von BK-Christian | 11.07.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Studio X: Mobile Painting Studio Kickstarter

Der Kickstarter zur Studio X Transportbox ist wieder online.

The Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio is a fantastic piece of kit, perfect for all miniature painters – from those who want a tidy workspace, to those without a permanent location to paint at, and those who love to travel with their miniature painting to friends‘ homes, local stores, workshops, and conventions.

SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 1

The Studio X is 13.25″ tall, has a footprint of 8.125″x7.25″, and includes:

  • The Studio X Brush hanger (and Wall Mount)
  • Two Studio X Wet Palettes
  • Two sides with two shelves each that can hold up to 60 paints of various brands
  • Magnetic sheeting on the shelves so they can be used for miniatures storage
  • Two Tool Trays (which can double as water cups)
  • Two Aqua-Pro foam pads for the wet palettes
  • 50 sheets of Aqua-Pro paper for the wet palettes

Plus any Upgrades we might unlock during the campaign!

SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 2

We’re Back!

Earlier this year we launched a Kickstarter campaign for the Studio X, and we soon came to realize we had launched it too early. We didn’t have a prototype in hand, we hadn’t nailed down our fulfillment house, and we hadn’t been prepared for the number of international retailer enquires we received. So, we cancelled that project and do some solid revision. We have been able to talk with our manufacturing partner and bring the overall price down a bit. We have found a great fulfillment house, so we’ll be able to offer better shipping rates AND include international retailers on the campaign. We have also found a few accessories that you all might find interesting. Things that we’ll introduce during the campaign.

The concept behind the Studio X Brush Hanger was the genesis of this whole project. We are excited that you’ll be able to keep your hanger on your wall next to your hobby area, and then easily transfer it to your Studio X when you are ready to take your painting on the road. The Brush Hanger is 6.5″ x 1.5″ x 1.5″ and comes with a wall-mounting bracket.

SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 3

We wanted the Studio X Wet Palette to meet all your needs, and so the durable, injection-molded ABS plastic kit has seven paint wells molded into the lid, perfect for your washes and inks. Once you’re done, simply wipe them clean and pack the Wet Palette back in your Studio X. The Wet Palette is 7.25″x6.5″ x 1.25″and comes with foam and paper.

We have also been able to squeeze in two Tool Trays at the top of the Studio X where you can store your clippers, glue, spare blades for your hobby knife, and any other bits you might need for a modeling project. These Tool Trays can also double as water cups when you are painting on the go!

And finally, the Side Panels of the Studio X can be easily removed, and each panel features two shelves. Each of these shelves can hold up to 15 dropper-style bottles (Vallejo, The Army Painter, Pro Acryl, Reaper Master Series) and, if you stack them, up to 12 GW-style paint pots too. This means that you could carry up to 60 paints with you!

 Brainchild and Brushes – the origin story

Studio X is the brainchild of my wonderful and obsessive wife and her need to properly store her brushes. After many DIY tries (mistakes were made) as well as trips to the hardware store, we had a basic but not so sexy design.

It was time to find the guys who turn your ideas into reality, design engineers.  We are extremely fortunate to have not only found some of the best in the business, but we are also excited that some of their engineers are miniature painters!

Not far into our journey we started to see creative genius and decided it was time to have it all.  From the hobbyist going to the local store to paint, the artist with limited workspace, miniature painting classes, and painting competitions, a complete mobile miniature painting studio was the perfect solution!

Knowing our project is made for artists, we wanted it to not only be incredibly slick-looking, but also very durable. This is an investment in your hobby. By the time we deliver to our backers, we’ll all be able to travel and gather with friends again, and bringing our painting with us will be incredibly important. The Studio X will help you do that for years to come!

After months of research and consulting with other professional miniature artists, companies, and hobbyists, we had achieved enlightenment and the solution…(insert evil laugh).  It was time to turn the madmen (design engineers) loose and bring our twisted ideas to life. Even the initial sketches, 3D drawings, and renderings were impressive. We knew we had picked „the right guys“ for our project.  A few months/tweaks/video meetings later, and we were struck with the awesomeness! Yes, yes, yes, It’s alive!

After showing some of the almost-finished drawings to friends and fellow artists, we knew we were on the right track.  A few of the responses we are able to repeat while keeping this story family-friendly are; „sexy beast“, „delicious“, „when can I get one“, and one of our favorites, „functional eye candy“.

SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 4

So here we are, ready to go, with blueprints, CAD files, renderings, and a couple of prototypes. We wanted to make this Kickstarter extra special so we invited some good friends along for the ride. What good is this fancy and amazing Studio X without fantastic primers, paints, brushes, miniatures, fantastic information, and awesome tutorials? For the miniature artist who can’t get enough of a good thing, we are teaming up with Badger, Monument, Ouroboros Miniatures, Dave Taylor Miniatures, Hobby Holder AND the legendary Alfonso „Banshee“ Giraldes!

It’s been a long journey and with so many people involved with this project, you know who you are, we need to thank everyone. We hope you like our project and join the party on the next part of the adventure. You, my friends, are the final ingredient needed to bring Studio X to life. Paint your minis anywhere!

SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 5 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 6 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 7 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 8

Infos zu den Stretch Goals:

SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 9 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 10


SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 11 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 12 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 13 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 14 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 15 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 16

Und die geschätzten Portokosten:

SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 17 SX Studio X Mobile Miniature Painting Studio 18

Die Kampagne ist fast finanziert und läuft noch 18 Tage.

Quelle: Studio X: Mobile Miniature Painting Studio


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Lösung für die Pinsel hat was, aber ansonsten ,finde ich es etwas zu teuer, um viele zu einem Kauf zu bewegen,
    denn einen Koffer für die Farben haben wohl alle und die Wettpalette passt da meistens auch mit rein. Die Grösse ist
    für viele, die mehrere, teils auch größere Figuren und mehr Farben mitnehmen zum Malen mitnehmen, wohl etwas klein.
    Eine nette Idee.

  • Es ist zwar günstiger geworden, aber für mich ebenfalls zu teuer.

    Ich habe mir einen Rucksack gekauft, der ganz nebenbei viele Fächer für Notebook/Tablet und Technik hat und der sich letztes Jahr auch bei einer längeren Auslandsreise bewährt hat. Dort gehen mehr Farben, Figuren usw rein, und ich habe knapp unter 40 Euro bezahlt. Selbstverständlich habe ich Nasspalette und Co schon, die erforderlichen Boxen und Paletten könnte man von der Preisdifferenz aber locker noch kaufen, wenn bisher keine vorhanden wären.

    Oben fehlt mir z.B. noch der Malbecher, Tücher zum abstreifen der Pinsel sowie etwas zu Essen und zu Trinken für längere Malsessions…
    ..kein Problem mit dem Rucksack.

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