 2016. That means you’ll no longer have to go hunting in the garage for that Safety Behind Bars supplement when you need to check something. We’ve also included any FAQ and errata that was produced along the way too.

Of course, it’s not just a re-print of existing content in the Anthology – there’s plenty of new stuff in there too. One of the most exciting additions is the new PvP scenarios.

The Walking Dead Anthology Preview4

Since Walking Dead: All Out War was first released, there have been plenty of tournaments organised around the world. Many TOs created their own PvP scenarios that were a bit more tournament-friendly. Although we realise that 2020 has been a bust for events due to COVID, we’re keen to drive The Walking Dead: All Out War tournament scene in 2021 and beyond.

With that in mind there are six brand-new PvP scenarios included in the Anthology that have been designed by the Walking Dead RC (all filthy tournament players). Spreading these throughout a four-game tournament would ensure a great variety of scenarios and objectives – so you can no longer just use Andrea with a sniper rifle :p

What’s more, if you’re an All Out War player that wants to play some larger games but isn’t quite ready to make the move to Call to Arms, there are new rules for an All Out War Mega Scenario.


Not only does the Anthology cover All Out War, there are also three new scenarios for Call to Arms and two scenarios for Here’s Negan.

The Walking Dead Anthology Preview5

There’s even an entirely new way to play Here’s Negan based on Rick clearing out the prison. Negan’s lieutenants are replaced by Rick’s Gang, including Michonne, Tyreese, Andrea, Glenn and Maggie.

If you fancy learning more about the Anthology, make sure you listen to the Mantic Podcast, which features an interview with RC member Rich Stockdale. You can find it on Spotify and other podcast apps.


The Walking Dead Whisperer Faction Preview The Walking Dead Whisperer Faction Preview2 The Walking Dead Whisperer Faction Preview4 The Walking Dead Whisperer Faction Preview5 The Walking Dead Whisperer Faction Preview6 The Walking Dead Whisperer Faction Preview7 The Walking Dead Whisperer Faction Preview8 The Walking Dead Whisperer Faction Preview9

The Walking Dead – Whisperer Faction – Preview

  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Lydia
  • Whisperer Minion with knife 1
  • Whisperer Minion with bow
  • Whisperer Minion with knife 2
  • Whisperer Faction Set
  • Whisperer Minion Booster

Link: Mantic Games


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Lydia sieht ganz nett aus, die hole ich mir wohl. Die Whisperer sind nicht so mein Ding. Weiß jemand, was Anthology kosten soll?

    • Einfach dem obrigen Link zur Mantic-Seite folgen. Da „AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER FROM THE MANTIC WEBSITE THIS FRIDAY“, sollte es dort sicherlich gelistet sein …

      Ich freu mich übers Buch, aber denke, dass es dem Spiel leider wohl nicht wieder zu alter Popularität verhelfen wird.

      • 39,99 € steht da. Ist schon nicht wenig, wenn man schon alle Regeln aus den Expansions hat. Sicher sind da ein paar PvPs usw. drin, so ganz überzeugen tut mich das aber noch nicht. Mal abwarten und Teetrinken.
        Und sicher hast Du vollkommen Recht, durch die letzten nachgeschobenen Produkte wird es kaum zu alter Popularität zurückkehren. Aber ich freue mich, wenn das zumindest noch auf kleiner Flamme fortgeführt wird. So bleibt immer die Option, doch noch mal was nachzubestellen…

      • Genau das denke ich auch: Die meisten Inhalte kennt man schon, daher ist der Preis gefühlt etwas zu hoch. Aber die nächste Angebots-Aktion bei einem Black-Friday kommt bestimmt …

      • Lydia scheint es nicht als Booster, sondern nur im Whisperers Faction Pack für schlappe 34,99 € zu geben (im Handel dann meinetwegen auch etwas günstiger). Das wäre ja mal bescheuert. Denn die orkigen Whisperer interessieren mich wirklich gar nicht… 🙁

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