von BK-Christian | 19.08.2020 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Soda Pop Miniatures: Updates zu Kickstartern

Soda Pop hatten vor einer Weile ein Update zu mehreren Kickstartern veröffentlicht, das wir jetzt nachreichen.

SP Relic Knights Kickstarter Update

Hervorhebungen durch Brückenkopf Online:

Hello Backers

This update is going out across all three of our Kickstarters: Way of the Fighter, Relic Knights, and Super Dungeon and contains an update on what has been happening at Soda Pop and Ninja for the last several  months, and updates for all three Kickstarters.

A little over a year ago our publisher Ninja Division launched the resin Masterclass Miniatures line, with the aim of stabilizing Ninja Division and Soda Pop and working towards the twin goals of fulfilling Kickstarter while providing you, our fans, with new miniatures to collect, paint, and play with.

In these goals, Masterclass has shown immense promise and proved successful in moving us forward, albeit at a “slow and steady wins the race” pace. Masterclass has succeeded in stabilizing Ninja Division and Soda Pop, and provided us room to expand upon Masterclass in its second year and begin accelerating towards the achievement of our goals.

In discussions with fans over the course of the last year, we have found that one of the biggest hurdles for Masterclass and all of our games is that there is no easy way to play! Indeed, the gap between Forgotten King’s stocks drying up and 2nd Edition’s delay and the inability to get out the Relic Knights starter were the proverbial “cracks in the dam” which led to the flood. To that end, we are adopting several new strategies to provide you with gameplay options for your existing collections and for future Masterclass miniatures.

Here is how each Kickstarter campaign is affected, and how we are working to get you playing—

Way of the Fighter

Way of the Fighter fans are fortunate, in that you already have all of your game materials and are able to enjoy fast and furious fighting action. The only outstanding items for Way of the Fighter are the miniatures.

Masterclass has allowed us to complete manufacturing for ALL of the Way of the Fighter x Super Dungeon miniatures. We have also completed approximately 50% of the traditional Way of the Fighter miniatures, and are in the process of manufacturing the remainder.

Currently, backers who make any order through Ninja Division’s webstore automatically have any rewards we have manufactured included with their order. In this way, hundreds of backers all over the world have already received their miniatures, while also getting a cool new item. You don’t need to do anything. We check each order specifically.

As we close in on completing production of the traditional Way of the Fighter miniatures, we are working on our plans to send final rewards to all backers and complete Way of the Fighter fulfillment. Timelines are constantly fluid because they are inextricably linked to Masterclass sales. As such, we can not provide a firm timeline for this final fulfillment step, but it’s getting close. In the meantime, checkout our KS Backer discount code down below for a way to get your items right away!


Es fehlen „nur“ noch die Modelle. Die Crossover-Minis zu Super Dungeon sind fertig, die regulären zu 50%. Wer derzeit als Backer etwas bei Soda Pop bestellt, erhält die bereits fertigen Kickstarter-Minis mitgeschickt.

Relic Knights

Building on the success of the Way of the Fighter model, we are bringing it to Relic Knights to begin getting miniatures in your hands! In fact, we’ve already begun the miniature build up on the first round of products.

Beginning in October, we will be including manufactured plastics, resins, rulebook digest, and card decks into any order a backer makes through ninjadivision.com. Like Way of the Fighter, we will include these items automatically, and any items being fulfilled in this manner will also be available for purchase through our store. Just like all Masterclass purchases, revenue from these products will go towards base expenses to keep Ninja and Soda Pop moving forward and the production of new items to continue the process.

While miniatures are great, the first priority is the rulebook digest and card decks. We want to make sure that you have the materials you and your friends need to start playing!


Hier ist noch nicht viel passiert, das Modell von Way of the Fighter soll aber auch bei Relic Knights genutzt werden, und ab Oktober erhalten Backer, die etwas bei Ninja Division bestellen, Teile des Kickstarter-Materials dazu. Schwerpunkt sind dabei zunächst Spiel- und Regelmaterialien.

Super Dungeon

This brings us to Super Dungeon. Needless to say, the size of Super Dungeon makes it the biggest challenge. And since it is all plastic, fulfillment in tiny bites like Way of the Fighter and Relic Knights is currently not feasible.

However, we do have two very exciting ways to allow you to begin playing games with your collection of Super Dungeon miniatures and with future Masterclass releases.


Next week sees the launch of a new range of Super Dungeon Masterclass Miniatures — Super Dungeon: Conquest.

