von BK-Herr Kemper | 11.02.2020 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Legion: AAT Battle Tank

Mit dem AAT bekommen die Separatisten einen Schwebepanzer um sich gegen die Klontruppen der Republik zu behaupten.

Swl64 Box Left

“Ouch time.”
–Captain Tarpals, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Despite declarations of neutrality, the Trade Federation is one of the Separatist Alliance’s staunchest military supporters and nowhere is this support clearer than when an AAT battle tank appears on the battlefield. Imposing in size and firepower, the AAT is the perfect complement to the Separatist’s massive droid armies.

With a powerful main laser cannon, anti-personnel lasers, and the option to add a deadly array of other weapons, these tanks often form the backbone of Separatist attack groups. Soon, you’ll have the chance to harness the raw power of these tanks in the battles of Star Wars™: Legion with the AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank Unit Expansion!

This expansion puts the might of an AAT battle tank at your fingertips, beginning with a beautifully sculpted, unpainted hard plastic miniature that can be assembled with its hatch closed or with a B1 Battle Droid operator on the lookout for new targets. Already a potent force in combat, eight upgrade cards invite you to load your AAT battle tank with a variety of shells, add specialized pilots, and outfit it with comms systems.

Read on for a full look at the AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank Unit Expansion!

Swl64 Spread

Show of Strength

The Separatist military’s strength may be based in the multitudes of lightly armed battle droids it can send into battle, but that does not mean its entire strategy relies on this numerical advantage. Instead, the AAT battle tank provides the brute strength to decimate even the most hardened clone troopers and Jedi Knights. In this role, it provides an intimidating presence that quickly draws the enemy’s attention away from the battle droids the AAT supports.

The power an AAT possesses becomes apparent from the moment one appears on the battlefield. Its MX-8 artillery laser cannon is primed to punch through even the most fortified enemy position and the lateral anti-personnel lasers can sweep up any infantry units that dare to venture too close to the AAT’s front arc.

Swl64 Cardfan Unit Card

In addition to these potent onboard weapons, the AAT can also be outfitted with two sets of shells that can be fired in conjunction with another weapon to cause even more destruction. Firing some High-energy Shells alongside the tank’s main cannon, for instance, can be an effective way to soften—or eradicate—enemy defenses from a distance. If the enemy is truly dug in, however, some “Bunker Buster” Shells could be a good way to send them scurrying into the open.

Perhaps even more powerful than the weapons themselves is the array of options the AAT battle tank has for using them in battle. Not only can it combine two weapons into a single attack action thanks to the Arsenal keyword, it can instead opt to pepper opposing armies with rapid barrages of fire. This allows it to shell opposing forces and pile on suppression tokens that will rob them of actions.

Swl64 A1 Upgrades High Energy Shells Swl64 A1 Upgrades Bunker Buster Swl64 A1 Upgrades T Series Tac Droid Swl64 A1 Upgrades Oom Series Droid Swl64 A1 Upgrades Lok Durd

Even with its complement of heavy weaponry, the AAT still functions in a fashion similar to other Separatist forces. Like B1 Battle Droids and Droidekas, its droid operators also possess the limited AI that compels them to press the attack unless they have a faceup order token, restricting their ability to position and prepare to fire. Fortunately, these operators can be replaced with improved versions like a T-series Tactical Droid that both usurps this programming and can be nominated as a commander when a friendly neutral command card is played.

Swl64 Aat Tradefedtank

Crush Them

Whether softening key targets from afar or leading the charge with its weapons blazing, the AAT battle tank is a stark reminder of the might of the Separatist Alliance. Add one to your army and conquer the galaxy!

Swl64 A1 Art

Look for the Trade Federation AAT Battle Tank Unit Expansion (SWL64) at your local retailer later in the first quarter of 2020.

Star Wars Legion ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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