von BK-Herr Kemper | 30.06.2020 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Sarissa Precision: Schiffe

Sarissa erweitert das Programm und hat neue Schiffe im Sortiment.

Sarissa Precision Schiffe

Sarissa Precision – Schiffe

Ahoy shipmates! With the summer rain hammering down on our roof recently it was only natural that our designer, Gary, launched a boat over to us. A customer request inspired the design, perfect for any D&D adventure!

In fact, we have built up quite the range of ships, starting with our small Roman fleet then expanded by our American Civil War Ironclads and paddle steamers, all rounded out with a range World War Europe landing craft.

Over in Dark Ops, we also have a small but growing range of some rather larger sailing ships, ideal for Dungeons & Dragons or GURPS adventures, not to mention some more ACW Ironclads. Far too nautical for me so for now…

Keep safe and washing your hands, TC

L028 1

Elven Boat – 28mm – 7,50 GBP

Prepare your vessels for a mighty journey. Will you use it for the Tel’Quessir Sea Elf adventures in GURPS or will your children of Ilúvatar set sail for Valinor?

You can be sure that this small Elven like vessel is ideal for making a swift crossing in D&D, Oathmark or any other fantasy setting…

Burrows and Badgers anyone?


Dhow 2Dhow 1 Dhow 3

Dhow – 28mm – 17,50 GBP

Baghlah, Ghanjah or Kotiya known by some as the mule of the sea. This type of Dhow was built for trading across the deep-seas with a crew of 30 plus men and would be seen from the coast of East Africa to the Arabian peninsular, the Bay of Bengal and beyond.

Sporting two to three lateen sails and supplementary sails like a jib, this heavy but sleek craft could clip along at 9 knots and be well-liked by Merchants and pirates alike. They can even be seen plying their trade in our modern-day waters.

T085 1T085 2 T085 4 T085 3 T085 5

Roman Fighting Ship with Corvus – 28mm – 42,50 GBP

Roman fighting ships such as this were the linchpin or Rome’s dominance of the Mediterranean and beyond. Fast and manoeuvrable, they often achieved victory by ramming enemy vessels.

The Corvus will lift and turn, and the castles are removable…

Link: Sarissa Precision

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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