Super Dungeon: Conquest is a skirmish system designed for your Masterclass miniatures. As an extension of the Masterclass line, Conquest provides us with a game system that veterans and purchasers of Masterclass can use their existing collections to play, while allowing us to push the boundaries of Masterclass with new miniature designs and concepts that aren’t restricted to the board game. We can also explore more of the world of Crystalia through new stories and new ways to play.

Please note. Conquest will exist purely as a living rulebook. We are investing no capital into Conquest beyond what would already go into Masterclass’ continued expansion.

Last, but certainly not least, we LOVE this style of skirmish campaign game. Super Dungeon: Arena and Ninja All-Stars beat around the edges of it and we felt both of them deserved a worthy successor.


Super Dungeon Conquest wird ein Skirmish mit elektronischem Regelbuch. Ziel ist es, die Mastercvlass-Modelle und die bestehenden Minis in kleinen Spielen zu nutzen.


Super Dungeon: Explore – Devil Island is designed specifically to get players the core materials you need to play games of Super Dungeon: Explore as affordably as possible.

Devil Island is a complete game and will include all the rulebooks, cards, dice, dungeon tiles, and miniatures that any player needs to play Super Dungeon: Explore. Unique within Devil Island is the Devil Island Adventure Book. This campaign for Super Dungeon: Explore includes narrative adventures, hero quests, unique equipment that Heroes retain from game-to-game, consul power-up cards, new dungeon tiles, and more!

The miniatures from this set will be drawn from the existing range for Clan Ijin, Momotaro and other heroes from Kagejima, and also include Saru, a new exclusive Masterclass miniature.

We are incredibly excited about this set and the possibilities it opens up for Super Dungeon going forward!

Please note. The resources required to create this print-on-demand product, which utilizes existing miniatures and Masterclass miniatures, are in no way equivalent to that of manufacturing and fulfilling the Super Dungeon: Explore 2nd Edition core game. Nor is it a replacement for that reward. Devil Island is us finding creative and cost efficient ways to provide both backers and new customers an easy entry point into playing Super Dungeon: Explore 2nd Edition.

To supplement Devil Island, we will also release a print edition of the Super Dungeon: Explore 2nd Edition core rules. This print edition will include the rulebook, mighty monster chart, tokens, and all essential cards you need to play Super Dungeon. It is designed to be easily playable by anyone with a collection of Super Dungeon miniatures and some common gaming materials such as 1-inch gridded dungeon tiles and six-sided dice. Super Dungeon Legends backers will be able to get this print edition of the core rules at cost.

Super Dungeon: Explore – Devil Island will launch this September. Super Dungeon: Legends Kickstarter backers will receive a discount on Devil Island. We want these entry points to be a way to get you the materials you need to play as efficiently and affordably as we possibly can.


Mit Devil Island kommt ein neues Einsteigerspiel zu Super Dungeon Explore. Es nutzt bestehende Materialien, und enthält ansonsten ein neues Abenteuerband und eine neue Masterclass-Miniatur.


Super Dungeon’s release cycle will be focused around new Masterclass releases for Conquest, Explore, and Arcade. More specifically, they will all be focused on giving you and your friends ways to play.

Super Dungeon: Conquest will get new and revised rules through its living rulebook. These will be supported by its growing range of Conquest specific Masterclass miniatures.

Super Dungeon: Explore – Devil Island will be followed by Super Dungeon: Arcade – Rocktop Rumble. Additional releases will focus around gameplay releases, including Masterclass miniatures, adventures, and campaign supplements (including adventures from the Kickstarter and released to you).

Kickstarter Backer Discount Code

In the current Way of the Fighter (and now Relic Knights) fulfillment model, shipping is our biggest hurdle. While shipping a batch of resin miniatures is not individually expensive, shipping thousands is a significant hurdle. To help make it easier for you to participate in the programs above, we are providing backers of each campaign with a one use $15 discount code that you can use when making your next order from ninjadivision.com.

Backers of each campaign can use the codes below. These codes are already active and linked to your account!

  • Way of the Fighter Backers Code: WOTF-KS
  • Relic Knights Backers Code: RK-KS
  • Super Dungeon: Legends Backers Code: LEGENDS-KS

If you backed more than one campaign you can use the code for each one. (e.g. if you backed Relic Knights and Super Dungeon you can use both codes, one on your first order and the other on your next order.) Only one code may be used per order and each code can only be used a single time.

The code is associated with your ninjadivision.com account that was linked to your kickstarter email. If you have problems using the code or accessing your account, please contact us at info@ninjadivision.com.

Thank You!

