von BK-Herr Kemper | 13.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: Neue Units

Fantasy Flight Games kündigt für die Clone Wars Ära von Star Wars Legion zwei neue Einheiten an: ARC Trooper und BX Commando Droiden.

Swl70 72 Boxes

„I am not just another number. None of us are.“
—Fives, Star Wars: The Clone Wars

In the infantry battles of the Clone Wars, the most elite troops often make the difference between victory and defeat. Possessing a wide range of combat skills, these troops utilize specialized equipment—and even work in smaller teams—to get the job done, no matter the cost.

Soon, you’ll be able to enhance both your Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance armies with elite units that can turn the tide of any battle. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce two new Clone Wars-era Special Forces units for Star Wars™: Legion:

  • ARC Troopers Unit Expansion
  • BX-series Droid Commandos Unit Expansion

Already versatile in the field, these special forces units are also highly customizable, inviting you to assemble and deploy the unit that fits your style. Each of the seven finely sculpted, unpainted hard plastic miniatures you’ll find in these expansions can be built with a variety of weapons and gear, opening up a wealth of possibilities for each unit. Read on for more information about what to expect in these expansions!

Swl70 Sculpts

The Best of the Best

The Galactic Republic’s clone troopers are some of the finest soldiers in the galaxy, but only the best of the best can call themselves ARC Troopers. Constantly pushing their physical, tactical, and strategic skills to the limit, ARC troopers undertake the most arduous missions on behalf of the Republic.

Swl70 Jt12 Jetpack Card

This also means ARC troopers are among the most flexible warriors in the Grand Army of the Republic, able to fire with devastating accuracy even while on the move with their JT-12 Jetpacks . When deployed as a two-man fire team, they act as a scalpel, scouting ahead to snap off deadly long-range blaster shots. As they do, eight upgrade cards allow you to tailor your unit for the specific mission parameters with additional weapons, gear, personnel and more.

Swl70 A1 Arc Troopers Art

No matter how you decide to use them in battle, you’ll find plenty of ways to customize your miniatures in the ARC Troopers Unit Expansion. In addition to multiple helmet options for every ARC Trooper, some troopers can be assembled wielding dual DC-17 hand blasters or with a powerful DC-15x sniper rifle. Finally, several troopers are highly posable as they blast into action with their jetpacks.

We’ll take a closer look at everything in this expansion in a future preview!

Swl72 Sculpts

Advanced AI

While the majority of the Separatist Alliance’s battle droids are programmed to mindlessly wade into battle, that isn’t always the case. Cunning, stealthy, and deadly in close quarters, BX-series droid commandos represent a major step forward from their B1 battle droid cousins. Equipped with superior programming and built to operate independently, they often operate in lethal pairs that can wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Swl72 Vibrosword Card Swl72 Deflector Shields Card

With an array of deadly tool available to them, these elite commando droids are known to lay traps and set up ambushes to catch their foes flat-footed before finishing them off with salvoes of fire. However deadly they are with their sniper rifles or E-5 blasters, they’ve even more formidable when battling up close with their deadly vibroswordsor deflector shields .

Swl72 A1 Vibroswords Art

Whether you use them to target key enemy personnel or plant deadly dioxis mines, the BX-series droid commando miniatures you find in this expansion are highly customizable. Several weapons options—including blasters, vibroswords, and a dioxis charge—as well as deflector shields give you the freedom to build the unit of commando droids you’ve always wanted while eight upgrade cards invite you to outfit them for your particular strategy.

We’ll take a look at all the ways you can use your BX-series commando droids in battle in a future preview!

Seize Victory

With battles taking place on planets across the galaxy, the Clone Wars will be won by the troops who can take on any mission anywhere. Prepare for any battle and seize victory with these Special Forces units!

Look for the ARC Troopers Unit Expansion (SWL70) and the BX-series Droid Commandos Unit Expansion (SWL72) at your local retailer in the second quarter of 2020.

Star Wars Legion ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ein Traum wird wahr! Die ARC-Trooper und BX-Droiden fand ich immer schon richtig cool! 😀 Sehen genial aus und haben tolle dynamische Posen. Muss ich haben! 🙂

  • Ich freu mich schon riesig auf die Erweiterungen! FFG hat ja auch schon Cad Bane und Padme Amidala angekündigt und gezeigt.
    Irgendwie wird meine KUS Armee am Ende doch größer als gedacht…

  • Geht das nur mir so oder haben die Trooper irgendwie sehr kurze Beine? Liegt das an der Perspektive oder stimmen da die Proportionen irgendwie nicht? Die sehen so knubbelig aus…

    • SW Legion ist auch kein richtiges „TrueScale“. 😉 Insgesamt sind die Minis eh etwas breiter und die Köpfe größer (wie bei GW). Zudem sind die Schulterplatten recht breit/ausladend, sodass die Proportionen noch etwas „gedrungener“ wirken.
      Muss man halt in Relation zu den (auch hier recht „dicken“) BattleDroid-Minis sehen, die in den Originalfilmen extrem dünne Arme&Beine hatten. In TrueScale würden die Arme+Beine wohl schnell kaputt brechen beim spielen…

      • Die Arc’s haben eh mehr Panzerung wodurch die „wuchtiger“ wirken und die BX-Kommando-Droiden waren auch viel besser gepanzert als die normalen B1-Droiden weshalb das eigentlich ganz gut passt. Die haben sich eigentlich wie ich finde sehr gut an die Vorlagen gehalten.

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