von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.03.2020 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: Rogue Agents

Fantasy Flight Games veröffentlich Infos zu der kommenden Cassian Andor & K2-SO Erweiterung für Star Wars Legion.

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“Everything I did, I did for the Rebellion.”
–Cassian Andor, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Always operating under the watchful eye of the Empire, Rebel agents toil in secret to acquire every scrap of intelligence they can. Cassian Andor is one of the most dedicated—and skilled—of these agents. Willing to take on any mission in the name of the cause, Andor works tirelessly alongside the sardonic security droid K-2SO to bring an end to the Empire.

Accustomed to working in the shadows, this daring duo has earned a reputation for effectively leading surgical strikes and undercover missions. Soon you can make use of both Cassian Andor and K-2SO’s combat skills and leadership abilities with the Cassian Andor and K-2SO Commander Expansionfor Star Wars™: Legion!

This expansion puts these skilled Rebel agents at your disposal and you’ll find a variety of ways to assemble the beautifully detailed, unpainted hard plastic miniatures that represent them on the battlefield. Cassian Andor can be assembled with three distinct weapon options, including a compact blaster or his A280-CFE in either its pistol or sniper configurations. K-2SO, meanwhile, can be assembled with Jyn Erso’s SE-14 blaster in his right hand, a grenade in his left hand, or with both his hands free.

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In addition to customizing their look, this expansion provides everything you need to outfit Cassian Andor and K-2SO with a variety of weapons, equipment, comms, and more. Read on for a full look at all the ways these elite assets can be a part of your Rebel army!

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Rogue Agent

Cassian Andor is no stranger to battle. First seeing combat at six, he has become a hardened veteran who can handle the rigors of any assignment. This extensive experience has also forged him into a uniquely skilled and adaptable combatant capable of taking on any number of roles during a mission.

First and foremost, Andor’s experience as an intelligence officer has taught him to always carefully adjust his loadout based on the most up-to-date information. This means that, while building your army, for each upgrade equipped to Cassian Andor, you may choose another upgrade card of the same type with equal or lesser points cost. Then, when he deploys, you may swap any of his equipped upgrades with a set-aside upgrade of the same type.

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Swl59 A280 Cfe Sniper Config Swl59 Overwatch Swl59 Offensive Push Swl59 A280 Cfe Pistol Config Swl59 Jyns Se 14 Blaster Swl59 Crack Shot Swl59 Volunteer Mission Swl59 Last Stand Swl59 Sacrifice

This ability grants you a large amount of freedom over how Cassian Andor operates in a given battle, letting you adjust not just to the battlefield and objectives, but also to your opponent’s deployment. If, for example, you planned to have him pick off targets with his A280-CFE Sniper Config while on Overwatch, you can quickly change your plans to make him more mobile and ready to make an Offensive Push.

No matter how you choose to use him, Cassian Andor has the skills to support any strategy. An expert marksman, instead of spending aim tokens to reroll his attack dice, he can use them to improve the results, changing a blank result to a hit or a hit result to a critical result for each aim token spent. These aim tokens become even more versatile to Andor if he is carrying his A280-CFE in its Pistol Config that can use them to fire from longer range.

As effective as he is on his own, Andor becomes even better when working alongside K-2SO. In addition to being able to move across the battlefield without being attacked from beyond range 1 unless he has drawn attention to himself by performing an attack or an objective card action, K-2SO can boost both himself and Cassian Andor by calculating their odds of success. He may initially be limited to a powerful melee attack, but if Jyn Erso chooses to trust him with her SE-14 Blaster, K-2SO gains a potent suppressive ranged attack.

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Already a deadly and dynamic team, Cassian Andor and K-2SO’s command cards help them further augment their own abilities as well as those around them. When he takes a Crack Shot, for example, Andor can perform an incredible three attacks in a single round while also enhancing his own danger sense to help him stay alive in the midst of combat. If he would rather focus on the larger army around him, he can also lead a Volunteer Mission that enhances the defense of every commander, operative, and special forces unit involved.

Alternatively, he is also ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for the Rebellion at any time and he won’t go down easily. As he makes his Last Stand, Andor also gains the aim, dodge, or suppression tokens he needs to make sure his own defeat comes at a bitter cost. Similarly, K-2SO can Sacrifice himself by drawing enemy fire away from his teammates and—if the circumstances are truly dire—allow himself to be defeated to prevent enemy units from attacking them until the end of round.

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Build Hope

Cassian Andor and K-2SO can’t defeat the Empire on their own. But they can build the hope that fans the fires of Rebellion. Deliver your own hope when the Cassian Andor and K-2SO Commander Expansion hits stores later in the first quarter of 2020!

Star Wars Legion ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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