von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Test of Honour: Sengoku Erweiterung

Grey For Now Games kündigt mit Test of Honour Sengoku eine neue Erweiterung an und gibt Updates zum Stand des Spiels.

Secret Project Revealed…

The major project I’ve been working away on for the last six months is nearing completion, so it’s high time I started telling you about it:

Test Of Honour Sengoku Erweiterung

Test of Honour Sengoku is an expansion book for the game that focuses on the battles, alliances and betrayals of the different samurai clans of the Sengoku period.

In a Test of Honour Sengoku battle you’ll need to choose carefully which clan abilities to use and, crucially, who to ally with!

Due for release this Autumn, the book is currently looking at around 80 pages and includes rules and historical accounts for twelve of the most famous Japanese clans of the time, plus a host of new scenarios, new weapons and other material. I’ll go into more detail as we get closer to release!

The sharp-eyed among you will have noticed I’ve included some of the clan mons (symbols) in the last few newsletters – I’ve been redrawing these ready to include in the book.

Join in the Playtesting

All the new scenarios need playtesting over the coming weeks – if you’d like to help out please get in touch.

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Sohei Update

You may have noticed that the shipping date for the new Sohei Temple Guard has been pushed back.

The first castings arrived mid-July as planned but unfortunately the swords turned out extremely thin, making them very bendy and liable to break. As such I made the decision to get them re-made.

Inevitably this has meant a delay before orders can be sent out as the process of making master moulds and then production moulds is completed. I was initially expecting this would take things to the end of July but it now looks like they’ll start shipping second week in August.

Everything but the missing swords is already complete and packed, so as soon as I get that last piece I can finish final assembly and ship as quickly as possible.

I do apologise for the delay – hopefully you’ll agree that it’s better to wait a bit longer for a quality product.

Note that the Sohei Fanatics and Musketmen are ready to go (no swords!), so there’s no delay if you just want those!

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View in Webstore

  • Mounted Sohei Superior Saburo
  • Sohei Sergeant
  • Sohei Creed Bearer
  • Sohei Temple Guard with nodachi heavy sword
  • Sohei Temple Guard with tetsubo heavy club
  • Sohei Temple Guard with paired swords
  • 3 Sohei Fanatics
  • 3 Sohei Musketmen
  • 11 Recruitment Cards
  • 3 Trait Card
  • 8 Skill Cards
  • 2 Quest Cards
  • MDF bases including 2 multibase


In the Pipeline


I’m expecting first castings soon, which will then go off to be painted!


Here’s a look at some of the Ashigaru I’ve been sculpting in the evenings. Quite happy with them, so I’m investigating ways to get them on sale. Watch this space!

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More news soon…

Please let us know your feedback, comments and questions on the Grey For Now Games Facebook page.

Thanks for reading!


  • Im Herbst soll das 80-Seiten Erweiterungsbuch SENGOKU erscheinen, welches sich mit der gleichnamigen Periode der japanischen Geschichte beschäftigen wird.
  • Im Buch werden sich Regeln und Ausrüstung für die 12 wichtigsten Clans dieser Epoche finden.
  • Wer Lust & Zeit hat kann Grey For Now Games kontaktieren und am Playtest teilnehmen.
  • Die Soheis erscheinen erst im August – die Schwerter der Minis waren zu dünn und deswegen schnell verbogen bzw. gebrochen (hoffentlich sind die neuen Schwerter keine „Klopper“)


Link: Test of Honour

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    • Ja, Graham Davey vertreibt es jetzt unter „Grey for now“. Man ging von Plastik weg und macht jetzt (schöne) Silberlinge. Es gibt kleine erzählerische Kampagnen. Das System ist eigentlich toll, es präsentiert sich nur nicht erfolgreich.

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