We know the Kickstarter road has been rough and rocky. The Dark Consul and the Darkspace Calamity have been in full force for some time now, however we here at Soda Pop and Ninja Division do not know the word “defeat” and continue pushing ever forward.

We would like to thank all of you for your patience, the kind words of encouragement we have received, and for your support of the Masterclass miniature line and us. You have made it so that the first year of Masterclass has been a success that we can build on together.

As you can see, our emphasis for this second year of Masterclass is on getting you ways to play games with your collections. The success of these plans, and their ability to continue making gains towards Kickstarter fulfillment, relies a great deal on you playing games and enjoying the new content we are working hard to create for you. The more people we have playing games the faster we can move to each fulfillment step and ultimately move on to the next exciting adventure!

Thank you.

Kurzzusammenfassung und Einschätzung:

Super Dungeon Explore wird wohl noch eine ganze Weile nicht in der geplanten Form bei den Backern ankommen. Die neu vorgestellten Projekte sollen bei minimalem Aufwand möglichst viel Kapitel beschaffen, um damit die Verpflichtungen des Kickstarters zu finanzieren, bis das kompßlett durch ist, dürfte aber noch einige Zeit vergehen.

Quelle: Relic Knights Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Sehe ich leider genauso. All diese schönen Worte dienen meiner Meinung nach nur dafür, das verärgerte Kunden dennoch weiter kaufen. Ich habe zwar zum Glück nur 2 Minis gewollt, aber dennoch ist ex mies. Dazu kommt, dass ich deren Qualität leider schon kenne und nun nach dem 3D drucken, kann ich nur sagen, dass diese Minis bei mir direkt bei Ebay landen.

  • Sehe ich ähnlich. Wie sollen die nochmal eine Produktion der Minis anstossen, wenn die 1. Charge wirklich aufgrund von Steuergründen vom Produzenten vernichtet wurde.

  • Es ist und bleibt ein Schneeballbetrug… Der ganze verdammte Verein sollte endlich Bankrott anmelden und von der Bildfläche verschwinden. Ist zwar Mist für die ganzen Backer aber dann könnte man unter das Kapitel SodaPop endlich einen Schlussstrich ziehen anstelle auf die nächste Geldbeschaffungsaktion zu warten in der Hoffnung das endlich Kapital für das was man wirklich wollte zusammen kommt.

  • Ich bin ja auch frustriert, weil ich doch bei deren ganzen Kickstartern mitgemacht habe.

    Immerhin muss ich ihnen zu Gute halten, dass sie mir alle Way of the Fighter Crossoverfiguren zu SDE mittlerweile geliefert haben. Ich musste nicht mal selbst bestellen. Es reicht anzugeben, das ein Kumpel von mir eine Bestellung bei ihnen tätigt und sie haben meine Minis seiner Lieferung hinzugefügt. Die Qualität der Minis, Masterclass Resin, ist auch sehr gut. Ich hoffe scho, dass es irgendwann mit dem Rest auch noch klappt. Rechnen tu ich nicht damit aber über alles was noch zu mir schafft freue ich mich.

  • Der Confro-KS kippt, viele Kommentare, Guido Ball verabschiedet sich, viele Kommentare,Soda Pop/Ninja Division / Super Dungeon „was auch immer“ (Explorer, conquest, etc)…… interessiert keinen mehr.

    • Das Scheitern oder zumindest die offizielle Mitteilung von Confrontation und Guildball waren auch ziemlich aktuell. Das Sodapop/ND Pleite sind und erst mal nur wenig bis nichts aus ihren KS ausliefern zieht sich ja jetzt schon eine Ewigkeit hin. Da werden die meisten wie der Eingangspost von Torb schon resigniert haben und vieles wurde dazu ja schon geschrieben.

  • Zum Glück habe ich damals beim KS von Relic Knight2 doch nicht mitgemacht obwohl viele der gezeigten Render wirklich stark fand.
    Trotzdem hoffe ich irgendwie das sie wieder auf die Beine kommen und noch Relic Knights 2 rausbringen in guter Resin Qualität und nicht wie RK1, auch wenn ich es mir einfach nicht vorstellen kann.
    Vor allem welcher Händler stellt sich die noch mal ins Regal?

    Wenn jemand einen Hersteller für solche Anime Sci-Fi Figuren kennt in guter Qualität dann würde ich mich freuen.

  • Ich habe mich eigentlich auch damit abgefunden, dass ich die Minis aus Way of the Fighter nicht mehr sehen werde. Falls es doch dazu kommt, auch schön 😉

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