von BK-Christian | 28.01.2020 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Space Dunjon Chapter 1: Kickstarter läuft

Es gibt wieder Chibi-Minis zum Drucken.

Print and Play, using your 3D and paper printers

We at Generic Miniatures are focused on helping to expand the growing market of digital sculpts, and one area that we would like to explore is the idea of „Print and Play“, by releasing the first „Print and Play by Chapters“ Board Game 🙂

Our goal? to release a series of digital game files that you’ll be able to print at home, and have all the pieces needed to play a fun game 🙂 (with all the appropriate hardware, of course…)

The market for print and play boardgames  has increased by 300% in the last two years, and we are exited about this new area of the hobby, and our goal for this project is to an offer a simple and comfortable way to start building a new game, chapter by chapter, with the final goal of eventually having a complete game, with background stories, miniatures, game boards, and enough components to play many different fun games. To achieve this goal, we plan on launching a brand new campaign for each new faction of the game, and board game components 🙂

And we can do this all via crowdfunding, while also avoiding all the challenges faced by many campaigns, such as delays, and lengthy shipping times, by printing and playing everything at home 🙂

And what about the rules ? Here, at Generic Miniatures, we first want to focus on what we do best, and have been doing for many years for other game companies, to make new miniature sets to print and play, that we can release gradually, without getting swamped with the lengthy parts of the hobby we love…so we have first designed these to be compatible with all your favorite RPG rules, and dungeon crawler games, and maybe, even eventually our own rule sets too 🙂

And there will be lots of cool background history, cool minis, and modular game boards for you to play, that can help flesh out the game world while we continue to develop the franchise further 🙂 Because that’s want we want „Space Dunjon“ to be, a universe of treasure hunting, dungeon crawling factions inside of ancient abandoned space ships ripe for the picking, full mysteries, enemies, and monsters from another dimension 🙂

For this plan, we’ll present, and try to release first, the factions…

Planned Schedule for „Space Dunjon“

  • First Kickstarter – February – Scavengers Team Digital Release – 9 minis for 3D printing
  • Second Kickstarter (if previous KS is funded) – March – Krows Scavengers Team Digital Release – 6 Minis for 3D printing
  • Third  Kickstarter – (if previous KS is funded) April – Pirate Dark Elves Team Digital Release – 6 Minis for 3D printing
  • Fourth Kickstarter –  (if previous KS is funded) May – 6 minis for printing Enforcers Team Digital Release – 6 Minis  for 3D printing
  • Fifth Kickstarter – June – (if previous KS is funded) The Swarm Team Digital Release – 12 Minis for 3D Printing
  • Sixth Kickstarter – July – (if previous KS is funded) Monsters, Extra scenery -More minis and scenery props for 3D Printing
  • Seventh Kickstarter – Aug – (if previous KS is funded) Digital Game Boards – 8 different modular boards in PDF format for Desktop Printing.

Each Kickstarter will have a VERY VERY LOW goal, this way, each of our backers will be guaranteed to „have something from the game“ with each KS. The strategy here is to set the next Kickstarter as a project goal… For example, profits from this KS will contribute to the sculpt costs for the next faction, „The Krows“, if we reach the goal, we’ll start the sculpting of the next faction, setting the new KS as soon as we finish them… and this strategy will continue for each new faction/chapter of the game 🙂

Ok, let’s see what’s our first faction is…

THE SCAVENGERS, ( in .STL format)

GM Space Dunjon Chapter 1 1

The Scavengers are an independent group of adventurers, aliens, smugglers and martial art masters, that raid the Space Dunjons they found during their explorations among the stars, in search alien technology from another dimension, and any other valuable resources and treasures they may contain within…

The group is wide ranging and non-fixed in number… and they can either raid a Space Dunjon individually, or as a party, with the help of the whole team…

The Members are…

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  • K’wed-jon, the Wise Old Man 
  • Orosse, the Exiled Alien Princess
  • Aarlin, The Brave Adventurer
  • Oorlin, the Bold Adventurer
  • Fenz, the Scoundrel Smuggler 
  • Scott, The Hero
  •  Graw, the Fixer
  • Darla, the Space Marine
  • Gizmo, the Crazy Dwarf Inventor

Das Pledge für diese Modelle liegt bei 18,00 Euro.

Funding Goal

$200 – This will ensure we can quickly fund the minis and get them to you with ease

$2500 – THE KROWS. This money will allow us to start the sculpting of 5 more miniatures in .STL format, to be released in the next campaign. To be clear these minis WILL NOT be available in this current campaign, instead, the project goal will only mark the date to start the sculpt for THE KROWS, and they will be offered in the same way we offer the Scavenger Team, in a future campaign 🙂

Auch für Backer ohne Drucker gobt es ein Angebot:

Want this printed? Vote in this poll!

We at Generic Miniatures want to focus all our efforts in the sculpting of cool miniatures, but we want also to feed the digital-miiniature-selling market, so, to achieve our goals, at the moment we need to pass on the printing stage to customers…


We understand that there’s MANY and MANY of you that don’t have a 3D printer… So for those people… We are going to  open this poll:


Also, we’ve added the „Print Rights“ pledge, were ANYONE will be able to back us using it, and automatically, the backer will gain the rights to print and sell 75 units of this whole team of miniatures, being a 1 unit = The 9 miniatures (the minis can be sold separatedly,) (NOTE: future releases for this brand WILL NOT BE INCLUDED in this option, although future releases will have separate rights options)

The only obligation from the backer is to keep the brand’s name, the miniatures‘ original size, and the personal names of each character. And they must always clearly be shown with the SPACE DUNJON brand name in any promotional and sales material 🙂

The backer of that pledge will also have updated information from us about how many people are interested in a printed copy of these minis, thanks to the included poll… So, this will also help to give a good idea about the level of interest for any potential print sales after the campaign 🙂

Außerdem gibt es Infos zu den Augen der Modelle:

The Chibi Eyes

One of the most difficult parts to paint (correctly) on a chibi miniature, like the ones in SPACE DUNJON are The Chibi Eyes. To get a real, manga/anime/chibi eye in one miniature is a skill that can take a lot of time and skill to learn, So, here in Generic MIniatures we decided to sculpt a new kind of chibi miniature…

No, they are not blind 🙂 They simply doesn’t have sculpted eyes, in a similar way to the original Nendoroid chibi figures from Japan… so you can enhance the final quality of your paint work by doing the chibi eyes, by using two different methods…

Using a Transfer

1) Paint all the eye-zone in white, with two light black lines above and below

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Paint it yourself

If you already have the skill, then these will be perfect for you too 🙂

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Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 26 Tage.

Quelle: Space Dunjon Chapter 1 – The Scavengers


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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