von BK-Christian | 20.09.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Studiolevel: Battlepack Kickstarter

Von Studiolevel kommt ein neuer Kickstarter.

This is a revolutionary solution for everyone who values mobility in their wargaming hobby. You can be on the move with your gaming battlefield surface and city terrain. Go where you please, store it where you want, carry it on your back, take it in your car, public transport, to your friends or a tournament and PLAY WELL ANYWHERE.

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 1 SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 2

The complete portable battlefield for your wargames. Fully modular, mousepad game mat with a resin, polyurethane modular terrain system (unpainted or fully painted) and game essential accessories. Everything is a handmade design with 3D details and compatible with 28-32 mm games scale models. The whole set can be packed into a designer waterproof backpack with laser-cut details for quick, easy, and safe transport of your new setup.

Essentials Box: 35,00 Pfund

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 3

A must-have for any wargamer. Epic dices, handmade design dice tray, tape measure and big bag for your new accessories.

This pledge does not include shipping. You will be asked to pay it after Kickstarter ends in the Pledge Manager. See the shipping section for more details.


  • 20× SL Dice
  • Dice Tray
  • Tape Measure
  • Bag

Game Mat Box: 89,00 Pfund

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 4

Fully modular, portable, mousepad city game mat for your wargames. Handmade design. Compatible with 28-32mm games scale models. Waterproof cover for quick, easy, and safe transport included.

This pledge does not include shipping. You will be asked to pay it after Kickstarter ends in the Pledge Manager. See the shipping section for more details.


  • Game Mat Tile ( 24×24″ or 30″x22″)
  • Game Mat Cover
  • All Unlocked Stretch Goals

Game Mat Box: 185,00 Pfund

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 5 SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 6

Unpainted, compatible with 28-32mm games scale models. Fully compatible portable modular system of a city terrain for your wargames. Handmade design. Felt bags for quick, easy, and safe transport included.

This pledge does not include shipping. You will be asked to pay it after Kickstarter ends in the Pledge Manager. See shipping section for more details.


  • Building Ruin
  • Trench Barricade
  • Scatter Barricade
  • City Scenery
  • Protective Felt Bag
  • All Unlocked Stretch Goals

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 14 SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 15

UNPAINTED Terrain Box + Game Mat + SL Backpack

The complete portable battlefield for your wargames. Fully modular mousepad game mat with an unpainted modular terrain system. Everything is a handmade design and compatible with 28-32mm games scale models. Waterproof backpack for quick, easy, and safe transport of your new setup included.

This pledge does not include shipping. You will be asked to pay it after Kickstarter ends in the Pledge Manager. See the shipping section for more details.


  • SL Backpack
  • Game Mat Tile ( 24×24″ or 30″x22″)
  • Building Ruin
  • Trench Barricade
  • Scatter Barricade
  • City Scenery
  • Protective Felt Bag
  • Game Mat Cover
  • All Unlocked Stretch Goals

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 7 SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 8

Up till now, moving tabletop terrain around to the place where we want to play has been problematic, to say the least, if we don’t have a game store or a gaming club in our city. Also, because of the global pandemic, we can’t even go to our favorite stores, clubs, or hobby rooms. If you don’t have an estate car, visiting a friend for a gaming night or a trip to a tournament can become an arduous process. Another thing is that often we don’t have enough room to store our terrains at home. We know that not everyone can have a dedicated space for wargaming let alone a whole room. We bet you dream of one – we also do!

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 9

Your pain is our pain too, so we’ve decided to solve these problems. We’ve designed and developed a modular game mat, a terrain system, and a carry-it-all backpack. From now on, you can easily carry your beautiful terrains and we’re sure nobody will overlook them. Find out yourself, it takes just a few minutes to take out all the elements and set up an epic battlefield. Just grab and go: walk, drive, ride. Travel with your new terrain battlepack by bike, skateboard, car, bus, train, or maybe even on a ship or airplane!

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 10

Apart from all the cool features and functions of the backpack shown in the pictures, we’d like to point out that the backpack also has a thick lining, which additionally protects your precious models and other items during transport. The lining also provides additional protection against rain.

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 11

You probably wonder why we claim that this is “the first game mat of this kind”, why we emphasize every time that this mat is unique? Here, let us explain: each module of the mat had its own prototype and it was hand-made and painted by me, taking care of every inch and every detail. Do you want to learn more? Check the clip below and decide if it’s something up your alley 😉

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 12

Das sind die Portokosten:

SL Studiolevel Battlepack Kickstarter 13

Die Kampagne endet in 9 Tagen.

Quelle: BATTLEPACK | The Ultimate Portable Modular Terrain Setup


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Platte und die Böcke sind nicht dabei?
    Schade…dachte das wäre so eine Art
    „Spiel“-Tischlein deck dich…
    Also doch nur der Knüppel aus dem Sack..enttäuschend..sehr enttäuschend.

  • Okay. Ein großer Rucksack mit dem man das Gelände und die Spielmatte transportieren kann. Und noch Platz für Würfel und Regelbücher. So weit OK.
    Aber fehlt da nicht was?
    Ach ja.
    Die Figuren.
    Für die muss ich dann wohl doch noch den gewohnten Rollenschrankkofferarmeeboxwhatever mitschleppen, sonst wird das mit dem Spielen schwierig. Und dann ist das doch nichts mehr mit dem „Einfach nur mit einem Rucksack fröhlich in die S-Bahn und alles ist dabei“.
    Irgendwie kann ich mich an keine einzige Tabletoppartie meines Lebens erinnern, wo ich „nur“ das Gelände zum Spielen hin transportiert habe. Und wenn überhaupt mal Gelände mit zu transportieren war, hat’s auch immer einfach ein weiterer Wäschekorb voll getan.
    Ich kann den Sinn von diesem Ding nicht so recht sehen.

  • Wie gut sind die denn waschbar? Wie leicht geht Blut raus? Wenn ich mir die Laser Cut Details am Reißverschluss anschaue sehe ich doch schon kommen dass da Fingerkuppen ausgeschlitzt werden weil man vergisst dass man eigentlich gerade ein Sägeblatt in der Hand hat.

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