von BK-Thorsten | 07.05.2020 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Spellcrow: Preview und Betaregeln

Bei Spellcrow gibt es eine neue Preview und die Betaregeln zu Argatoria.

Spellcrow Argatoria

Argatoria beta rules available here: http://utchronicles.com/ArgatoriaBetaRules15.pdf

Today we are giving you the English rules for the Argatoria battle game in the test version. Much will change in this rulebook in terms of both rules and illustrations. We’ll have to improve a lot, but we want you to be able to play. In May we will announce the release date of the game and any products that will be released for it, such as army deals and army starter sets. Soon we will create a group „Argatoria“, to which we will want to invite you 😉 Enjoy reading and testing the rules!

Best Regards,

Spellcrow Team

Spellcrow Prev

Here is the first creature that will be mounted by Reptilians very soon. It is called Scalyvar. We hope you like it 🙂

#spellcrow #argatoria #miniatures #10mm #wargames #wargaming #tabletop #sculpting #fantasy #fantasyart #fantasyminiatures

Quelle: Spellcrow auf Facebook


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