von BK-Herr Kemper | 14.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: Neue Operatives

Fantasy Flight Games kündigt für die Clone Wars Ära von Star Wars Legion zwei neue Operatives an: Padmé Amidala und Cad Bane.

Swl66 67 Boxes

„I’ll take on any job…for the right price.“
–Cad Bane, Star Wars: The Clone Wars

While clone troopers and battle droids duke it out on the front lines of the Clone Wars, agents for both sides keep the war effort alive on other fronts. A skilled politician swaying public opinion or a lone bounty hunter tracking down a high-value target can achieve just as great of a victory as the largest army.

Soon, two new players from vastly different arenas can test their experience on the battlefields of the Star Wars™ galaxy. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce two Operative Expansions for Star Wars™: Legion:

  • Padmé Amidala Operative Expansion
  • Cad Bane Operative Expansion

Relying on instincts honed in their respective professions, these operatives offer enticing alternatives to your standard battle plan. In addition to their inherent skills, both Padmé Amidala and Cad Bane are versatile units that can be customized to fit your battle plan as well as the look of your army.

Swl66 Sculpts

Aggressive Negotiator

The Galactic Senate is no place for civility. Full of politicians squabbling for their own interests rather than those of the worlds they represent, it is easy for an idealistic Senator to be cast aside. Despite this, Senator Padmé Amidala continues to fight for the principles of freedom and democracy from the floor of the Senate and—if necessary—the battlefields of the Clone Wars.

Swl66 E 5 Blaster Card Cutouts

When she does join your army, this Operative Expansion gives you plenty of ways to customize your unpainted, hard plastic Padmé Amidala miniature. Not only can you assemble the miniature with or without a cape, Padmé Amidala can also enter the fight wielding either her ELG-3A Blaster Pistol or an E-5 blaster she has looted from one of the B1 Battle Droids scattered across the battlefield.

Swl66 Padme Amidala

In addition to how you choose to build your miniature, you’ll also find Padmé Amidala a versatile unit in the thick of battle. This spirited Senator can also use her leadership skills to help other Republic units perform their best and her three signature command cards only increase her ability to bolster friendly troops. Meanwhile, six upgrade cards can improve her mobility, augment her training, and more.

We’ll take a look at everything included in the Padmé Amidala Operative Expansion in a future preview!

Swl67 Sculpts

In Control

Bounty hunting may be far removed from the halls of power frequented by Senators like Padmé Amidala, but the two professions aren’t actually all that different from one another. Both require grit, cold calculation, and more than a fair share of discretion to accomplish their goals. When the Separatist Alliance needs a task completed quickly and quietly, then, they turn to a professional bounty hunter like Cad Bane.

Swl67 Electro Gauntles Card Cutouts

Willing to take on any job with no questions asked, Bane doesn’t adhere to conventional tactics, instead manipulating others to his advantage. Of all the tools he has at his disposal, none may be more effective at bringing in his quarry than the Electro Gauntlets that pin a unit in place and leave it open to fire from other units. In addition to these gauntlets, five other upgrade cards in this expansion invite you to outfit Cad Bane with various tools for his bounty hunting career.

Swl67 Cad Bane Rotation

No matter what cards you choose, your choices can be reflected in the hard plastic Cad Bane miniature included in this expansion. This miniature can be assembled with or without Cad Bane’s signature wide-brimmed hat as well as with his dual LL-30 blaster pistols or with a single pistol and one hand activating his gauntlet’s control panel.

We’ll take a closer look at everything included in the Cad Bane Operative Expansion in a future preview!

Aggressive Negotiations

War is not won by soldiers alone. Bounty hunters and politicians all leave their own mark and soon two of the best in their respective fields can join your war effort.

Look for the Padmé Amidala Operative Expansion (SWL66) and the Cad Bane Operative Expansion (SWL67) at your local retailer in the second quarter of 2020.


Star Wars Legion ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Sehr cool! V.a. auf Cad bane freu ich mich – einer der coolsten Charaktere überhaupt!
    Ich finde es auch ne nette Idee, dass man die Minis wieder mit unterschiedlichen Teilen zusammenbauen kann. (Wobei: Gibt es wirklich jemanden der CadBane OHNE Hut baut???) 🙂

  • Ich weiß nicht was sie da technisch oder personell ausgetauscht haben, aber das Gesicht von Padmé finde ich sehr gut gelungen. Es wirkt auch tatsächlich sehr weiblich, was ja nicht immer jedem gelingt.

    • Ich habe das Gefühl, dass sich FFG bei den Clone Wars Miniaturen sehr stark an der Animationsserie orientiert. Ich finde das für den Maßstab tatsächlich auch sehr sinnvoll und stimmig und es grenzt auch irgendwie von anderen Anbietern ab.

  • Padme finde ich wirklich sehr gelungen – als generische Kommandantin sollte sie gut in meine kleine Rebellenarmee passen 🙂

    • So, jetzt ist es beschlossen. Auch wenn ich das System (leider) nicht spiele, werde ich anfangen die Charactermodelle anzuschaffen. Vielleicht über das Malen hinaus mein Einstieg in Dioramen, da gibt es schlechtere Hintergründe als SW mit denen man da experimentieren kann 🙂 Obi Wan vs. Cad Bane? Wer kann da nein sagen? (es sei denn es gibt noch einen Darth Maul, von dem ich nichts weiß)

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