von BK-Nils | 07.04.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Tabletop Scenics: April Neuheiten

Von Tabletop Scenics kommt im April ein neuer Schwung an Gelände, mit Gebäuderuinen und Containern.

Tabletop Scenics Ruined Habitat 1 Tabletop Scenics Ruined Habitat 2 Tabletop Scenics Ruined Habitat 4 Tabletop Scenics Ruined Habitat 3

Ruined Habitat – 27,99 Euro

Contents of this frames may be used to make one Ruined Habitat structure. It has been designed to suit tournament prerequisites, with 3 inches high floors and enough space to put large squads of miniatures.
Window and door covers are optional in the assembly – you can fully block line of sight, or leave them open.

Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Check for digital instructions.

pproximate dimensions:

Height: 27 cm
Lenght: 23 cm
Width: 23 cm

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Please note that Kromlech models seen on pictures are not part of this set and are sold separately.

Tabletop Scenics Collapsed Habitat 1 Tabletop Scenics Collapsed Habitat 2 Tabletop Scenics Collapsed Habitat 3 Tabletop Scenics Collapsed Habitat 4

Collapsed Habitat – 19,99 Euro

Online Only

Contents of this frames may be used to make one Collapsed Habitat structure. It has been designed to suit tournament prerequisites, with 3 inches high floors and enough space to put large squads of miniatures.
Window and door covers are optional in the assembly – you can fully block line of sight, or leave them open.

Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Check for digital instructions.

Approximate dimensions:

Height: 26,5 cm
Lenght: 22,5 cm
Width: 20,5 cm

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Please note that Kromlech models seen on pictures are not part of this set and are sold separately.

Tabletop Scenics Ruined Residence 1 Tabletop Scenics Ruined Residence 2 Tabletop Scenics Ruined Residence 3 Tabletop Scenics Ruined Residence 4

Ruined Residence – 16,99 Euro

Online Only

Contents of this frames may be used to make one Ruined Residence structure. It has been designed to suit tournament prerequisites, with 3 inches high floors and enough space to put large squads of miniatures.
Window and door covers are optional in the assembly – you can fully block line of sight, or leave them open.

Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Check for digital instructions.

Approximate dimensions:

Height: 18,5 cm
Lenght: 22 cm
Width: 12,5 cm

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Please note that Kromlech models seen on pictures are not part of this set and are sold separately.

Tabletop Scenics Collapsed Residence 1 Tabletop Scenics Collapsed Residence 2 Tabletop Scenics Collapsed Residence 3 Tabletop Scenics Collapsed Residence 4

Collapsed Residence – 14,99 Euro

Online Only

Contents of this frames may be used to make one Collapsed Habitat structure. It has been designed to suit tournament prerequisites, with 3 inches high floors and enough space to put large squads of miniatures.
Window and door covers are optional in the assembly – you can fully block line of sight, or leave them open.

Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Check for digital instructions.

Approximate dimensions:

Height: 18,5 cm
Lenght: 23 cm
Width: 13 cm

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Please note that Kromlech models seen on pictures are not part of this set and are sold separately.

Tabletop Scenics Cargo Containers (3) 1 Tabletop Scenics Cargo Containers (3) 2 Tabletop Scenics Cargo Containers (3) 3 Tabletop Scenics Cargo Containers (3) 4

Cargo Containers (3) – 17,99 Euro

Online Only

Contents of this frames may be used to make three Cargo Containers structures. Enclosed from all sides, they block line of sight and are easily set up, giving cover to both infantry and light vehicles.

Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Check for digital instructions.

Approximate dimensions of one container:

Height: 7 cm
Lenght: 17.5 cm
Width: 7 cm

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Please note that Kromlech models seen on pictures are not part of this set and are sold separately.

Tabletop Scenics Long Cargo Containers (3) 1 Tabletop Scenics Long Cargo Containers (3) 2 Tabletop Scenics Long Cargo Containers (3) 3 Tabletop Scenics Long Cargo Containers (3) 4

Long Cargo Containers (3) – 19,99 Euro

Online Only

Contents of this frames may be used to make three Long Cargo Containers structures. Enclosed from all sides, they block line of sight and are easily set up, giving cover to both infantry and light vehicles.

Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Check for digital instructions.

Approximate dimensions of one container:

Height: 7 cm
Lenght: 22.5 cm
Width: 7 cm

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Please note that Kromlech models seen on pictures are not part of this set and are sold separately.

Tabletop Scenics Large Containers Stack 1 Tabletop Scenics Large Containers Stack 2 Tabletop Scenics Large Containers Stack 3 Tabletop Scenics Large Containers Stack 4

Large Containers Stack – 19,99 Euro

Online Only

Contents of this frames may be used to make one LArge Containers Stack structure. Designed to serve as a ‚hill‘ for gameplay purposes, it allows to placelarge part of armies on top of it, easily showing, which units beneft from higher ground.
Enclosed from all sides, it also blocks line of sight, giving cover to both infantry and light vehicles.

Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.

Check for digital instructions.

Approximate dimensions of one container:

Height: 7.5 cm + 8cm
Lenght: 23 cm
Width: 30.5 cm

Please note, some orders containing HDF structures may be split into a number of parcels.

Please note that Kromlech models seen on pictures are not part of this set and are sold separately.

Quelle: Bits of War


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • …mir Preislich etwas zu hoch gegenüber ähnlicher Konkurrenz, erst recht die Container. Lässt man die durchaus gelungene Bemalung weg, reduziert sich die Anmutung leider erheblich…

    • War auch mein erster Eindruck.
      Ich bin ein großer Fan des Herstellers. Gerade die Orkgebäude sind spannend vom Design/Texturen/Aufbau und seinen Preis wert.
      Das hier gezeigte ist nett. Nicht mehr aber auch nicht weniger. Gegen zb der Gothic-Serie von TT-Combat kann das hier gezeigte sowohl preislich als auch beim Design nicht mithalten

  • Da ich mich gerade durch einen Stapel an TTCombat Bausätzen pflüge (Industrial Hive) bin ich immer weniger ein Verfechter von Multilayer MDF Set. Die gewonnene Detailtiefe und Stabilität geht imo zu Lasten des Preises, Gewicht und auch Aufbau für unerfahrene Bastler.

  • Also ich hab für Turniere auch mehrere TT Combat Industrial Hive Turniertische sowie die doch deutlich teureren Sets von Alliance Armoury gebaut.

    TT Combat ist da klar mit Abstand die günstigste Variante, aber die bessere Qualität etwa der Alliance Geländesets macht den ganzen Prozess doch sehr viel angenehmer, gerade wenn man mehrere Spieltische im Fließbandverfahren zusammenbaut und bemalt.

    Keine Ahnung wo das Tabletop Scenics auf’s Preis-Qualitäts-Spectrum fällt, aber ich find’s optisch ansprechend genug, dass ich schon mal einen Tisch bestellen würde.

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