von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.10.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

The Rise Of Obliterarium: Kickstarter

Rise of Obliterarium ist ein Kickstarter für mythisch Fantasy Minis in 75mm.



Magical Miniature Game brings an exciting miniatures opening and a striking range of sculpted minis designed as part of the Obliterarium game world.

Dear Backers

Please note that All in one has been updated so all  ((ADD ON)) miniatures are now included in this Pledge. All Backers  who have already supported early and regular ((All-in-One)) also receive these miniatures.

Thanks a lot for your support.

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The aim of this project is to fund the design and production of a range of highly detailed resin miniatures for our new project Oblitrarium. We make miniatures with love and passion for the hobby, so they can be enjoyed by gamers and collectors everywhere.

We’ve been working for a long time, sculpting beautiful miniatures that we’ve grouped into 4 races. Each box contains five Legendary miniatures or one absolutely Monstrous miniature – the Demigods!

And this is just the top of the iceberg! The upcoming game will contain more or our original miniatures for each race, as well as potentially new races … we hope that 4 new races will surprise you with their diversity, originality and beauty.

Die Clans – Avials:

 Avials are the descendants of the winged rulers of heaven. They’ve become a race of travelers, discoverers, and merchants. They live by mountain peaks and according to their strange rules. Their land is inaccessible to other nations, ruled by the messenger of their God on Earth – the almighty Emperor.

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   Each Avial works hard for the glory of the race and its God. They defend every last rock in their homelands with their all – their secret is that the rocks preserve the spirit of their ancestors. And so, they believe the mountains themselves are proof of their ultimate, ancient, power.

Die Clans – Kizune:

Mysterious, secretive, and noble warriors, the Kizune live only to serve their Shogun. Even death can’t stop them from this duty. These mythical killers live in a closed community. Preferring not to contact other races unless absolutely necessary. Smart and effective assassins and scouts. The Kizune sell their skills to those who can pay the considerable price…

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Die Clans – Mintaros:

Noble and wise creatures, Mintaros use their knowledge to rule the world and obliterate their enemies piece by piece. When diplomacy fails, their huge, hoofed warriors step up to defend their principles and honor. Proud descendants of the mythical Lamassu, they are a race not only of warriors but also as philosophers, poets, and artists. The Mintaros know the other races are fickle, useless and weak. Only the mighty Mintaros are destined to be the rightful rulers of this world…

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Die Clans – Sphynx:

The children of the Great Desert are outstanding architects. But their strength lies in their power as warriors and conquerors. Living a life of creation and conquest, the Sphynx diligently prepare for their glorious afterlife. They must live in glory and heroic deeds if they are to be assured a place amongst their god-kings. The Sphynx stand solid like their huge buildings, they seek to rid the world of all evil. When they are tested by the sick corruption of other races, they know the Great Sphinx will come to them and revel in glorious victory.

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Es gibt eine Reihe von Pledges – die wichtigsten sind:

  • Clan (5 Minis) 49,00 EUR
  • Demi-God (1 gr. Mini) 49,00 EUR
  • Clan & Demi-God 89,00 EUR
  • All-in 320 EUR


Die Finanzierung steht bei knapp 18.000 EUR (Ziel waren 15.000 EUR)

Ende 23. Oktober 2020 18:00 CEST

Link: The Rise of Obliterarium KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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